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Pet Tip

Cancer in Cats and Dogs – Pet tip 230

The word cancer scares the heck out of most people. Most of us know someone that has had cancer and many of us know of friends or family members that have died of cancer. In terms of a basic definition, …

Joanna Eglin
Province, Country:
Not Provided
Cocker Spaniel
Date of Birth:
Date of Death
Coat Colour:
orange roam
Eye Colour:
light brown

We had got you from Cocker spaniel rescue, you were such a funny little boy, we used to say you were almost human! you would let anybody in but bark like mad when they wanted to leave. you would pick a carrot over a bone and hated walking. But it was your funny little ways that made you so special. You were 5 years old when you came to us and 8 and a half when you were taken away from us. You passed away peacefully  but suddenly with liver failure on Thursday 11th Dec 2003 at 23.30 you had only been ill 24 hours. We all looked after you right to the end.You loved showing off as your picture shows! We loved you so much, I thought my heart would break but you brought us so much happiness and left us with wonderful memories.I got a little staffordshire Bull Terrier, we have named her Maisie-Jayne, now ,not to replace you but to ease the pain we were going through no dog could ever replace you our brave little boy We will always remember you for giving us the greatest gift of all......Love Thank you for being you xxx



Good night and god bless you my dear little dog

"Gone but never forgotten"

Loads of hugs, love, pats and kisses

Love Mummy, Daddy and Emma   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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