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Hot Spots - temporary remedy please!!!

June 16th, 2006, 02:52 PM
Briggs has what I believe are hot spots.

She has a vert appointment for Wednesday first thing - I have her on the cancellation list for tomorrow, so if someone cancels we're in...

Anyway.... does anyone know of a temporary fix for this?? I'd like to try and ease her discomfort in the mean time.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

June 16th, 2006, 02:59 PM
I know when I tell you mouthwash (listerine)your going to say wow doesn't that sting? Trust me, just dab it on with a cotton ball it dries it up and thats what you want it to do, I know many,many people that do this including myself, it inexpensive and if they lick it it won't hurt them ( it'll give them minty breath), hope this helps, where on the body is the hot spot?

the gang
June 16th, 2006, 04:08 PM
when my cocker was alive, her grommer told me to use gold bond, belive me it worked for her, you need to dry up hot spots not keep them moist, good luck keep us posted.

June 16th, 2006, 04:57 PM
I am with Libby Listerine or Apple Cider Vinegar they dry it out and take the itch away. Not harmful if ingested. Hey SammieC how are Briggs and the baby I haven't seen you here in a while.

June 16th, 2006, 07:31 PM
Harley has them too, it seems as if it is a yearly thing. He has allergies that causes this. I refuse to put him on steroids, so I have started giving him benedryl. Prob;em is, hot spots can be due to allergies, or something internal...But my dog gets the best food, and raw meat, so I do not think changing his diet will help. so I am trying with allergies. I will keep you posted on what works for him

June 17th, 2006, 10:22 PM
Have been using 'Veterinarian's Best' hot spot itch relief spray for years and it instantly cools the area and stops the itching. Ingredients are tea tree oil, chamomile and aloe vera. Get mine at Pet Valu or Berry's but any similar product with the first 2 ingredients should do the trick while you're waiting to see the vet.

June 19th, 2006, 09:25 PM
Hi Robin!!!!! How are you!? I don't spend much time here anymore, I try and stop in a couple times a month and read up! How are you and the boys doing!?!
Briggs and Carter are so great together! She just adores him! I couldn't ask for a better companion for my baby!!! Thanks for asking!!! :D

As for Briggs, I was really worried about the spots, like I said in my OP I was on the cancellation list for the Saturday morning and the vet sqeezed us in (I love him!!!!!!)

He was baffled by the marsk on my poor doggy. He didn't think they were hot spots, but more of an allergic reaction. Since she's at the right age for the allergies to develop.
He's given her cream to stop the pain as well as pills that she needs to take 6 a day!!
Hopefully this works. I have to call back on Friday and give him an update, and then if it's not cleared up in a month... then we have to do an elimination diet and find out if it's food related... then we go from there.

Please keep Briggs in your thoughts... she's just not herself these days... sad and kinda moping... I know she's in pain and I feel so helpless for her. :(

I'll keep you updated!

June 21st, 2006, 12:06 PM
The medication that the vet has Briggs on is called Vanectyl-P. It's a "very potent" corticosteriod that is an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces itching.
Has anyone had any experience with it?

I've noticed that she's had a few of the side effects - increased eating, drinking and urinating, she's sluggish and lethargic - I was concerned about that, so I read up on it.

It says too that in rare cases it can cause aggressiveness. That kind of worried me.

I haven't been walking her at all the past three days because even when I take her in the backyard to play ball she just watches it roll away. Which is VERY odd for her.

I have to call the vet on Friday with an update of her condition.

June 21st, 2006, 04:38 PM
I refused this drug, Vanectyl-P it is a steroid, I refuse to allow Harley to injest it. What I have been using and works wonderfully is a product called chlorihexidene. Buy it for 8$ at a pharmacy.....They use this just before surgeries.....Give it a try

June 23rd, 2006, 02:53 PM
I'll look for it. Thanks.

If anyone cares, or is even reading this;

I've put a call into the vet again. I decreased the dosage as I was supposed to on she has a fresh spot on her side. I don't think the medication is working.

I am getting really concerned and was hoping that we would need to do any more invasive testing... but I think that may be the case. There is something wrong... I just wish I knew what it was.