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Senior cats

  1. Older cat eating lots but losing weight - Answered by Dr. Van Lienden
  2. Geriatiric, Diabetic Cat
  3. Early Stage Kidney Failure in Cat
  4. My vet is 99% certain my cat has intestinal cancer
  5. Tabitha peeing again!!!!!!!!
  6. Question about cat throwing up
  7. Neoplasene and Side Effects
  8. Arthritis in cats
  9. CRF, HyperT and HBP in my 14 yr old kitty
  10. 16-year-old cat in serious pain?
  11. Bomber is sick
  12. Put a feeding tube in or not, that is the question
  13. Growler,Hyper T and Rocky!
  14. Possible to overdose on Omega 3's?
  15. Kidney Disease in cat or something else?
  16. C.J. - weird behaviour
  17. Cat Extremely unwell
  18. Hyperthyroid cat - weak hind legs ;_;
  19. Homeade raw diet for kitty with CRF
  20. OLD and Dear Kitty Loosing Weight (getting real bony)
  21. What are the options for kitty arthritis?
  22. Not sure What is wrong .....
  23. euthanasia --IV Catheter or just injection?
  24. 21 yr old kitty
  25. RAPID weight loss
  26. Sleeping in litterbox, lethargic, etc.
  27. Is liver problem back???
  28. Circling and circling
  29. CRF kitty constipation
  30. Older cat with bowel problems... please help!
  31. Diabetic boy's kidney declining?
  32. question about feline anemia
  33. SSRi's for cats
  34. Peeing Trouble
  35. Feline cataracts
  36. Appropriate next steps for sr. cat with heart murmur
  37. Tabitha and her whining???
  38. Cat with blood in stool
  39. Need advice re: appetite
  40. Recurrence of constipation after subtotal colectomy
  41. Switching to canned food
  42. Should he be put down?
  43. Excessive grooming
  44. cat with early kidney disease
  45. Elevated WBC
  46. Is my 16 year old cat with renal failure suffering?
  47. Vet bill
  48. re-occuring anal sac rupture
  49. Mrs. Kitty my CRF Cat only will eat discontinued food
  50. Flea Treatment for CRF cat?
  51. CRF Cat Still Losing Weight :(
  52. Cat Limping; PLEASE HELP!
  53. Lump Between Shoulder Blades
  54. Bone tumor
  55. Advice please about my Crf cat
  56. *Extremely* high bloodwork levels (vets stumped)
  57. Growth on cat's face
  58. Sr. Kitty makes Old man mouth smacking noises
  59. small soft lump under cat's tail
  60. Can Fleas cause low platelet and white blood cell count?
  61. Low lymphocyte count
  62. Has anyone used ANIPRIL
  63. Chico going gray?
  64. 17yr old cat
  65. Cyproheptadine For Appetite Stimulation For My CRF Cat?
  66. SCM,took Chico to the vet..
  67. Cartrophen Vet Injections for Senior Cat Arthritis
  68. Cat losing weight
  69. 14 Year old cat losing weight and peeing everywhere but her litter.
  70. My oldest cat diagnosed with Chronic Renal Insufficiency
  71. Just back from E-vet with Tabitha
  72. looking for house call vet, in Ottawa area
  73. 17 year old main coon (male)
  74. Injured 12 year old maine coon cat
  75. bladder stones + CRF
  76. Putting a 14 year old cat on a diet:tips
  77. Tiger needs help
  78. Cat had bad reaction to new bag of Lactated Ringer's
  79. 14 year old cat, weight loss
  80. No more meow
  81. vomiting after being on meds.
  82. Back Leg weakness in 19 year old cat
  83. How do you find out if your senior cat is going blind?
  84. 12 year old cat, hair loss in clumps with scabs
  85. Feline-Calico-13 yo...confusing issue/health
  86. worst day ever - cat kidney failure questions- Growler still around?
  87. How did your cat react to IV treatment for CRF
  88. 20yr old male tabby
  89. 15yo female cat just dxd w/asthma, now having seizures?
  90. Help! Is my cat dying is there anything I can do??
  91. Older Cat issues?
  92. 15 y/o HT tiny kitty, weak hind legs - HELP!
  93. Mild joint pain
  94. Kidney failure diagnosis - possible misdiagnosis?
  95. NEW: Diagnosed with CRF advice and suggestions appreciated deeply
  96. Excessive meowing on water!
  97. Barely eating-blood and urine normal
  98. alt level extremely high in my cats blood test
  99. My kitty lila
  100. Hypertheroid Symptoms...Tests Say No
  101. Papilloma in my persians ear
  102. 10 yr old cat with compound fracture needs surgery
  103. Bloody Urine
  104. Sorry to repeat questions....
  105. 2yr old cyst on 18 year old's paw
  106. Help talking to my roommate about her cats pooping everywhere
  107. won't. stop. meowing. at. 4AM!!
  108. wet food for kitten with kidney problems
  109. Skin/fur "issues"
  110. Second Opinion
  111. Cancer or Not? Leukeran or not?
  112. Senior Cat with IDB
  113. Fatty Liver Disease - Please help, guidance needed.
  114. cat teeth
  115. Cat slight cholesterol
  116. 18 years; Sudden gimp in hind leg comes and goes
  117. 15yr old female treated for roundworms still not doing well
  118. Thyroid issues in cats?
  119. Review needed - Cat death
  120. Mega colon
  121. Tuna for cats
  122. Howling cat
  123. Senior Cat with Glaucoma, can't take her to the vet
  124. Questions about Mirtazapine
  125. Dementia
  126. Poor Coco Kitty!!
  127. Sam's CRF/CKD is Worse - new vet as well
  128. Phew Bobee is Fine
  129. Maine Coon with swollen lymph nodes
  130. Ahhh Coco!!
  131. Senior cat with kidney infection(?)
  132. Bad Teeth, diet, special care considerations?
  133. Collecting Urine Sample
  134. Enticing Sick Cat to Eat
  135. Senior Cat Teeth
  136. teeth/gum issues
  137. Dry skin and excessive shedding in 14yr old female.
  138. wet runny mucus leaking from my cat's bum
  139. 9 year old cat won't eat
  140. Oily fur on cat
  141. Senior cat losing weight after switching to feeding times
  142. Z/D Recommended ; Zane won't eat it
  143. 17 yr Old Cat - Stroke Victim?
  144. Vicious behaviour
  145. 18 yr old Cat with IBD
  146. Should I Shave Him?
  147. Senior cat meows at night
  148. Old Cat with Odd symptoms. I need help making a choice.
  149. Incurable explosive diarrhea
  150. Cats and aspirin
  151. Behaviour Change in 13-15 year old cat
  152. Cat Milk and Senior Cats
  153. Prescription Foods Canada
  154. Nosebleeds in a cat
  155. Feeding tube or let him go - E-tubes for cats
  156. Saddle Thrombosis
  157. Cat peeing because she's mourning?
  158. Gumball size lump on cheek - Acne ?
  159. Sneezing cat
  160. searching for natural treatments for Kidney failure
  161. Cat not eating after taking prednisolone?
  162. Seizures and Forebrain Brain Tumor
  163. 13 year old cat renal failure UTI medication dr wants me to use.
  164. Vomiting Regularly
  165. Elderly cat with dementia now peeing when scared
  166. Hepatic lipidosis, pancreatitis, feeding tube, 15 year old cat
  167. Maybe a stroke or maybe vertigo?
  168. Unexplained limp, lethargy and loss of appetite.
  169. Cat with IBD, constipation and UTI
  170. Daily cough and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus.
  171. Remedies to coping with ear polyps?