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Ninnie baby/ Holly

Ninnie baby/ Holly

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All about Ninnie baby/ Holly

Pet Tip

Dogs and Cats that Drink Too Much Water – Pet tip 240

Water is the elixir of life and it is essential to all living things. Our pets need to have access to water at all times and their water bowls should be filled with fresh water every single day. When our pets don’t get enough water dehydration can occur. Sometimes though, our pets drink too much water and although we know that water is good for our pets, too much is too much. Serious health problems can occur when our pets drink too much water. Sometimes the reason they drink so much stems from psychological or behavioural problems; other times the reason is medical. Either way, drinking too much water is dangerous for pets.

When a pet drinks too much water, its urinary system is also affected. What goes in must come out so thirst and urination are naturally linked.

Missy Gamble
Dry Prong
Province, Country:
LA, United States
Date of Birth:
Not Provided
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
red/black spray
Eye Colour:

This is Holly's last daughter Ninnie Baby and a new puppy, Holly named after Ninnie's deceased mother Holly she can be seen in the pet cemetary. Their owners are very good people and spoil them. Means a lot when you find people that takes a puppy you know they are going to be well taken care of and most of all love very much. Penny and Tim have brought Ninnie over for visits and she still knows where she came from and us. But it was very sad to find out that Ninnie Baby couldn't have puppies of her own. They got Holly this Christmas 2002, and Ninnie Baby thinks and cares for her as if she was her mother. It was so touching to get a letter and these pictures of both the dogs.

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