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Old December 23rd, 2015, 02:28 PM
Springer_Niles Springer_Niles is offline
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Puppy Peeing while sleeping or while relaxing - HELP

I have been having a issue with my little and young Springer Spaniel. She is 5 months old and my wife and I have noticed that she has been peeing in her sleep or when she is relax, and she (Pippa) hasn't a clue what she has done. Has anyone ever had this issue in such a young dog or can give insight as to how my wife and I can better resolve this issue?

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Old December 23rd, 2015, 09:17 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
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Welcome, Kurt!

Has the vet seen Pippa, yet? Has a urinary tract infection been ruled out?

There is a condition called 'spay incontinence' that can occur after spaying, especially in very young dogs. There are meds that can help--DES (basically an estrogen supplement) and Proin (phenylpropanolamine), for example. Has Pippa already been spayed?

If she's not spayed, it may be that her vulva is underdeveloped. This is something that can often be cured by allowing the dog to undergo a normal heat cycle--the hormones have a beneficial effect.

Regardless, you need to get to the root cause of the problem, which means a vet visit. With luck, it'll be something fairly simple to treat

Oh, and if you have some pictures of Pippa to share, we'd love to see them!
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