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Hamilton the Dog

Hamilton the Dog

How cute is Hamilton the Dog?

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All about Hamilton the Dog

Pet Tip

Tip – 14 – Submissive urination in dogs – Submissive urination is not a house training problem

Dogs are genetically programmed, to live in a hierarchical group. Some dogs are more dominant, and other dogs are less dominant or more submissive. Normally dogs will accept their owners as the leaders of the pack. They are in essence, …

Richard Kiernan
Province, Country:
NC, United States
Great Pyrenees
Date of Birth:
September 2007
Coat Colour:
Eye Colour:

Time for an update. He's working me to death! It's MY job now, to help him A) get the mail; B) take out the trash; C) Watch the yard for the deer, and bark to let them know I want to play also.  He thinks I'm a brainy dog because when he and Mom are having meals, I get up and go in my room (they call it a 'krate', but 'room' sounds SO much more elegant.) I do it because I get a cookie for not lusting for human food, plus I know that soon the words will come, "Surprise on Hamilton, surprise on Hamilton" and I'll get a big bowl of goodies for being good!
I STILL love going for walks, each Saturday, we do the 5-mile hike directly alongside a tennis facility, and it's ANOTHER job for me to pick up loose tennis balls and carry them to Pop to put in a bag. Then when we go to a Dog Park, we can leave some balls for less fortunate dogs.
Excuse me now, I see the king sized bed is empty and we ALL know what that means! Ssnnnnoooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....................................

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