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Old October 3rd, 2011, 08:14 PM
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Rash on my dogs under area,below his butt area.

My dog Moloaki is a rescue (we are told Collie/Shepard mix). Mo is 107 lbs. From time to time he gets rash's and Benadryl seems to help. He is 1 and 8 months,healthy otherwise and very active. There is a area under Mo's butt (my wife calls it his vagina). Right now it's red and raw. He acts like it is bothering him sometimes (when he is scratching the area), he does not do this a lot and also does not act like he is in discomfort. We are still giving him Benadryl and putting ice on the area. So my question is,is there some type of lotion or powder to put on it that area,to help make it heal? I read most of all the comments on the subject and I somewhat agree that a $100 vet bill (the visit and meds) will solve the problem. Also,I live in San Francisco so he is a city dog? Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Also (and I don't know if this is important),Molokai pee's most of the time squatting. He does lift his leg,but most of the time prefers to squat. Thanks!
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Old October 3rd, 2011, 11:56 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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He sounds awfully uncomfortable. Please take him to the vet!
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Old October 4th, 2011, 08:20 PM
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Found a cream that seems to work on dog's rash.

Thanks for the response. Maybe it's my fault,that I did not make clear. He really is not that much uncomfortable. He will sometimes try to bite and lick the area. But he does not do this consistently or all the time. He shows no other sign of discomfort. He still sleeps,eats and does everything normally. Today I bought (Suflodene) 3-Way ointment,after looking at several options at Pet Club. We put it on when I got home from work and after we applied it he wanted to play. He has shown do signs of wanting to scratch or bit the area. We will see more in the next few day's.
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Old October 5th, 2011, 12:26 PM
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Hello Scott,
Is your dog neutered?
Regarding the location of the rash, is it under his anus or is it located high on his thighs between his legs?
Maybe he squatted on some kind of grass or something that irritated the area, or maybe he has humidity and dampness bothering him.?
It is a good idea to try and find the source of the problem so that he won't need medication and creams for too long.
Please have pets spayed and neutered,
and wearing a collar with an ID tag.
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Old October 5th, 2011, 07:56 PM
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Smile Thanks for the intrest Bina

Originally Posted by Bina View Post
Hello Scott,
Is your dog neutered?
Regarding the location of the rash, is it under his anus or is it located high on his thighs between his legs?
Maybe he squatted on some kind of grass or something that irritated the area, or maybe he has humidity and dampness bothering him.?
It is a good idea to try and find the source of the problem so that he won't need medication and creams for too long.
Molokai is neutered and his rash high on his thighs between his legs. Like I said earlier he is a city dog (San Francisco),so the more possible is that he may have walked over some weeds or something that irritated him. But I must say the cream is really working well.
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Old October 6th, 2011, 10:25 AM
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The Sulfodene ointment (made by Farnam) that you are using appears to be a good product and I bet that Molokai is indeed just having a mild contact allergic reaction.
Please have pets spayed and neutered,
and wearing a collar with an ID tag.
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butt, dog, rash, red, skin

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