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Pet Tip

Cherry eye in dogs – Pet tip 122

Any owner of a dog who has had “cherry eye” will tell you that it is not a pretty sight. Perhaps you have witnessed it yourself and have seen the large red mass bulging out of the inner corner of a dog’s eye, from which the name ‘cherry eye’ originated. While not the most visually appealing condition (for the owners or the afflicted dog), cherry eye is actually a fairly common and benign occurrence in many breeds of dogs.

Though it may appear somewhat like a tumour or even an awfully big bug bite, the ‘cherry’ on your dog’s eye is actually a prolapsed (or popped out) gland. Known by veterinarians as the nictitans gland, this gland is present in the third eyelid of dogs and aids in the production of tears. Unlike humans, many animals possess this third eyelid which closes horizontally across the eye to provide extra protection and moisture.

Tina Steele
Province, Country:
ON, Canada
Shihtzu X
Date of Birth:
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
Eye Colour:

I am an extreme suck. I am happiest sitting on my mommy's lap. I love to sleep with other members of the family as well. The words "treat" and "supper" quickly get my attention. My favourite chew treat are pigs ears.
The only thing I hate is when I am not getting all the attention. I have first priority for laps. I am a Princess afterall.
My favourite chew toy is a bunny my Nana bought me.
And my most embarrasing moment is when I ran into the glass door trying to go outside.
I am hoping to produce a litter of pups soon with my shihtzu boyfriend , whom also lives with me. He's cute sometimes, but childish most times....well you know....MEN!!!!

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