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Old November 20th, 2012, 11:51 AM
Marycv Marycv is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 15
Question My dog is out of control

I have a bishonpoo, CoCo, and he's such a great dog, but he has mental problems. When we got him he had mites in his ear, went crazy, and we believe this affected his behaviour when he got older. Any little sound or movement outside, he will bark. I'm not sure if this is a result to his hyperness. My dad who has health problems have a hard time to handle him, because is so strong. Now tries to he run out the door that catches his eye (someone running/see a dog). We try to block his way, but sometimes he is too quick. We don't have enough chance to stop him, and we're afraid one day he will get hit by a car.

Just today my dad took him out to do his job, and suddenly CoCo saw a man running with his dog. This somehow caused him to run out the door, he was too fast that my dad couldn't stop him. Me and my mom were asleep at the time. It was still dark out. My dad called him, but didn't listen. He ended up biting the man's dog tail, and the man kicked CoCo to get away. My dad is really upset this happened, because he never did that before.

From what I'm told the man may try to sue us. We're in the process of moving, and we don't need this to happen to us. We don't spoil him, but be tough. We have tried everything with this dog, discipline, took him for training, but nothing seems to work. We thought he would calm down, be okay, I guess we were wrong. Now my dad is worried we'll be sued. Where we live, there are problems with dog biting. If that happens, they have a registry for dangerous dogs, and the person will need to get a million dollar insurance. We won't keep him if that happens. I need your advise what to do. Should we give our dog CoCo to the Humane Society? I don't want him to get worse. Any advise would be appreciated.

Note: My mom doesn't believe CoCo bit the dog, my dad tends to make things worse than it is. I think we should give him up of what happened, but my mom doesn't want to hear it.
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behaviour, dog, pet

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