Chica is Developing Many Spot Rashes!?
About 4 months ago I got my babygirl Chica. She is a American/Rednose Pitbull, when i got her she was very healthy with some rashes on her neck which soon went away. About 2 weeks ago she started developing these weird rashes all over her skin and I have no idea what it could be and i just want them to go away! All the rashes start with dead skin that peels off with a little bit of hair and then it leaves a whitish spot or a scab. Here are a few pics. Please Please Please help me as this is my first puppy and I love her dearly. Any help is extremely appreciated, Thanks so much! |
Time to get your baby to a vet...this dog needs medical care.
The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog... There ain't no cure for stupid ...... but we should make sure we laugh and point it out to everyone else |
you have no clue what it could possibly be? And how much treatment will be??
Hi LoveAngel:
Rashes can be caused by a variety of things - parasites (internal & external), allergies, or even genetic conditions that can be passed on. With so many different factors involved, you would really need to take your dog to the vet to be sure. Those scabs look painful for the dog and you wouldn't want it to get any worse. The only suggestion I can give in the meantime is to make sure that your dog is on a good quality food. I think one of the main causes of rash is food allergies. Maybe someone else will come along with a suggestion shortly - but I know everyone will agree that you need to take your dog to the vet. The initial visit should be around $50 - $70, I would think, and they won't do any treatments without your consent.
"Happiness is a warm puppy." |
I wonder could it be ringworm? Have a real close look and if the hair looks as if it has broken off close to the skin I'd get her to the vet to see if those spots flouresce under a Woods lamp.Some dogs only get one or two ringworms but I've seen horses covered with them. Haven't seen it bad in dogs though. Could be anything though. It's important you know because if it is ringworm, it's contagious, to you as well as to other animals.
I actually currently do feed her good food, but i am starting to think that it is too high in protein so i am switching her from Origin Large Puppy to Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Venison. I've heard this works wonders...dont worry iv started the slow transition of switching foods by mixing and gradually adding more of natural balance.
AS FOR HER SKIN, i am almost 100 percent sure it is ringworm now because i have similar rashes on my skin and I went to my doctor and she told me it was ringworm and was likely i got it from a dog..if i had one. So what my plan is now is to bleach clean the house to kill as much of the spore as possible and then get her on the right medication..if she does need any. I am short for cash and would rather not pay the initial visit cost of the vet. Does anybody know exactly what medication the vet would prescribe for ringworms? And no she is in no pain. |