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All about Nugget!

Pet Tip

Tip 47 – Cat marking by spraying and urination

The phenomenon of cats marking their territory, especially indoors, produces anxiety for many cat owners. The very first thing to know is that cats are not malicious or sneaky; They don’t go around marking objects by spraying to irritate you. …

Esther Nairn
Province, Country:
BC, Canada
Domestic SH
Date of Birth:
Coat Colour:
Orange & White
Eye Colour:

What's up! My name's Nugget and my mum adopted me from Toronto Cat Rescue. She was fostering me at first but I made her fall in love with me. Someone wanted to adopt me but my mum couldn't stand to let me go so we made it official. We've been together for about a year and a half and she still needs to hug and kiss me all the time, but I put up with her.
I'm not allowed outside but I do enjoy hunting ants and dismembering fur mouse toys. My favourite toy was a plastic cockroach, but I chased it under the stove one day so that's where it lives now.
My favourite place to hang out is the tub. Sometimes I drink out of the toilet but that makes my dad unhappy. I don't think my mum has ever said the word 'no' to me.
My mum thinks that some boys must have been mean to me before I was rescued, because I don't like men. When my dad first moved in with us I refused to come out from under the bed for a week! But I couldn't get rid of him, so I learned to put up with him even though he's really jealous of me. My mum tried to explain to him that unless he grows a luxurious fur coat like mine, he's not going to get as much snuggles. Anyway, I discovered he gives expert tummy rubs so we're best friends now.
I eat special food after my mum freaked out when I had to stay at the vet's one night because of my bladder. That's okay - I love my crunchies! I don't really care for treats except tuna juice - I won't eat the meat, but I sure love the juice from the can, which I drink like a soup. Yum!

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