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Pet Tip

Service Dogs and Autistic Children – Pet Tip 253

Dogs help humans in so many ways. They help with companionship, with tasks that they carry out for us and sometimes they help make every day living much easier. Perhaps the best demonstration of this fact is when dogs help people with disabilities. Many of us have seen dogs helping blind people and many have heard of dogs that feel when a seizure in an epileptic person is about to occur and then protect them from injury. Dogs can also help aid autistic children and parents of autistic children in many ways as well. Recent studies suggest that the prevalence of autistic children in Canada may be 1 in 165 children or higher. Therefore, many people may well personally know of an autistic child in their extended family, or know of friends or acquaintances that have an autistic child. So how can dogs help these autistic children?

The National Service Dogs (NSD) organization in Ontario Canada, is one of the best organizations that specifically help train dogs to make the lives of autistic children better. You might be wondering how a service dog can be useful to autistic children

Audra Collins
Province, Country:
Not Provided
Date of Birth:
August 1993
Date of Death
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
Eye Colour:

To my beloved kitty. You and your sister Nellie were our first pets, we loved you very much. We were honored to have you in our home for 15 1/2 years. I will miss your sweet voice and your companionship. I hope to see you again one day. I love you Nadine.

Love Mama

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