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Old August 2nd, 2011, 07:30 AM
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Cat Constantly Harassing us for Things - Need Training tips

Hey everyone,

I have a beautiful, very cute tabby boy cat named Scrapper. He is 2.5 years old, here are some pics of him!

The cat is spoiled beyond belief-- especially by my parents. He has multiple varieties of high quality cat food, and my dad cooks him scallops, salmon, and thinly sliced steaks as well. On top of that, our cat is routinely "walked" on a leash. He roams outside and sniffs around and plays with some neighborhood cats he likes. He usually always has people who will play with him-- play hide and seek games, chase him around, wrestle with hand puppets, etc. He has a great life and is a great kitty!

He has become very communicative about what he wants-- whether that is a walk, some food, or wants to be played with. Generally, he will come to my desk and sit down on the floor and look at me and meow at me. If I don't answer, he'll paw at me, jump on my desk, and sometimes even do a "flying leap attack" where he jumps and latches on to my shoulder (which is a bit painful). In a way, it is a good thing because he tells us what he needs. The problem, is that sometimes this behavior can be very pesky!

My dad is a sucker for the cat, and anytime he does this to him he feeds into the behavior by walking him or feeding him. Sometimes i try to ignore him but he doesn't stop! He'll sit there meowing for an hour straight and it's hard to get work done and annoying. I don't really have the heart to lock him out of my room either, but I think somewhere along the line our indulgence of him has made him a bit of a spoiled brat.

Any ideas on how I can reverse this behavior, so he knows he can't just sit and meow at me for hours on end? I'd lke him to be less of a pest and accept food and walks when we offer them, and if we can't play with him at the time he will understand and not push it!

Interested to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 08:52 AM
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I'm sure others will have more to add but you seem to be onto the problem and the solution itself..

"My dad is a sucker for the cat, and anytime he does this to him he feeds into the behavior by walking him or feeding him. "

In my experience, and I'm actually going through something similar with my 2 year old, (lol) cats do best on a strict schedule of managed expectations.
This means being fed and walked at the same time each day. (Lucky that u can walk the cat, we may try as well).

If other family members/dad react every time they meaow, then they have trained you well.

It will never stop because everyone/every kitty loves free food and cheery walks (ok that's rare but the cat likes it so we are talking reward) as often as they can get them.

Also lots of human foods are bad for cats especially when we prepare them the human way.

All family members should be feeding/walking at the same or similar time imo.

AWESOME looking cat btw

Hope that helps.
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Old August 2nd, 2011, 10:05 AM
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Looking forward to hearing some feedback as I have nothing to offer to help you. But kitty is gorgeous!
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 02:34 AM
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Haha thanks, I am interested to hear too. HEre are more pics of the kitty
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 09:21 AM
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I have no cat experience, except to know when they're cute--so I have no advice, but I can say that's one very handsome cat, jmilber.
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 10:59 AM
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I agree with hazelrunpack, that is definitely a very handsome kitty!

Sounds to me like maybe he would like a feline companion though. Any chance your family could adopt another cat-friendly cat so they can romp around together and keep each other company? It would probably take a bit of the focus off you and your folks. Slow, careful introductions are important though, even between cats who love other cats. If you need any tips on that, just ask.
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by sugarcatmom View Post
I agree with hazelrunpack, that is definitely a very handsome kitty!

Sounds to me like maybe he would like a feline companion though. Any chance your family could adopt another cat-friendly cat so they can romp around together and keep each other company? It would probably take a bit of the focus off you and your folks. Slow, careful introductions are important though, even between cats who love other cats. If you need any tips on that, just ask.
I agree, it sounds like your kitty needs a companion.
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Old August 3rd, 2011, 04:35 PM
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I love the multi colored toes.
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