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Old May 2nd, 2014, 07:57 PM
Cowlover Cowlover is offline
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Exclamation 6 month old suddenly can't use back legs D:


I just recently adopted a 6-7 month old male mainecoon mix. I've only had him for a week but he's very lovable and snuggly. Then suddenly this morning he started yowling and got sick (he puked) it looked tanish and pastey. My cat is a Tuxedo (White and Black) so i'm assuming if it were a hairball it would be somewhat black. After he puked he went and hid under the large chair in the living room and stayed there all day. About 10 hours after he puked, I decided to try and pet him, he kept scooting away. When I picked him up he wanted down right away which was very different. As soon as I put him down he started crying loudly and couldn't really use his back legs. I took him to the humane society (No vets open) and a kind lady felt him and said she couldn't feel a urinary tract infection and he didn't feel constipated. She wasn't a vet but her thoughts were that he way have miscalculated a jump and fell wrong? I looked through his cat box, there were normal poops and no discoloration in the "pee section". I also read another pet forums about cats with the same problem, and it said to feel the temp of their legs and his right back leg is much cooler than the other 3

I would very much appreciate any help with this as I have no clue whats going on.

-Very worried kitty owner
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Old May 2nd, 2014, 08:53 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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I would bring your kitten to a vet , and not wait for someone to tell you what wrong.
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Old May 2nd, 2014, 09:10 PM
Cowlover Cowlover is offline
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Originally Posted by Barkingdog View Post
I would bring your kitten to a vet , and not wait for someone to tell you what wrong.
I have to wait until morning to bring him in, but right now he seems ok, chilling in my bedroom, was hoping just for some opinions in the meantime
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cat, injured, kitten, sick

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