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Singapore Cats

Singapore Cats

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All about Singapore Cats

Pet Tip

Cat Bite Wounds – Pet tip 181

Cat owners that let their domestic housecats roam outside run the strong risk of having their cat bitten by another cat. This is especially true and very common in denser city areas where domestic outdoor house-cats come into frequent contact …

Clodya K.
Province, Country:
QC, Canada
Date of Birth:
Not Provided
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
Not Provided
Eye Colour:
Not Provided

Dear all Animal Lovers,
I am looking for temporary foster homes in the Montreal area for my 9 cats that will be arriving from Singapore at the end of the month of April until my companion and I find a home.  All of the cats were rescued from a very young age and they are all litter trained, clean, sterilised, microchipped, and all have their vacinations.  Of course, if they were not in good health they would not be able to come to Quebec.  If anyone is interested in helping me save my Singaporean cats, please email me at clodyakennedy@hotmail.com.  I would prefer to have them fostered at least by couple so the shock of moving country will be lessened.  If you want more information about the drain cats of Singapore please make a search for them on Google.  You will understand why these cats deserve to be saved.  Thanking you in advance for your loving, kindness, and compassion.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Clodya Kennedy

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