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Pet Tip

Where to buy cats and dogs – Pet tip 152

Choosing to bring a new dog or cat into your home is a big decision. It is likely only after months of planning and careful consideration that you will feel ready to finally pick up your new pet. Where you …

Michael K.
Province, Country:
QC, Canada
Not Provided
Date of Birth:
Date of Death
Not Provided
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
Not Provided
Eye Colour:
Not Provided

The people
that share one's name can be deceiving and unkind, a son or daughter raised
with loving care may prove ungrateful, even someone's dearest friend might
turn against him or her and become a bitter rival. Money, love and success
come and go; alas even time will not halt momentarily so as to catch our breath.

The one absolute, unselfish friend that a person could have in this selfish
world. The one that would never desert you, the one that never proves ungrateful
or treacherous is a pet, and in this case my pet cat Candy.

She stood by me in poverty and prosperity. In health and in sickness, she
kept me entertained, even on occasion would help me to realize my own insanity.
She was always strangely aware of when I would be sad and she would respond
in solace right up to my grief for her end.

you're lying in your sun Candy baby!

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