Dog Articles

Dog Separation Anxiety

Article on separation anxiety when dogs are left alone

Dogs are social animals. They form strong attachments (sometimes too strong) to other dogs and people. Nowadays with an owner’s long hours out of the house and busy schedule, it is very important that they train their dog to stay …

Dog Tails – Docking Tails

Should we dock (cut) dog tails?

Many people don’t really understand what tail-docking is and there is actually a big debate about the practise of tail-docking. People question whether or not it is humane. Perhaps after this article, you can understand what the argument is, decide …

Dog Tails – General Information

Dog tails - tail wagging in dogs - is Canada's source for info on pets including dogs cats birds and more. We have articles and information, pet store, free petsites, ask the vet, contests, breeds and breeders, bulletin board, dog parks, lost and found, pet cemetery and more.

Many people understand that a wagging tail means a happy dog. But is it really that simple? What else does a dog’s tail tell us? The dog uses its tail as an important means of communication and is evaluated along …

Dog tails – tail wagging

Dog tails - tail wagging in dogs - is Canada's source for info on pets including dogs cats birds and more. We have articles and information, pet store, free petsites, ask the vet, contests, breeds and breeders, bulletin board, dog parks, lost and found, pet cemetery and more.

Many people understand that a wagging tail means a happy dog. But is it really that simple? What else does a dog’s tail tell us? The dog uses its tail as an important means of communication and is evaluated along …

Dog Tails – Why Dogs Wag their Tails

Excerpt from How To Speak Dog by Dr. Stanley Coren

“….In some ways, tail-wagging serves the same functions as our human smile, polite greeting, or nod of recognition. Smiles are social signals, and human beings seem to reserve most of their smiles for social situations, where somebody is around to see them. Sometimes, vicarious social situations, as when watching television or occasionally when thinking about somebody special, can trigger a smile. For dogs, the tail wag seems to have the same properties. A dog will wag its tail for a person or another dog. It may wag its tail for a cat, horse, mouse, or perhaps even a butterfly. But when the dog is by itself, it will not wag its tail to any lifeless thing. If you put a bowl of food down, the dog will wag its tail to express its gratitude to you. In contrast, when the dog walks into a room and finds its bowl full, it will approach and eat the food just as happily, but with no tail-wagging other than perhaps a slight excitement tremor. This is one indication that tail-wagging is meant as communication or language. In the same way that we don’t talk to walls, dogs don’t wag their tails to things that are not apparently alive and socially responsive.

A dog’s tail speaks volumes about his mental state, his social position, and his intentions. How the tail came to be a communication device is an interesting story.

Dog Training – Breed Differences

Dog training - breed differences by Dr. Bruce Fogle DVM

Breed Differences

Humans have been breeding dogs for at least 10,000 years. Dogs were originally bred for behavior and ability, such as hunting, herding, and guarding, but in the last 200 years they have been bred primarily for their size, …

Dog Training – Dog Training at Home

Training your dog at home by the Dumb Friends League

Training at Home – Part 1

Putting Together a 5-minute Training Session

Training Tips

Much of the training you do at home will occur during every day interactions with your dog. For example, when your dog jumps up, you should …

Dog Tricks – Dog Training Level 1

Some basic dog tricks

It is always a pleasure to have guests over that enjoy the company of your pooch. Better yet, have guests that enjoy the company of an entertaining well-trained pooch. Training your dog is not only great for proving that your beloved pet is better than your typical dog next door, but it will be useful during emergency situations when you need your dog to be reliably obedient. By teaching tricks, your dog’s confidence will grow and his/her mentality will remain sharp into the golden years. It is a great way to build a strong relationship with your pet. Remember, it is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.

First of all, choose a suitable location to train your dog. The area should be free of distractions that will disrupt your pet’s concentration. Training sessions should not be regarded as play sessions. Your dog must be taught that these periods of training are serious and that he/she will be allowed to play to his/her heart’s content once the session is over.

Next, consider what to use as a reward. Food treats may be used, but try not to depend solely on food to train your dog.

Dog Tricks – Dog Training Level 2

More advanced dog tricks and dog training

Once you’ve mastered basic dog tricks (people call them dog tricks but many of these are part of obedience training) such as “sit” and ‘”lie down” you can easily move onto other dog tricks. Some dog tricks are really just for fun and for bonding with your dog, but other dog tricks are really important. These ‘tricks’ can save your dog from injury or worse.


Another extremely important command is the ‘come’ command. It is most important when you want your dog to come to you in case of an emergency, like before he/she runs onto a dangerous road. You want your dog to come to you under any circumstance, so it is important to associate the ‘come’ command with positive rewards and use it in as many situations as possible. For example, use the command to call the dog while he/she is playing in the dog park. Instead of using the come command only to end the play session, reward the dog and then allow him/her to return to his/her friends. The dog will then realize that by coming to you, his/her play session will not necessarily end.

Dog Urinates in Home

Article on house soiling in dogs.

A pet owner’s greatest frustration is often inappropriate elimination in the house. When the beloved family dog starts to use the living room as his own personal restroom, owners are understandably distraught. Aside from the monetary and time costs of …

Dog Vaccination

Why we need to vaccinate dogs

Our pet’s health is extremely important to us. As a result, we try to do everything possible to ensure that they do not get sick. One of the most important and effective ways to prevent infectious diseases is to vaccinate …

Dog Walking

Dog walking doesn't have to be a chore

Who ever said that walking your dog should be a chore? Your dog, your companion, needs exercise every day. If you’re going to do something every day, you may as well enjoy it. Maybe you’re in the wrong mindset, or …

Dogs – Canine Rivalry – Dog Fighting

What you do with 2 dogs that don't get along

Canine rivalry refers to repeated conflicts between dogs living in the same household. Animals that live in social groups establish a social structure within that group. This social structure is hierarchical and dogs determine their place in the hierarchy through control of and access to various resources, such as food, toys and attention from people. A stable hierarchy in which each individual knows and accepts his rank provides dogs with a sense of comfort and belonging. Conflicts arise between household dogs when there is instability in the social structure; that is, when the ranking of each dog is not clear or is in contention. Dogs may warn each other initially by snarling, growling or snapping, but not causing injury. However, the conflict may sometimes intensify into prolonged bouts of dangerous fighting, which may result in one or both dogs being becoming injured.

Ongoing canine rivalry is potentially dangerous. Dogs or human family members could be severely injured as a result of fighting. Because resolving rivalry problems requires managing the dogs’ somewhat complex social behaviors, it’s often necessary for owners to obtain assistance from a professional animal behaviorist. Certified animal behaviorists are trained to observe, interpret and modify animal behavior.

Dogs – Clicker Training

Article describing basic clicker training principles.

Clicker Training – What is a Clicker ?

A clicker is a small handheld noisemaker that makes a distinct “click” when it is pressed. Clicker training is a subset or restricted application of OPERANT CONDITIONING.

Clicker training is merely a …

Dogs – Nothing in Life is Free – NILF

Be a good boss - make your dogs work for their treats

Does your dog: Get on the furniture and refuse to get off? Nudge your hand, insisting on being petted or played with? Refuse to come when called? Defend its food bowl or toys from you? “Nothing in life is free” …

Dogs and Cats with Retained Baby Teeth

Usually baby teeth fall out before adult teeth grow in. What happens if the baby teeth don’t fall out? Retained puppy/kitten teeth (‘baby’ teeth that don’t fall out) are very common. A retained tooth is not a life-threatening issue, but …

Dogs and Glaucoma

This article discusses glaucoma in dogs as well as treating a dog with glaucoma

You may have heard the word ‘glaucoma’ and know that it is a disease of the eye. But if you’ve ever wondered what exactly it is and how it develops, this article might shed some light on the subject. Simply speaking, glaucoma means that there is increased pressure in the eyeball, along with a nerve problem that causes that eye to become blind. Glaucoma may be a primary problem, where an abnormality in the eye itself causes the problem. It can also be a secondary issue where an underlying disease or condition causes the pressure in the eye to increase, thus leading to glaucoma. The presentation of the disease can either be acute (sudden), chronic, or even congenital (the animal is born with it). A few breeds that often get glaucoma are Bassett Hounds, American and English Cocker Spaniels, Siberian Huskies, Toy and Miniature Poodles, and many more.

Dogs and Hybrid Vigour

Mixed breed dogs have fewer health problems

Why does is seem that certain breeds of dogs are more likely to develop specific health problems than other breeds? For example, why are Doberman pinchers more likely to have heart problems than other breeds? You may or may not be familiar with the term “hybrid vigour”, but you have probably run across this concept before. In this article we will discuss how this term can be used to explain why various dog breeds are predisposed to developing certain health issues.

How are dog breeds created? If you think about it, all dog breeds descended from a single ancestor related to the modern wolf. The Chihuahua and the Great Dane, as well as the Yorkshire terrier and the Bull Mastiff all came from the same genetic background.

Dogs and Infertility

This article discusses infertility in dogs and why some female dogs fail to conceive

There are several reasons why a female dog (a.k.a. a bitch) may fail to conceive. The following will be an overview of some of the main causes, as well as why reproduction is unsuccessful in these dogs and possible ways …

Dogs and leg amputation

Dogs and leg amputation

What would you do without a leg? It’s hard for most humans to imagine life without a leg. It would prevent us from doing many of the activities that we love to do. Many people have trouble dealing with the amputation emotionally and physically. Leg amputation is not common in people, which is a good thing, because it is a life-altering surgery. What would you think if you were told that leg amputations in dogs are not the same as leg amputations in people? Yes, the surgery is the same, but dogs rarely have the emotional or physical problems that people have. In fact, dogs adapt very well and surprisingly quickly to life on three legs!

Leg amputation means the total removal of the leg. It may be a front or a back leg. There are a few reasons you might decide to have your dog’s leg amputated. The three most common reasons are; cancer, damage, and cost. Many leg cancers are very aggressive and can destroy bones and muscles in the leg.

Dogs and Poison

What do do when your dogs eats or ingests poison

You come home one day from a long day at work and you see a chewed up bottle of pills lying on the floor. At first you may be a bit confused, but then you look at your dog, look at the empty bottle, and it all makes sense. Your dog just ate a bottle of pills!

Don’t panic. This article will teach you the steps to take when your dog eats something that it shouldn’t such as pills, cleaning agents, or rat poison. This can be a very scary moment, the kind of moment where your stomach knots up in fear. If you have a basic plan of action, you can help ensure that your pet has the best chance for a good recovery.

Call your veterinarian. But, before you call you must gather a bit of information first. This information will be essential in helping your veterinarian make decisions about how to handle the problem. The two most important pieces of information your veterinarian will need is the original drug package and an estimated time of when your dog ate it.

Dogs and the parvovirus

Treating parvovirus in dogs

It starts with a little bit of diarrhea. But within 24 hours your puppy starts having severe diarrhea and is vomiting. It becomes depressed and looks very sick, and refuses to eat. You get very concerned and rush it to …

Dogs Cats and Endoscopy

Endoscopy is a test that allows vets to see inside a pet's body

Veterinarians have many different types of tests that they can use. Most of the time, a few tests are combined in order to diagnose a problem that your pet has. These tests include everything from blood work and x-rays to CT scans and MRIs. One test in particular is called ‘endoscopy’. Endoscopy is a test that uses a very small video camera that is placed on the end of a long, thin, flexible rod. The rod with the camera on the tip is called an ‘endoscope’. In order for the video camera to work properly, the endoscope may inject air (for example in the digestive tract) or water (for example in the nose) into a body cavity.

Dogs Crates and Relaxation

This article talks about crate training and choosing a crate for your dog

Relaxing in your favorite chair is a pleasure you look forward to. A crate can provide just the same haven of comfort to your dog. It’s natural for a dog to use a den as a refuge, and a crate can serve as an excellent substitute becoming a warm, safe, quiet hideaway.

Good crate training can make both your life and your dog’s much easier. If you introduce him to the crate in a positive manner, it can become a valuable tool for you as well as a source of security for him.

Dogs with osteochondritis dissecans

Osteochondritis Dissecans in dogs

There are many reasons for a dog to have a sore leg. For example, it could have stepped on something sharp. If your dog looks like it is in pain, it is always a good idea to take it to …