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Old October 21st, 2013, 02:46 PM
Fifizles123 Fifizles123 is offline
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Exclamation raw puppy paw HELP


My springer is 7 months now, today after our walk, I noticed the skin between her toes was extremely red and raw, she doesn't seem to be bothered about it but when she isn't occupied she does lick it, I have distracted her with a bone but I don't know whether to worry about it.

better details-
its only in one paw and the hair appears to be gone. she is not limping and she doesn't really mind when i touch it, it rather swollen and raw.
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Old October 21st, 2013, 04:12 PM
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Just going by experiences with my own dogs, it could be an abcess from a grass seed, or maybe an interdigital cyst. If it were one of mine I would be showing it to my vet. If it is rather swollen then chances are it will burst and that's when you will need ointment for it, you wouldn't want it to become infected. If it is between more than two toes and she is licking it a lot, I mean to the point where the hair changes colour, it may have become a habit. I've known a Sheltie breeder friend here to resort to rinsing such feet in diluted Listerine mouth wash(don't know whether you have it in your country), the smell and taste puts them off further licking. Good luck with it.
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Old October 21st, 2013, 06:09 PM
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if you have epsom salts, see if she'll let you soak the paw. we usually mix up the epsom salts in a plastic container--like a cool whip container--and then have the dog stand with the affected paw in the solution. 5 minutes is ideal, but if we can get them to stand for even a minute, it usually helps.

a little dab of triple antibiotic cream might also help soothe it.

have you checked to see if she's got something imbedded between the pads?

if it doesn't improve in a few days, or if it looks infected, probably best to have a vet look at it.

oh, and we'd love to see some pics of your pup if you have some to share?
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 02:02 AM
Fifizles123 Fifizles123 is offline
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Mmm... Thanks for all the advice! She's not licking at all and there is still no limp. I have had a grass seed problem before and there is defiantly no grass seed in there. It's only one of the feet and toes and we are going to try the salt trick then cover it with a sock thanks
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 11:32 AM
Fifizles123 Fifizles123 is offline
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Hey guys! good news! the paw seems to be getting better and she is not at all bothered! thanks for all the help and continue to tell me what it might be!
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 09:13 PM
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Love reading posts that have happy endings!

Welcome to the board Fifizles123 and I do hope you share some pictures of your little Springer girl. Is she black & white or liver & white?

There are a few members on the board (including myself) that have Springers. They're so loyal and loving.
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Old October 23rd, 2013, 12:05 PM
Fifizles123 Fifizles123 is offline
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Hello again guys x unfortunately te paw is still quite red she licks it if I don't give her a toy! However I had a expert friend check it out and he said it looks fine and it's not swollen! She's always got something little but if it doesn't get better we we take her in thanks for all the help 😃
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Old October 24th, 2013, 09:19 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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Walking on grasses/weeds, or even food issues can cause them to lick on paw, or all or them. I use perxide for the initial cleaning.
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pain, paw, raw, red, redness

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