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Old January 4th, 2015, 04:47 PM
slux slux is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 1
Exclamation Diarrhea

Hi there, I noticed my dog was extra hungry yesterday as he seemed to eat more than usual (I kept filling his dish since the day before he barely ate). This isn't unusual for him sometimes on a lazy day or two he won't eat much but then a day later he'll gobble it all. Anyway I didn't think much of it but today he complained to be let out more than usual and has been having severe diarrhea from noon to 4:30pm (time now). It started solid then liquid to now almost sticky light brown.

The food I feed him usually is high quality food with no grain, only protein (Performatrin Ultra Grain-Free: Turkey Duck Salmon). He's been on it for several months now without any issues, so there should be no reason for a reaction to it. I hope it's simply that he might have ingested some leftover from a party we had earlier in the week although I doubt it as the food was served on another floor where he wasn't.

WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: From all advice I've heard before I'm restricting his food diet for the next 12 hours and only allowing him fresh water. Unfortunately I don't have any chicken or turkey to feed with rice as advised by Vets in the past (I'm vegetarian).

Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: Forgot to add he's a 4.5 year old healthy mutt I had rescued when he was barely a few weeks old, I believe he could be a Jack Russell Poodle mix and ~30lbs with no health issues.

Last edited by slux; January 4th, 2015 at 04:49 PM. Reason: Forgotten details
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diarrhea, dog

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