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Old October 26th, 2005, 02:00 AM
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Exclamation Photo resizing--help????

I am having trouble with resizing my photos, and since I'm not that computer literate, I'm not quite sure how to say what the trouble is...

I have 2 different programs I can use to resize my photos. One is the Kodak program that came with the camera, and it resizes by % of original size. This is fine, but in order to get a file size <100kb, I end up with tiny, nearly thumbnail-sized pics.

If I use this other photo editing program that I have, I can specify # of pixels in height and width, say 500 pixels by whatever width would keep the original ratio. But then, the photos, although larger, appear all pixelated and blurry.

Is there any way I can have my cake and eat it too? I see Rick's nice large clear photos and I just can't figure out, with any consistency, how to produce this!

I tried the program that was recommended in the technical problem thread, but I started having comp problems immediately after installation so I uninstalled. Are there any other programs that will do this for me?

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Old October 26th, 2005, 09:42 AM
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maybe this will help -

Typically the problem is the resolution of the image. If the image is scanned to high or it was taken on a high quality setting from the camera - it will be too large.

For the web, 72 dpi or ppi (dots per inch - pixels per inch) is plenty - but for printing, 300 or more is usually needed to get a decent print. Basically 300 crams much more information into every inch which is NOT needed on the web.

Therefore if you change the resolution down it should work.
just change the width of the image to say 350 or 400 pixels max and that should do it.
or reduce the file size by a percentage.
or save the image as a lower quality jpeg.

Personally when I upload files I will resize the image to 350 pixels in width. By changing the width the height AUTOMATICALLY changes. Then I will choose a jpeg setting of 30 or 40. This gives me a beautiful picture for the web that is rarely over 40k.

make sure though that when you are changing 1 value - that the other values are changing as well. So when you change the resolution - the width and height of the image are changing as well. Or if you are changing the width (like I do) that the height is changing as well. There SHOULD be a check box (maybe it's called resample image - or constrain porportions) to do this.

The fuzziness you speak of is almost surely due to the fact the other values are not changing when you are changing 1 of the elements.

I hope that helps.

If others can add to this to make it more clear, please do.


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Old October 26th, 2005, 09:58 AM
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Thanks for your reply...
You said:
make sure though that when you are changing 1 value - that the other values are changing as well. So when you change the resolution - the width and height of the image are changing as well. There SHOULD be a check box (maybe it's called resample image - or constrain porportions) to do this.
That's what I meant, in my bumbling way, when I said:
I can specify # of pixels in height and width, say 500 pixels by whatever width would keep the original ratio. But then, the photos, although large enough, appear all pixelated and blurry.
This way, I adjust either height or width, and the other adjusts automatically to keep the original proportions. However, the pic then appears very poor quality. Maybe it's just that program?

Using the other program I have to reduce by a fixed %age (75, 50, 25), I just get tiny photos if I resize to be less than 100kb. The original file sizes are 2576x1932 pixels--overkill for web posting, obviously--but I just can't figure out why my pics look very very different depending on which program I use to resize

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Old October 26th, 2005, 10:21 AM
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In your first scenario - it SEEMS like the resolution is ALSO changing. This should not happen. if there are other check boxes on that page - experiment with them. when downsizing an image properly it should not be fuzzy.

For program 2

this does happen - make sure that when the photo is downsized YOU are looking at it on your computer screen at 100% visibility. Enlarge the window that the picture is in to be sure. an image of roughly 2500x1900 pixels reduced to 25% is VERY ROUGHLY 600 x 400. That image is definitely NOT tiny.

I would call either of the program's technical support line (if they have one) or google that program for specific info.

If anyone else can help...please do.



as an example this image is 550 x 305 pixels. The file size is 39.4 k
It's not the sharpest picture (but that has a lot to do with the chosen aperature on my camera during the shot) but I would not call it fuzzy.
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Old October 26th, 2005, 11:12 AM
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If anyone else can help...please do.
LOL, is that ever a cry for help! Thanks for helping though.
For program 2
...an image of roughly 2500x1900 pixels reduced to 25% is VERY ROUGHLY 600 x 400. That image is definitely NOT tiny.
I agree about the size--but a pic that I resize using the Kodak prog. down to 25% is 644x483 pixels AND is still a file size of 356KB. So I keep resizing until I get <100kb, so I can post it, and I'm down to barely bigger than a thumbnail.

The other program because for whatever reason does change the resolution, but because of that, it also produces a smaller file so I am able to post a decent sized image.

I guess the problem lies in that I can't figure out how to control either of these programs to balance image size with quality. I get either one or the other.

I would call either of the program's technical support line (if they have one) or google that program for specific info.
Talking computers makes me want to bang my head against the wall, but I will try calling the kodak people for help.

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Old October 26th, 2005, 11:15 AM
Prin Prin is offline
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Do you have Microsoft Picture Manager? It's really easy from there. You can either resize or you can compress, and it gives you the kb amount after compression. When you change stuff, sometimes you have to save it for the changes in kb to show up.
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Old October 26th, 2005, 03:43 PM
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The program that comes with HP's scanners and printers is also good. As is Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. I use one of the 3 depending on what computer I am on but if you can keep smaller resolution (there is really no need for 600 dpi for the avg users like us - I mean we are not graphic artists, well speaking for myself anyway, lol). I agree with Marko- when you scan or take the pict, check to see what resolutution it is set at. Or change the res after.

But the 3 programs I have tend to let you keep the quality of the image when you resize it. And that works for me b/c it is not at all complicated and I'd rather program some complicated code than try to work with graphics, lol

Good luck!!
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Old October 26th, 2005, 06:54 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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The simplest program is Irfanview. You can get it free at www.irfanview.com
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Old October 26th, 2005, 07:37 PM
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Well, after figuring out that the kodak software does NOT allow for resolution changes, and the other program I have is just plain defective, I discovered yet another program installed that I can use--and this one allows for both resizing and quality adjustments. I'm hoping now I can post photos without a million different adjustments and edits of my posts to get the photos the right size, resolution etc.

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Old October 26th, 2005, 10:39 PM
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Good luck!! The program Lucky rec'd IS good with the added benefit of being shareware. I find Paint Shop Pro to be just as effective. Equally good - for my needs anyway - is this free program called Photo Plus

Under its Color and Input/Output Options , you can change the resolution.

I hope this all helps. It took me ages to get photo resizing and edting down pat - and most of the time, it still only works when I am lucky. The 1st photos of YY I uploaded were hazy and not great - taken with a digital camera so I could only blame the photographer (me) and not the software of the image editor.

Have fun!!!
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Old October 27th, 2005, 11:48 AM
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I think I have fully resolved these issues. For my latest thread full of photos, all appropriately resized and with good resolution, click here. Thanks for all your help!!!!!

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Old October 27th, 2005, 05:37 PM
Rick C Rick C is offline
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Originally Posted by shannonRN
I think I have fully resolved these issues. For my latest thread full of photos, all appropriately resized and with good resolution, click here. Thanks for all your help!!!!!
Just saw your post to open the thread . . . . thanks for the comments.

Glad you got things squared away.

If it helps, I use Photoshop Elements 3.0 which is like the junior version of that program. It has most of the features of the bigger version and is much, much cheaper. I think it was about $125 or something.

Nice pictures.

Rick C
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Old February 24th, 2011, 10:53 AM
psyclop psyclop is offline
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I use photoshop fo that myself, but an easy way is to upload the picture
at photobucket and it is very easy to do it there
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Old February 24th, 2011, 11:56 AM
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Hi, I tried http://www.picnik.com/ and it worked for me, but I just used the free section.
Can I make a suggestion? Make a COPY and use that copy to make photo bigger/smaller etc. I have tried in the past altering a photo on different web sites and then ended up losing my original.
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