How to set up an aquarium
Aquariums are a low-maintenance, allergy-free, and elegant approach to keeping pets. Before you run out and buy a bag of fish, however, it’s important to understand and set up the tank and its equipment. Currently there are a wide variety …
Behavioural environmental and fish quantity considerations
Once you have furnished your aquarium with the correct equipment and cycled the tank, you can start the most exciting step of setting up a new tank: stocking the community. This may include the fish you have already used to …
You probably bought some fish from the pet store because you enjoy watching them. You don’t intend to breed or sell your fish, nor do you plan on having anything terribly fancy. Keeping fish is easy, right? But lately you …
Many people choose an aquarium as an allergen-free, quiet and low-maintenance alternative to other types of pets. In general however, your interaction with the fish is limited to watching them swim around and eat. Fish will even learn to anticipate …
Differences between freshwater and saltwater aquariums
Many aquarists are inspired to take up the hobby when they first see a well-kept marine tank (saltwater), with its exotic corals, swaying anemone, and flashy tropical fish. However, the costs and considerations when first setting up this type of …
Basic goldfish information
Even though goldfish aren’t the most exciting pets to keep when there are other choices like cats and dogs, goldfish make a great starting pet for kids, especially young kids. Many families go through the dilemma where the kids want …
What's involved in fish floating and sinking
Fish are an exceedingly popular pet because they provide their owners with countless hours of relaxation by doing what they do best – swimming. Most people however are likely not to know the answer to an obvious question; how are …
Overfeeding fish kills fish
Overfeeding is the number one cause of fish loss, and it’s not hard to see why. It is easy to forget how small our pet fish really are, and the fact that their appetites are not the same as ours. …