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All about Chip

Pet Tip

Tip 53 – Dog sticks its head out the car window – Car travel with your dog.

Many people travel with their dogs in the car and we often see dogs with their heads sticking out the window. Although the dog does enjoy this, it is not recommended at all. Passing cars or busses can approach too …

Ceri Peacey
Province, Country:
BC, Canada
Sheltie/Border Collie X
Date of Birth:
Not Provided
Not Provided
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
Tri Color
Eye Colour:

Chip is a big fat heroic matchmaking dog. We fell in love at first sight, but I already had a beautiful Sheltie named DJ. Chip was determined to become part of my family.

One summer day, while dog-sitting Chip, he tried to save my life while I was swimming at the waterfalls and almost drowned during the attempt.

Later that summer, while my dog DJ and I were leaving, he decided to make a run for it. I was calling DJ and suddenly I heard the clicking of heels running across the kitchen linoleum, down the deck, around the fence, finally landing with a thud in the passenger seat of my car. The owners said "take him for a sleepover" and that was that.

A short while later I moved to a farm. During one of our walks Chip bolted after a cat onto farm property. Petrified he'd get shot I ran after him and almost knocked over the cat's owner, a lovely man named John, who I later married. I can't thank Chip enough.

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