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Old August 16th, 2013, 09:47 AM
jennzilla jennzilla is offline
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Cat vomiting, human poor, help!

Hi lovely cat people of pets.ca! I took in my friend's elderly cat a few years ago so he could go take care of his parents over seas. He is a wonderful old boy with very few health issues. On and off, he has been vomiting clear liquid that resembles egg whites. He is apparently around 22 years old and has been sleeping a lot lately. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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Old August 16th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Is the cat still able to eat and drink water? It sound like the poor cat could be getting ready to cross over to the Rainbow bridge . Could you call a vet and see if they can give you some suggestions ?
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Old August 16th, 2013, 12:01 PM
jennzilla jennzilla is offline
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He is eating. He only drinks out of a dripping tap in the tub because he's a weirdo but he seems to be getting water. Poor old boy.
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Old August 16th, 2013, 02:41 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by jennzilla View Post
He is eating. He only drinks out of a dripping tap in the tub because he's a weirdo but he seems to be getting water. Poor old boy.
I would not call your cat a weirdo , he very old but also a very strong and smart cat to have lived so long. A lot of cats and dogs loves to drink water from a dripping tap or from a hose. I think it because the water is nice and cold. I guess should try to made him as comfortable as possible and keep any eye on . Has he stopped vomiting or slowed down a bit? If not it would be wise to call the vet.
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Old August 16th, 2013, 02:52 PM
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Hi jennzilla and welcome to the forum !

I have a few questions for you:
  1. When was he last seen by a Vet?
    2. Exactly what do you feed him?
    3. Has his appetite diminished since the vomiting started?
    4. Since you've had him, has his drinking increased over time? When did that increase begin?
    5. When did the vomiting begin? How often does he vomit?
    6. Has there been any change in his bowel movements?
    7. Any change in his urination patterns? In the amounts of urine deposited?
    8. Does he go outdoors?
    9. Do you have a Vet that knows him? Any Vet at all? Is that Vet a cat-only Vet or a general practice Vet?
the more i learn about (some) people, the more i luv my cats
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Old August 16th, 2013, 04:17 PM
pattymac pattymac is offline
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My oldest boy (age unknown) drinks out the tap too, we keep it running slow for him. He will throw up when he gets constipated. Rustycat's list is perfect. I would say a check-up is in order for him. I'm not rich by any stretch but it's better to get him looked at a regular visit then have to do an emergency visit! I had one of those last weekend and it hurts the bank account way more than a scheduled during hours visit!
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Old August 17th, 2013, 09:17 AM
jennzilla jennzilla is offline
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I feed him science diet chicken and rice dry food. He is an indoor cat. He vomits in chunks. It won't happen for a while then it will happen three times in a night. I haven't noticed any litter box changes but I have two cats so it's hard to hell. There is a bit of diareha but that could be either one. He seems to be drinking the same amount. I have taken him to a vet once for a cyst on his face about a year ago. The vet is a general practise.
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Old August 28th, 2013, 06:00 PM
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your old cat


You say he vomits in chunks... I suspect there are still chunks of undigested food in the vomit... Perhaps it's too hard for his old self to masticate properly so it all comes back up.
Maybe if you fed him soft canned food he would have an easier time keeping it in.
Also, if you feed him hard dry food only a few times a day, he may be very hungry and gobble up too fast.
You can also try to moisten his dry food with water to soften it up.

Hope this helps, keep us posted

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Cookie July 1st 1999 f/ RIP July 31st 2008 -cat
Tonali June 3rd 2007 f -cat
Elphin April 21st 2008 m -cat
Stibule(Gino,Airell,Katla,Rasta)June 6th 2009 f- cat
Gino Ferrero April 8th 2010 m -cat
Airell Awenn Awnfenn Ep Berrth April 8th 2010 f- cat
Katla Chilam Balam April 8th 2010 f- cat
Rasta Farian Marley April 9th 2010 m- cat
Chipcat-Filou found June 12th 2011 (Ocicat 6months old) f-cat
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Old August 28th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Maybe baby food would work it should salt and sugar free .
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cat, elderly, vomit

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