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Pet Tip

Kitten Development Stages – Pet Tip 249

When we bring a kitten home for the first time to adopt it as a pet, it should be between nine and twelve weeks old. This is so the kitten has a chance to spend time with its mother and so that the kitten becomes socialized with its littermates and learns proper kitten behaviour. But what happens before the kitten comes home? This article will outline some of the important milestones in kittenhood in an effort to familiarize you with some of the stages of kitten development.

Kittens are born blind and deaf and they remain that way for around the first fourteen days of their lives. They use their sense of smell to find their way toward their mothers for nourishment and heat. They really need to stay close to their mothers for these first few weeks as they are unable to regulate their own body temperature. The umbilical cord typically falls off after the first few days of life.

Natalee Reese
Province, Country:
IN, United States
American Shorthair Mix
Date of Birth:
Not Provided
Not Provided
Coat Colour:
Eye Colour:

I'm FeLV+, but I'm an only kitty and have been doing okay for the 5 years since my owner got me from the pound. We used to worry a lot about when I would get sick and die, but I just keep hangin' on, so I just try to live every day to the max... I like to sit in the windowsill and look at the world outside. If my mom tries to leave the windows open, I push out the screen and slip outside to wander around. Makes her a little crazy, but a kitty's gotta do what a kitty's gotta do, right? I also like to run into the bathroom anytime anyone's going that way and jump up on to the sink and beg for them to turn on some cold water for me to drink, even though mom always keeps my water bowl full. There's just something about gettin' your very own licks from the sink. I've still got my claws, but I'm pretty good about not being destructive. Though there is this beagle in my house... *evil kitty grin* Since I'm all white, every picture my mom gets of me seems to be fuzzy or blurry.... see for yourself here: http://www.geocities.com/ndr76/kitty.html. Well, this has all been fun, but now I have to go take a nap and then barf on the carpet... somewhere between my mom's bed and the bathroom ought to be good...

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