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Old December 8th, 2013, 07:13 PM
Hannahh13 Hannahh13 is offline
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Urination problems

My cat Dolly, aged:1 and female has this little bad habit you might say. She likes to pee behind our coaches or in the crevasses of the coaches. We are not happy with it and the odor is rather strong! It's happened for or 5 times now and we don't know if its a bladder problem, can't get to littler box problem, can't find the littler box or no one to let her outside when she needs to go! She is in great health and a nice companion. Does anyone have any input as to what it might be or what we can do?
Thanks, Hannah
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Old December 8th, 2013, 09:00 PM
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whenever they urinate outside the box they are really in need of a check up. Something perhaps as simple as a urinary infection.

You will need to thoroughly remove the urine and smell or she will keep going back to the spot. You need something to remove the enzymes in the urine. There are many homemade remedies as well.

Best bet is a vet check.
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Old December 9th, 2013, 08:38 AM
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Vet check for sure, and a good cleaning with an enzyme cleaner like Winston mentioned. Also, where is the litter box? How many do you have and what type of litter do you use? How often do you scoop the box? These factors can all play a role in inappropriate elimination, so once any medical issue is ruled out, you need to take a good look at the whole litter box situation. One of the most common causes is not enough boxes (many cats like 2, one for pooping and one for pee), and not scooping the box regularly enough (should be at least once, if not twice, a day - depending on how many cats there are. Which brings me to another point: do you have any other pets in the house?)
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cats, peeing, problems

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