
Pet Podcast

57 – Breed Specific Legislation in Montreal

57 – Breed Specific Legislation in Montreal

Pet podcast #57 features an interview with Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy for the MSPCA (Montreal SPCA). In this episode we discuss the topic of BSL (breed specific legislation) or as Alanna likes to call it BDL (breed discrimination legislation) in general and how it is affecting Montreal.

Additional BSL resources:
Animal Farm Foundation:
Best Friends:
PBRC (Pitt Bull Rescue Central):

You can download this pet podcast directly by clicking the first link in this post link or listen to it almost immediately, with the embedded player below. This podcast is 00:19:15 in length.

Pet podcast 57 – BSL


3 Responses to this Article, So Far

  1. Avatar Wendi GG says:

    Thank you very much for an excellent, educated pod cast! I hope we hear further from Alanna on this topic as well as other important animal issues. Education is key – thank you Marko as well for taking the time to do this with her!

  2. Avatar Veronica says:

    Good podcast and appreciate the perspective Alanna. This is a hot topic and an emotional one for many. While I very much support the education elements, I think every perspective needs to be qualified with an opinion as there is a subjective element to this. Cheers, V.

  3. Nice blog. Thanks for the useful tips that have been provided in this blog.

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