October 2009

Dear Petlover,

Hi there it’s Marko, one of the owners/administrators on Pets.ca and this is our first Autumn newsletter of 2009 so happy fall; the heat is has left but the fall colours are here. We intend to put out only 1 newsletter every second month or so, so rest assured you will not get bombarded with mailings. If you think you know another pet lover that may like our newsletter, please just forward this email to them and ask them to sign up on almost any page on Pets.ca. Our past newsletters are always located here on Pets.ca but our latest newsletter is only available by subscribing by free subscription in the yellow navbar on almost every Pets.ca page. If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to email them to newsletter ( A T ) pets (Do T) ca (please use the correct formatting) Now, onto some pet info.

Featured podcast (audio recording)

Vaccinating Dogs

Vaccinations are a big topic these days and vaccine protocols have changed over the years. Common questions concerning vaccines include; what is a vaccine, why do we vaccinate, over-vaccination and allergic reactions to vaccinations. Dr. Lee discusses these topics and provides extra information on vaccinating dogs as well. This podcast is all about vaccinating dogs, the next one will cover cat vaccinations.

You can listen to these recordings easily by clicking the embedded player at the bottom of each particular post. Click here for the Dog vaccination podcast.

A podcast is simply audio (similar to a pre-recorded radio program) that you can listen to on your computer or on an mp3 player like an ipod any time you like. At this time we have recorded 50 shows and many of them are interviews with specialists like the trainers from Tenderfoot Training and Dr. Lee our amazing podcasting veterinarian.

We realize that some people may still be confused about podcasting so if anyone has questions feel free to email me personally at marko (a T ) pets (D O T) ca – Please use the correct email formatting of course.

Just Answer – Fast answers from a live veterinarian 24/7

Although Pets.ca offers tons and tons of free pet information, sometimes pet lovers need a quick answer from a vet. Even though we associate with different vets including the amazing Dr. Lee, when you need an answer from a vet lickity split, you need a place to ask the question. We have just partnered with Just Answer for this very purpose. They always have vets online to help for a small fee. Full disclosure: This link gives Pets.ca a standard affiliate amount that helps support our site.

Advertise to 4,000 petlovers

Thanks to all of the petlovers that have told 2 friends about our newsletter and to everyone that has sent us private messages and emails telling us how much they like the newsletter. This newsletter now goes out to approximately 4,000 subscribers and new subscribers join daily. We want to keep this newsletter in its current format and so we are offering 2 spots for small sized ads; one spot will be at the very top of this newsletter the other spot will be to the right of this text. Please contact us for details if you are interested.

Pet Photography

Photography on Pets.ca – There are many places to see cute pet photography on Pets.ca including our Free cat webpages and Free dog webpages. We also have a special forum just for pet photography in our bulletin board, where each month we set up a challenge or theme. It’s all fun and it’s all free and here are just a few pictures from the summer. Here’s the July 2009 Photo Challenge – Pets and Flags and the August 2009 Photo Challenge – Mouths and/or noses. This month’s challenge is October 2009 – The colours of fall and pics from that challenge will go in our next newsletter. Thanks to growler, Chaser and Melinda (July 2009 challenge – top set) and Gail_P, sugarcatmom, wdawson, babymomma, Joeyjoejoe and Spatx (August 2009 challenge – lower set) for the use of their pics in this newsletter. Please note: There were MANY pix that we did not use even though we wanted to. We only use pictures that members from our pet bulletin board have allowed us to use by posting in this list. Please add your name if you want us to consider your images (it’s fun and free).

July 2009 Challenge – Pets and Flags

August 2009 Challenge – Mouths and/or Noses

Pet Videos

Pet videos are so cute and so much fun that we have decided to add pet videos to our bulletin board. We’ve only just started adding a few videos but the ones that we’ve added are likely to make you smile. One that is busting with sweet cuteness is Rat Loves Cat. Anyone can see all the videos but in order to comment, you need to be a bulletin board member (it’s free).

Dogs and Their Dewclaws

Many dog owners often ask their veterinarian whether their dog’s dewclaws should be removed. There are several situations in which removal is advantageous, and owners should consider their dog’s lifestyle when making such a decision.

Dogs are a digitigrade species, meaning that they walk on their digits. A dog’s paw has four digits that make contact with the ground and on almost every front paw and occasionally on the back ones, there is an inside digit higher up that does not make ground contact. This digit is the dewclaw, a vestigial structure that is non-functional or has some function in some breeds. Most dogs have dewclaws on their front paws only, and it is rare to find them on their back paws.

You can read the full Dogs and Their Dewclaws article here.

2 cute gifts for pets and pet lovers

New products for pet lovers have recently been added to our store including our new Cupcake crystal charm. We have also added a new pet ID tag that looks like a conventional dog tag with a bite taken out of it.

Suggestions Welcome and Our No Spam Policy

We love to get feedback and suggestions. That’s the best way we can improve and give you the information that you want. Please send any suggestion or feedback to newsletter ( a T) pets.ca. (Please use the correct standard email formatting)

The people that put together this newsletter are pet lovers NOT spammers. At Pets.ca we absolutely hate spam. We hate getting it and we never send it on purpose. If by chance you received this newsletter and did not want it, we apologize. Clicking the unsubscribe link assures that you won’t get this newsletter again.

© 2009 – Pets.ca – all rights reserved