Pet Nutrition

Barley Apple Cinnamon Cookies

Dog treat recipe – Barley Apple Cinnamon Cookies – From Better Food for Dogs

NB: This recipe is for doggie treats. It should not constitute the primary diet of your dog, and is not suitable for cats.

Barley Apple Cinnamon Cookies

Makes about 1 lb (500 g) of cookies

  • Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C)
  • Nonstick baking sheets – Food processor
  • Rolling pin – Pizza cutter

2 cups barley flour 500 mL
2 cups whole wheat flour 500 mL
1 tsp ground cinnamon 5 mL
1 cup water 250 mL
1/2 cup chopped cored apple 125 mL
2 tbsp canola oil 25 mL
2 tbsp blackstrap molasses 25 mL
1 large egg 1

  1. In a large bowl, combine barley and whole wheat flours and cinnamon. In a food processor, combine water, apple, oil, molasses and egg. Puree until smooth. Pour over dry ingredients and stir until well incorporated.
  2. In the bowl and using hands, knead until dough holds together. Transfer to lightly floured surface. Using a rolling pin, roll out dough to about 1/8-inch (3 mm) thickness.
  3. With a fork, poke holes all over the surface of the dough. Using a pizza cutter or a sharp knife, cut dough into bite-size rectangles or squares. Place about 1/2 inch (1 cm) apart on baking sheets.
  4. Bake in preheated oven, in batches if necessary, for 20 minutes or until firm. Place pans on racks and let cool completely. Reduce oven temperature to 300 F (150 C). Bake for 30 minutes longer or until hard.

Transfer cookies to a rack and let cool completely. Store in a tightly sealed container for up to 30 days.

Excerpted with permission from Better Food for Dogs A complete cookbook and nutrition guide. David Bastin, Jennifer Ashton and Dr. Grant Nixon D.V.M. Published by Robert Rose Inc.

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