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Old April 24th, 2016, 02:01 PM
arrowdog arrowdog is offline
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Exclamation Dog ate rubber ball pieces 3 weeks ago

my dog Arrow, (a 9mo old shepherd lab) ate about half of an orange rubber chuck-it ball on April 6t. he threw up the next day, but otherwise seemed fine. pooping normal, eating normal, no more vomiting. hE was neutered on the 17th and has had antibiotics. Yesterday morning he regurgitated is (undigested) breakfast, and today he threw up again prior to breakfast and a large chunk of the ball came out. Everything seems norma, but we were a bit concerned about the repeated vomiting... pretty sure the ingested ball was in pieces. Generally I would just wait it out as it would pass in is stool but the vomiting was a sign concern as tat ball ad been in there near 3 weeks?
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Old April 24th, 2016, 02:15 PM
arrowdog arrowdog is offline
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Arrow just passed arge pieces of the rubber toy. Is it possible its just waited tis on to come out? odd. but good it seems. if e is acting fine no concerns? (sorry for typos i ave keyboard issues at the moment. )
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Old April 24th, 2016, 03:29 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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If your dog ate half a rubber ball 3 weeks ago and is getting sick now no everything is NOT OK ! You should had call your vet 3 weeks ago !
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Old April 24th, 2016, 04:26 PM
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One of our dogs ate a piece of Cuz toy and didn't throw it up for about 3 weeks, either. There's not much you can do but wait it out until the pieces either pass, are vomited out or (heaven forbid) cause a blockage.

My only concern at this point is that there might be some pieces left in his system. Of the three pieces you've seen, do they seem big enough to account for the missing part of the chuck-it ball? I would probably at least touch bases with your vet when the clinic opens in the morning and explain what's happened. Endoscopy can sometimes be used to remove pieces that might be too big to pass through or be easily vomited back up.
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Old April 24th, 2016, 04:36 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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Might need an xray, I'm not sure what xrays can and can't pick up. Definitely check with the vet.
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blockage, dog, eating, obstruction, sick

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