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Old May 1st, 2013, 08:17 AM
renkma renkma is offline
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Bleeding Cut on Dog Tail

Hi All.
Last night was our dog's annual vet visit for shots and so on. Our 68lb mixed Daisy became VERY upset when she saw a couple of huge dogs in the waiting room and she freaked out. During her temper tantrum she whacked her tail on something sharp - maybe the chair leg or the corner of the counter. When we got into the exam room there was blood drops everywhere and we didn't even know it was our Daisy. We quickly found the source - her tail got sliced about the size of a fingernail and because it is almost impossible for her tail not to be wagging all the time, the blood was flying. It looked like Texas Chainsaw Massacre by the time we left.

Anyway, her doctor shaved, cleaned and glued the cut closed, and then wrapped her tail in bubble wrap, and then bandaged her.

My question is: How long will it take for this cut to heal. I do have the same question in to my vet's office, but thought I'd ask it here as well, to see what other fur-kid owners experiences have been.

(we got all the instructions and answers when we were there but because of the two wildly nervous dogs and the blood sprinkler in the room, it was difficult to absorb all the information.)

Last edited by renkma; May 1st, 2013 at 08:20 AM. Reason: typo
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Old May 1st, 2013, 09:22 AM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by renkma View Post
Hi All.
Last night was our dog's annual vet visit for shots and so on. Our 68lb mixed Daisy became VERY upset when she saw a couple of huge dogs in the waiting room and she freaked out. During her temper tantrum she whacked her tail on something sharp - maybe the chair leg or the corner of the counter. When we got into the exam room there was blood drops everywhere and we didn't even know it was our Daisy. We quickly found the source - her tail got sliced about the size of a fingernail and because it is almost impossible for her tail not to be wagging all the time, the blood was flying. It looked like Texas Chainsaw Massacre by the time we left.

Anyway, her doctor shaved, cleaned and glued the cut closed, and then wrapped her tail in bubble wrap, and then bandaged her.

My question is: How long will it take for this cut to heal. I do have the same question in to my vet's office, but thought I'd ask it here as well, to see what other fur-kid owners experiences have been.

(we got all the instructions and answers when we were there but because of the two wildly nervous dogs and the blood sprinkler in the room, it was difficult to absorb all the information.)
I have never heard of a cut being glued closed, what is the glue made out of? I think it would depend on how deep the cut is for it to heal.
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Old May 1st, 2013, 07:57 PM
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renkma You're likely looking at a few days to a week or so, depends on how deep the cut & also if she reopens the wound by hitting her tail on something before it's completely healed

Barkingdog it was most likely a product similar to Liquid Bandage looks & acts like glue to close wounds. In many instances it's more effective than traditional bandages which would easily come off of certain places like active wagging tails, also reduces scarring.
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Old May 1st, 2013, 08:09 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by growler~GateKeeper View Post
renkma You're likely looking at a few days to a week or so, depends on how deep the cut & also if she reopens the wound by hitting her tail on something before it's completely healed

Barkingdog it was most likely a product similar to Liquid Bandage looks & acts like glue to close wounds. In many instances it's more effective than traditional bandages which would easily come off of certain places like active wagging tails, also reduces scarring.
I forgot all about Liquid Bandage , maybe it would help to put a dressing around the cut to protect it, or would it keep it from healing up ?
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Old May 6th, 2013, 08:00 AM
renkma renkma is offline
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Update on Daisy's tail

The glue that was used was surgical glue. My other dog Honey--when she was fixed many years ago--had her incision closed with the same surgical glue, and then folded over and stitched. It wasn't Krazy glue or anything.

But unfortunately, Daisy whacked her tail again the next day and the glue seal broke open. We got the bleeding stopped quickly and changed her dressing - re-wrapping in three layers of bubble wrap. We brought her into her vet again later in the afternoon because I could detect a strange odour from the wound and was concerned of infection setting in. The vet cleaned her up, gave her two stitches, fresh dressing and bubble wrap, and sent us home with Cephalixin - just in case. There was no infection - the odour was basically plasma and the blood clot - but he wanted to be on the safe side - plus I actually requested an antibiotic. A day after getting home she whacked her tail again and it bled a tiny bit through the gauze, but it stopped quickly on its own. We are now four days after her stitches and she hasn't bled for two full days. We changed her dressing this morning but the initial gauze was very firmly stuck to the wound so we chose to trim around it as closely as possible and leave the stuck area where it was and simply clean around it and freshly dress and pad it. I am nervous to moisten it to remove it because I fear it will cause the wound to bleed again. The vet will be calling for her update today and I intend to ask about the stuck gauze, even though he will probably say to just leave it. The antibiotics will ensure no infection and it will fall off as she heals.

In any case, this has been a very trying injury which is surprising because it is so small. She needs constant supervision to keep her from wagging and whacking her tail. I suppose I have been able to answer my own question - it will easily be a full two weeks after the last of the bleeding before healing will be imminent. Poor little girl. She's so sad that she can't play or even roll around in the grass. That tail has a mind of its own and as a good Mom, I have to control her and keep her safe.

If this wound can't heal however (and apparently it does happen sometimes), the next move is a scary one - she would have to have her tail docked. So my fingers are crossed and she is on strict lazy-mode care for another week and a half. No running, no wagging, no rolling. But lots of treats and cuddles. We have definitely learned a lesson from this - we will be very careful of where her tail is when she is upset - and always remember that the closer an injury is to the tip of the tail, the more dangerous and difficult it is to heal, which can lead to the very serious (in my opinion) surgery of amputation.

Last edited by renkma; May 6th, 2013 at 08:13 AM.
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Old May 6th, 2013, 08:59 AM
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Old May 6th, 2013, 09:18 AM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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I hope your dog tail will heal up soon. Poor Daisy.
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Old May 6th, 2013, 10:31 AM
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Poor Daisy, poor you! I sure hope she heals up this time and doesn't need the surgery.
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Old May 28th, 2013, 09:55 AM
renkma renkma is offline
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Daisy Update

Daisy's tail is healing up great...as far as we know. The stuck gauze is still firmly adhered to her tail. We've cut around it as much as possible, but have left it in place to come off on it's own, when it wants to. She is still wearing bubble wrap dressing as well, just in case. It's been 3 weeks and 3 days since the last tiny bleed (3wks and 5 days since stitches). I'm fairly certain she is almost completely healed in there. I'll keep up with the bubble wrap dressings, changed every 4 days, until we reach 4 weeks - at which point I think I might try to moisten that bit of gauze a bit with damp cloth and see if we can encourage it to come off.
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Old May 28th, 2013, 12:06 PM
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