I need a diagnosis on my cat. Out of the blue he threw up brownish-orange (like cat food), solid vomit. Then he was very unstable on his feet and needed to lie down. I then noticed he was drooling (which he's never done before). He also seemed very disoriented and would not even make eye contact with my fiance or myself (which is very uncommon) and noticed his breathing was labored. We do not believe he got into anything he should not have and his dies has been steady and healthy since we've had him. We were told it could be a possible seizure... Any ideas? He finally calmed down and right now is napping. We decided to give him a night and then see how he was in the morning before taking him to a vet (not to mention that a vet bill is out of our price range right now). Thank you for your support.
Last edited by Blackbear; April 12th, 2010 at 04:21 PM.
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