Browse by Pet Name: All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Browse by Owner Name: All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name | Breed | Owner | Date Added |
Wiggles aka Wiggs | Puffer fish | RedRaven | 2013-06-23 02:33:20 |
Chief | German Shepard | Karriquill | 2012-01-14 02:35:51 |
Hamilton | Chinese Dwarf | S.J.H.T. | 2011-01-15 16:36:56 |
Georgia | Guinea Pig | Leah Sudermann | 2010-11-21 20:48:32 |
Juliette | Guinea Pig | Leah Sudermann | 2010-11-21 20:40:28 |
Winston | Dwarf bunny | Leah Sudermann | 2010-11-21 20:26:11 |
Patrick | Quarter Horse | Emma | 2010-04-29 13:38:54 |
CRITTERCRYPT | CRITTERCRYPT | | 2009-11-21 20:24:57 |
Taz | Ferret | Kayla | 2009-11-11 17:45:00 |
Puck | Pamela | 2009-04-20 12:44:37 | |
Marbals&Oreo | teddybear hamster&miniture lop rabbit | Tessa | 2009-04-19 11:29:20 |
Marbals | TeddybearHamster | Tessa | 2009-04-19 00:39:25 |
Oreo | Miniture Lop Rabbit | Tessa | 2009-04-18 20:10:20 |
ohpee | Golden | Lori | 2008-09-18 19:04:07 |
Diego | Patternless | Ryan | 2008-07-17 01:27:24 |
Dizzy | Normal | Ryan | 2008-07-17 01:22:41 |
Dudley | Bearded Dragon | Mushie | 2008-05-15 16:55:12 |
Tina and Tom | Capuchin Monkeys | monica | 2008-04-13 15:03:39 |
Charles | Hamster | Jess | 2008-04-07 18:57:39 |
Chili & Beanz | Chinchillas!!!!! | Stephanie | 2008-03-11 19:34:16 |
Marina the Fennec | Fennec Fox | Marina | 2008-02-28 20:40:23 |
Foxy the Fennec | Fennec Fox | Foxy | 2008-02-27 23:00:08 |
Max | Cat | Sandra | 2008-02-12 16:02:40 |
no name | oriental fire belly toads | steven | 2008-01-10 00:43:49 |
no name | oriental fire belly toads | steven | 2008-01-10 00:43:32 |
no name | white's tree frog | steven | 2008-01-10 00:37:39 |
Glass skinks | glass skinks | steven | 2008-01-10 00:29:56 |
Mango | Leopard Gecko | Carley | 2007-11-14 18:34:50 |
Galaxy | Leopard Gecko | Jessica | 2007-10-15 21:08:08 |
Galaxy | Leopard Gecko | Jessica | 2007-10-15 21:04:00 |
Chaos | ferret | Jessica | 2007-08-07 15:01:56 |
Spunky | ferret | Jessica | 2007-08-07 14:59:38 |
Berty | Hampster | Tabathe | 2007-02-01 17:25:33 |
tessa | lhasa apso | kennedy | 2006-12-10 21:36:26 |
tessa | lhasa apso | kennedy | 2006-12-10 21:36:08 |
Inuyasha | ferret | Jessica | 2006-11-21 19:28:19 |
Jack | Anery Corn Snake | Jen | 2006-11-09 20:49:18 |
spud | bearded dragon | jen | 2006-10-09 11:31:12 |
Shadow friend | Rabbit loppy Eared | Coraleee and Peter | 2006-08-25 20:57:01 |
Smokey and The Bandit | Maine Coon - Miniature Schnauzer | Cheryl | 2006-07-28 20:26:51 |
Jonas | Paint Horse | M | 2006-06-16 15:12:03 |
Rosa | Paint Horse | M | 2006-06-16 15:05:16 |
Jeeves | Paint Horse | M | 2006-06-16 14:20:02 |
Amazon Princess(Keely) | American Miniature Horse | M | 2006-06-16 07:32:26 |
Amazon Explorer(Billy) | American Miniature horse | M | 2006-06-16 07:24:22 |
Amazon Girly(Tiny) | American Miniature Horse | M | 2006-06-16 07:14:56 |
Sassy | kinkajou | Martin | 2006-06-16 07:12:56 |
Amazon Jillian(Jilly) | American Miniature Horse | M | 2006-06-16 06:52:52 |
Nemo | American Miniature Horse | M | 2006-06-14 16:28:42 |
Nemo | American Miniature Horse | M | 2006-06-14 16:28:27 |