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Old August 9th, 2011, 11:29 AM
gfrair gfrair is offline
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Siberian Husky Has Slight (But Constant) Vaginal Bleeding

I have a Siberian Husky (spayed) that is 11 years old and was cared for in Ecuador for the last five years by my wife's parents. We brought her to Canada six months ago. She has been having some vaginal bleeding for the last 12 days or so. We took her to the vet and they did x-rays and told us that she had a urinary tract infection and sent us on our way with some anti-biotics, saying that we were lucky that she doesn't have stones.

The anti-biotics are finished and she is still bleeding. My vet is out of town until Thursday, but the nurse had me bring in a urine sample. She said that there is no blood in the urine and the results of the sample show that she does not have a urinary tract infection. She says that I have to wait until Thursday to talk to the doctor to see what else can be done.

Should I wait for the doctor or bring her to another vet? What the heck could this be? She is pretty much leaking a very tiny bit of blood all day (you can see it on a cloth if you wipe her or if she sits on the floor).

Additional background: We had a non-cancerous fatty tumor partially removed from the dog about 4 months ago (it was partially removed because some of it was so embedded in the muscle that they couldn't get it out without damaging the muscle itself). My wife's dad also said that she usually bled like this once a year or so for about 2 - 3 weeks. I'm not sure that I trust her dad as he is getting up there and does not always give the most accurate information. Could it be that they did not properly spay her while in Ecuador?
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Old August 10th, 2011, 07:04 PM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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I'm sorry no one has felt able to comment. Thursday is tomorrow, did you go to another Vet after all? I don't suppose there is any point in guessing if she was spayed improperly, what you need is to know for sure. Though I guess it's a possiblity, so might other things be a possiblity. Sorry, that's an absolutely useless answer but you really need your/a Vet to talk to.

Please let us know the outcome. We may not be able to help but we certainly are concerned and hope it works out satisfactorily. Poor little girlypup, hope she's OK.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 08:25 PM
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Goldfields Goldfields is offline
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gfrair, I have a 12 year old spayed Sheltie with blood in her urine and the 3 things we are thinking is cystitis, bladder stones or a bladder tumour. I was told some dogs need to be on antibiotics for as long as 4 weeks for cystitis but because we are seeing not a lot of improvement, after 10 days on Noroclav and 5 days on Cephalexin, I am having her x rayed this afternoon. I just want to rule out stones(hopefully). If we don't see anything on the x rays and the antibiotics don't help, my next step is an ultrasound. If she still had signs of infection though I might let them get a sterile sample of urine via a needle into her bladder, for testing. I can understand how worried you are, believe me. I hope we can both find answers fast for our girls.
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husky, vaginal bleeding

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