![]() I'm not good at introductions so I will dive straight in. I've been reading the forums and peeing dogs seems to be a problem that a lot of owners have. I must say, I have never really had that problem until now and I'm a bit lost as what to do next, so I hope the kind people of this forum might be able to give me some ideas. I apologize for this being a long post but I believe the details are important in order to receive useful advice. I have owned/own a total of 3 dogs. A German Sheppard (Alsatian) , a mix breed Pit-Bull - Jack Russel (a very funny looking dog) and a Boarder Collie. I also spend a lot time with my dogs and receive a lot of praise from owners and non-owners a like about how well trained my dogs are so I would rate myself as relatively experienced with dogs. The German Sheppard died recently of a twisted stomach ( he was also quite old) and the jack Russel pit-bull ( he's called Jackpit ![]() Boarder Collies are supposed to be relatively smart dogs however compared to my other 2 dogs this one seems to be quite stupid. Its young - 7 months old, from a pet pound and female. Jackpit was also from the same pet pound and it took me a little bit longer to housebreak him( around 2 weeks compared to 1 week for the Alsatian). Soso (the Boarder Collie) does not seem to understand, I have had her for a total of 2 months now and she just wet my bed 5 mins ago (1st time). I go outside a lot with her; when I have the feeling she needs to pee (sniffing the ground / keeping her nose low) or when some amount of time has past since I was last outside with her. When I go outside 80% of the time she will not pee. If I ignore her she will just stand there and then finally lie down OR she will go and find a ball and try and get my attention in order for me to throw it ( at least she has understood that much). 90% of the time when she does pee is when I am praising her just gently stroking her head when she is sitting at my feet .. the more enthusiastically praise her the more she will pee. She seems only to pee when she gets excited. The problem is she has the same behavior inside the house. It may be enough for u to tell her to get down from the sofa or even a simple "no" will do the trick and she will start peeing. In this situation I try and get her attention possibly by clapping loudly (1ce) or picking her up which in either case results in more peeing.. its a vicious circle.. Finally when I put her outside she will stop peeing frustrating to say the least.. ![]() When visitors come and they greet her she will sit on or near their feet and pee everywhere. Welcome to my house. ![]() There have been occasions when I have taken her outside either on a walk or just in the garden when she has gone and taken pee normally. In this case I try and praise her in an over the top fashion .. most recently using treats such as meat. However she doesn't really seem to understand at least thats the impression I get. She can't seem to connect my praise to her behavior. She has understood some basic commands such as come , stay and sit however most of the time I have to repeat them 2 -3 times before she does them. Mostly she will just stand and stare at me. When I first got her I was amazed at how much attention she was giving me .. following my every step never leaving my side watching every little thing I do. I thought wow this dog is gonna be really easy to teach ... how wrong I was. Other Unusual Behavior: She sorta moans a lot .. sounds a bit like she is annoyed a medium pitched whine and then will frantically start biting her own behind or pulling her tail. I thought it was flees or something like that. I've put one of those drops on the back of her neck and tail every month I've had her. It has become a little better but she still does it regularly. Also ( this is probably normal) its the only dog I've met that seems to loose absolutely no hair ( maybe cause she is a puppy). Anyway... thanks for reading this far and I'm sorry If I ranted on a little bit. I would very much appreciate any comments / ideas or advice you are willing to give. The only thing to add is that she has been sterilized 2 days before I picked her up from the pound so about 2 months ago. |
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behavior, peeing, puppy training, training |
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