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Old January 27th, 2014, 09:33 PM
712 712 is offline
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Unhappy My 4 year old beagle dog has a bad rash

Hi all, I could sure use some help. My 4-year-old male beagle (King) has a bad rash around his anal area and tail (where it connects to his body). The skin is very red, and looks like a piece of raw meat. The area secretes a creamy pus substance. The area seems to be itchy, and there is some occasional bleeding.

He is being seen and treated by a local vet, but after almost four weeks, the rash has not improved one bit. His tail area also has some swelling, so we have to get him on his back and clean him every time he does his business. The vet has tried steroids, medicated powder, 3 different antibiotics. She had discovered that he is diabetic, and he is now receiving insulin twice a day.

We have tried using Gold Bond medicated powder, Butt Balm, A+D Diaper Rash cream, Aquaphor Healing Ointment, Neosporin, corn starch, and none of these have had any negative or positive effects.

He has lost his appetite, does not want his favorites foods, and is lethargic (sleeps most the time).

Here are some things to eliminate:
(1) He has been tested for allergies and everything has been eliminated that he is allergic to.
(2) The problem is not due to fleas or other insects.
(3) Not due to mange.

Any help or suggestions would sure be appreciated. We are willing to try anything to give him some comfort. Thanks for reading this!

Last edited by marko; January 29th, 2014 at 09:55 AM. Reason: Adding photo
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Old January 27th, 2014, 10:02 PM
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Did the vet do a scraping for mange mites? Your poor baby--he sounds miserable!
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Old January 28th, 2014, 09:22 AM
Lynne&Co. Lynne&Co. is offline
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Is the diaper cream "zinc oxide"? I would continue to use that while your vet continues to treat King's illness. The cream will relieve the burning and allow the area to heal. I would apply cream before he "does his business" so there is a barrier between his sore bum and the poop. It might be excess stomach acid in his poop that is irritating him? Good luck.
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Old January 28th, 2014, 07:05 PM
712 712 is offline
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Originally Posted by hazelrunpack View Post
Did the vet do a scraping for mange mites? Your poor baby--he sounds miserable!
We asked, and she said it wasn't mange. Thanks for your suggestion!
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Old January 28th, 2014, 07:08 PM
712 712 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lynne&Co. View Post
Is the diaper cream "zinc oxide"? I would continue to use that while your vet continues to treat King's illness. The cream will relieve the burning and allow the area to heal. I would apply cream before he "does his business" so there is a barrier between his sore bum and the poop. It might be excess stomach acid in his poop that is irritating him? Good luck.
The diaper cream we had did not contain Zinc Oxide. We asked the vet about it and she said that she had used Zinc Oxide on her baby and it had good qualities, so we got some and are trying it. Thanks for your suggestion!
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Old January 28th, 2014, 11:00 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Have you done a culture test on his urine and stools to see if something is going on internally ? I think you bring your dog to a skin specialist , is look very painful. poor puppy . I think you should try to keep the rash dry so it will not get infected . I found some link for 'urine scald' in dog , you could try checking that out and see if it sound like what your dog has.

Last edited by Barkingdog; January 28th, 2014 at 11:11 PM.
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Old January 29th, 2014, 08:31 AM
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Thanks Barkingdog for the suggestions. I checked 'urine scald' and that is not the problem. We are with the dog practically 24/7, he has blankets down to rest on, or sleeps on the couch, and there are never wet spots. He is really good about letting us know when he wants to go outside to pee.

I'm passing along your other suggestions to our vet to make sure nothing is missed. Thanks again!
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Old January 29th, 2014, 09:51 AM
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Wow sorry for this problem - it looks painful.

Is it possible that the dog is licking this area and making it worse?

How long has he been treated for this?
What antibiotics (name and dosages was he on) and for how long?
What Steriods (name and dosages was he on) and for how long?

Hope the answers to these questions may help other members give you insight.

Good luck!
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Old January 29th, 2014, 09:54 AM
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Please note that 2 threads addressed this same topic.

They have now been merged into this thread.

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Old January 30th, 2014, 06:33 PM
712 712 is offline
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Marko, thanks for your questions and comments!

No, he is not licking the area.

How long has he been treated for this condition?
He has been treated for this condition since January 2, 2014.
January 7 they discovered he was diabetic and started him on 10-units of insulin every 12 hours.
January 21 went to 13-units every 12 hours.
January 28 went to 17-units every 12 hours.

What antibiotics is he on?
Started him on January 2 - Simplicef 200-mg (1-1/4 tablets once daily)
January 11 changed to - Ciprofloxacin HCL 500-mg (1-1/4 tablets every 12 hours)
January 21 changed to - TMP/SMZ (gen) 480-mg (1-1/2 tablets twice daily)

What steroids is he taking?
January 2 - Prednisone 10-mg (1 tablet daily, did this for 6 days)

Pain medication?
Trama-dol HCL 50-mg (2 tablets every 8 to 12 hours)

Other medication?
Thyroid medicine since 2011: Levothyroxine 0.3-mg (1 tablet every 12 hours)
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Old January 30th, 2014, 06:51 PM
Lynne&Co. Lynne&Co. is offline
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Poor little guy!
I sure hope your vet is able to treat this soon. Must be so sore. Zincofax is a brand of zinc oxide diaper cream that I used on my children when they were babies. It is amazing stuff......even works for "postman's bum" on adults!
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Old January 31st, 2014, 01:30 PM
712 712 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lynne&Co. View Post
Poor little guy!
I sure hope your vet is able to treat this soon. Must be so sore. Zincofax is a brand of zinc oxide diaper cream that I used on my children when they were babies. It is amazing stuff......even works for "postman's bum" on adults!
Thanks Lynne&Co., we are trying to keep him as comfortable as possible, but nothing seems to help the redness. And now he is beginning to lose a small amount of hair near the red spot when we clean him off. We are just using lukewarm water so as not to irritate the rawness anymore than necessary.
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Old February 3rd, 2014, 01:59 AM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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ARe there any anal gland problems? Is that whole area also swollen? Are they sure there isn't a growth under there, or perianal fistulas?

I would look at topical aloe very gel and vitamin E. Maybe some coconut oil and/or colloidal silver, warm epsom salt compresses.

Internally, not sure, depends on what else is going on - maybe some quercetin to counter any histamine reaction....not sure what else at this point.
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Old February 6th, 2014, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by MaxaLisa View Post
ARe there any anal gland problems? Is that whole area also swollen? Are they sure there isn't a growth under there, or perianal fistulas?

I would look at topical aloe very gel and vitamin E. Maybe some coconut oil and/or colloidal silver, warm epsom salt compresses.

Internally, not sure, depends on what else is going on - maybe some quercetin to counter any histamine reaction....not sure what else at this point.
Hi MaxaLisa,

He has been checked for swollen anal glands.

Yes, all the red area has some swelling.

The vet doesn't find any growth at this time.

The vet did a culture to determine what antibiotics would best work and discovered that he has a yeast infection and a bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotics. She took him off the TMP/SMZ (gen) 480-mg (1-1/2 tablets twice daily) and put him on Zeniquin 100-mg (1-1/4 tablets once daily) and Ketoconazole (gen) 200-mg (1-1/2 tablets every 12-hours). She also recommended Pepcid AC for upset stomach, thinking this might help with his lack of appetite, but it has not.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get him to eat anything. He rejects everything but ice cream and water. That includes all his favorite pet foods and favorite people foods.

Thanks for all of your suggestions!
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Old February 6th, 2014, 08:12 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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It's not good to eat sugar when you have a yeast infection so it could not be good a dog . Yeast feed on sugar. Antibiotics will give a dog yeast infection , poor dog .
I wonder if yogurt with probiotics would help , you should ask your vet if that would be OK .
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Old February 8th, 2014, 09:37 PM
MaxaLisa MaxaLisa is offline
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I might try some probiotics (given away from antibiotics) and l-glutamine to help make the stomach feel better. If it's really acidic and painful, sometimes a bit of water with baking soda will neutralize the acid quickly, but that shouldn't be used long term.

Sounds like this might be very tricky to clear up. I might try some topical colloidal silver, or maybe some coconut oil.
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Old December 11th, 2015, 07:59 PM
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Hi...I know this is an old thread...but wondering if you ever found out what this was or if you found a treatment that worked? I asked because I find myself with a similar looking problem on my long coat gsd...although it hasn't gotten this bad ...yet. Vets have tried antibiotics, ointments, etc.... Now I am trying cortisone cream and zinc oxide cream. Things are looking pink and hair is looking thin. And she seems to be getting irritated by her bum.

Would appreciate it to know how this went for you...thank you.
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anal, itch, rash, raw skin, red skin, swelling

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