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All about Tiggy

Pet Tip

Tip 71 – Cat purring – Why do cats purr?

Purring is the rhythmic vibrating sound that all cats can produce when they are in a content state. It is an instinctual response in domestic cats that can be seen at the onset of life when the newborn kitten purrs …

Karen Staples
Province, Country:
Not Provided
Date of Birth:
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Coat Colour:
Mixed brown, black, white, red brown
Eye Colour:

Tiggy is a spoilt princess - and she knows it! She has her own chair with her bed in it, and no visitors are allowed to move her out of the chair lol!  She wakes me up in the morning by putting her paw very softly on my face, and staring down at me, it's so sweet that it's impossible to get cross with her for it - even if it is 6am! She looks forward to me having my dinner as she knows she's usually in for a treat, her favourites being ham, and chicken.  She is a fussy madam, and will go hungry rather than eat any food with gravy, and is a 1 out of 10 cat, that hates a very popular brand of cat food!! Her favourite toy is her santa tickler that her human grandma got her for this christmas, she goes crazy chasing it.  She is a house cat, and is very content, she shows no interest in going outside. She is my little sweetheart, and I love her to bits. Oh, and you may have noticed from the photo she thinks she's a model, and is always posing for the camera lol!

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