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Old July 3rd, 2014, 02:41 PM
CherryRedRoses CherryRedRoses is offline
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Question Crate Training Problems (First time owner)

I have a eight month old Pomeranian, she is the first dog I have ever owned on my own and I am having trouble with training her. When we first got her, she was fine with going into her kennel to sleep at night. I wanted her kennel to be in our room so if there was an emergency I could get her out safely.

But after awhile it seemed as if she was getting claustrophobic or something in there when ever we brought her in to sleep for the night. I had checked to make sure it was big enough for her size, which it was, that it was clean and comfortable, which it was again. But she still was unhappy. I even tried putting it in a different room to see if she just preferred a different space. She would sleep in it if it was in her play pen no problem, but the door was open and she could come and go out of it as she pleased while we were at work.

After the first two months of it being in our room, she would start screaming bloody murder, we tried taking her for a pee, she didn't have to pee, she wanted to play and run around. So we put her back to bed. She'd cry again. We tried giving her special treats she only was aloud in her bed, having a small amount of food and water in case she got thirsty. Having quiet toys in with her in case she was bored. We tried taking her on long walks and playing with her till she was super tired. But everything we have tried so far hasn't helped, she will still cry till she is horse, and even then will keep crying.

And I did my best to introduce her to it when we first got her. I followed all the steps to the best of my ability, used a special treat, tried to get her to go in and out on her own. (Don't know if this is could be why, but we did have to fly her over to us. She didn't go under, she was in the cabin with us in a soft crate and did very well. Very calm. Maybe the plane scared her?)

I know I must have made mistakes, but I want to learn from them and make it better so she can enjoy her bed and feel safe in it. Not jump when something taps the door, or avoid it when a toy falls to close to it.
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Old July 3rd, 2014, 07:35 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Is your dog home alone all day , she might need to get more attention and exercise during the day. You could try leaving your t shirt in the crate , she can take naps on it and it may help her feel safer .
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Old July 4th, 2014, 12:22 AM
CherryRedRoses CherryRedRoses is offline
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She usually isn't alone, I work mornings but come home to walk her and play with her. The walks are pretty long too. And my boyfriend works nights mostly. So someone is always there. And we have tried the t-shirt thing, didn't phase her.
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Old July 6th, 2014, 11:13 AM
AThirdChance AThirdChance is offline
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I would make your first trip to the vet. Often sudden problems are related to a health problem. It could just be gas problems, her teeth coming through, or another common issue for a fast growing puppy.

Since it seems like your doing everything else right, I would try and wait it out. My dogs used to squeal in their crates but once they figured out that it wasn't going to get them anywhere they quit. Unless it's a health problem I wouldn't give in. Otherwise you'll teach her that she can control you, a big problem with those adorable toy dogs(I have two toy spaniels)Trust me, it's much easier to train them now then when they enter their "teenage" years in a few months. Also, did you try the warm bottle and clock thing. Dogs thrive on close contact, especially puppies, and in the wild they would usually sleep with their moms. She may just feel isolated and scared all alone.

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Old July 8th, 2014, 07:40 PM
CherryRedRoses CherryRedRoses is offline
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She has been to the vet before, has had all her shots done and the vet didn't notice anything wrong. The usual check was clean, but I have to take her to the vet for her chip anyway so I will ask when we get there, cause it might explain it and if not, then maybe the vet can give me some advice or tips. And I haven't tried that one, I might have too. Maybe it'll work and she can find comfort in it. In some ways I am wondering if she just misses her brothers and sisters, cause she is a very social puppy, loves people, loves meeting new dogs. My boyfriends mom got a puppy around the same time we got her and they became instant friends, so maybe we need another dog so they can play and comfort each other. We have the two cats, but they are older (14 and 9) and don't want ANYTHING to do with her, they swat at her most of the time.
I was wondering if maybe switching her kennel would make a difference. Going from her plastic kennel to a wire one meaning, see if its the closed in thing that she doesn't like. Then again I did try making a make shift play pen in our room to see if she wanted just the freedom to be able to walk out and go pee. But she sat there and cried at me while I was reading my book on the bed.
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Old July 16th, 2014, 01:21 PM
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Dog Dancer Dog Dancer is offline
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So how is the crate training going? Tough it out, she's set out to beat you at this and she should not be allowed to win. Only let her out when she is quiet, not when she is screaming.

When we were crate training our Malamutes I used to sleep with old t-shirts tucked into the bed and then put those shirts that smelled like us into the crates with them at night. Worked like a charm. They'd curl up with a shirt that smelled like mommy and were content. Just make sure it's an old shirt (or towel) or something you don't mind them chewing and tearing up if she does that.
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behavior, crate training, first time owner, pomeranian, puppy

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