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Browse by Owner Name: All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Name Breed Owner Date Added
Lexus Red Nosed Pitbull Renee 2005-03-17 18:59:29
Lexie Lou Love Chocolate Lab Dana and John 2006-01-15 23:16:12
Lexi (F ) / Zak ( M ) Bichon Shih Tzu Shauna & Brad 2003-07-31 07:49:33
Lexi Dalmation Frencheska 2003-05-20 10:24:36
Lexi Mixed Peter 2008-05-20 13:44:17
Lexi Standard Poodle Angela 2006-06-26 13:45:35
Levi Mutt - GSD/Beagle x Kate 2005-06-01 14:05:07
Lenny Pug Theresa 2005-04-24 19:28:24
Lela Jack Russell X Silky Terrior Bronwyn 2004-05-14 17:04:48
Leika Alaskan Malamute / Shephard Mix Petra 2002-11-12 06:06:53
Lazer German Shepherd Lynn 2003-09-01 20:54:18
Lazarus Great Dane lisa 2009-06-11 09:06:18
layla Black lab/dalmation Dan 2004-07-11 00:12:32
Layla Lab/Whippet/etc/etc mix D'Olivier 2005-08-05 14:34:42
Layla Boxer K 2006-03-26 18:51:46
Lambo Mix Theresa 2003-10-01 12:40:12
lala diaz shihtzu Karyn 2005-06-02 20:19:02
Lakeside's Iam Bruno, CGC, VP4 Rottweiler Tom 2003-02-13 23:54:38
Lainie Klein Golden Retriever Sarit 2003-09-21 13:26:29
lady von miracle german rottweiller sarah 2005-01-31 21:37:07
Lady Pomeranian Audrey 2003-12-21 19:23:53
Lady chow-chow, pitt bull and german shephard mix karen 2004-09-18 17:41:28
Lady pure lassy Jenny 2007-05-26 14:46:00
Lady Shelty x Papillon Diane 2008-06-16 22:34:04
Lady Unknown Tessa 2009-04-19 00:29:44
Lacey Lynn Beagle Lauren 2006-12-22 13:45:41