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Old July 8th, 2012, 05:11 PM
MaggieBaby MaggieBaby is offline
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Change in Behavior

Hello All,

I have a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Maggie; it is just the two of us so there is not another canine or human factor. She is 10 years old and 2 days ago she started following me around the house This is not about her loving me and wanting to be close, I know her inside and out, this is different. She will greet me when I come home as usually, do the bathroom thing, feed her and love on her. The usual. So now after the usual she follows me around and looks at me, I will give her a rub & scratch which would normally satisfy her, she enjoys the attention but she stays right there. I was just in the laundry room and she came in and just stood there not even looking at me, I pet her then said go lay down, normally she would find a soft spot to get comfy. She actually sat by the door waiting for my next move. I have checked her ears for infection, checked her gums her breath is the same, she is not uncomfortable as she will go to sleep once I park my self. I can't find any tender spot either. Any ideas?
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Old July 8th, 2012, 06:43 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by MaggieBaby View Post
Hello All,

I have a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Maggie; it is just the two of us so there is not another canine or human factor. She is 10 years old and 2 days ago she started following me around the house This is not about her loving me and wanting to be close, I know her inside and out, this is different. She will greet me when I come home as usually, do the bathroom thing, feed her and love on her. The usual. So now after the usual she follows me around and looks at me, I will give her a rub & scratch which would normally satisfy her, she enjoys the attention but she stays right there. I was just in the laundry room and she came in and just stood there not even looking at me, I pet her then said go lay down, normally she would find a soft spot to get comfy. She actually sat by the door waiting for my next move. I have checked her ears for infection, checked her gums her breath is the same, she is not uncomfortable as she will go to sleep once I park my self. I can't find any tender spot either. Any ideas?
Has anything happen to frighten her in the past few days or had you been away on vacation ? I know some dogs get worried their owner will leave them and will follow them around more.
My Standard Poodle started to follow me and stand right next to me. I also notice he smelled strange and a few days later when he peed the snow turned bright red! He had cancer, I am not saying your dog has cancer . I am not saying your dog has cancer, but this the only time my dog acted really needy and stayed close to me.
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Old July 8th, 2012, 07:16 PM
MaggieBaby MaggieBaby is offline
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Barking Dog:

Sadly this has crossed my mind, I wish she could talk, butI have not seen anything unusual in odors or waste so I am choosing to think otherwise. I have not been gone I have been very busy long hours away from the house the last week of June. This past week I have been home full time Wed thru today. If I went somewhere she went with me, with the exception of errands way too hot to wait in the car. So she has had me on overload that is why I am confused. I have been cleaning things out so maybe she senses a change, or maybe she has figured out I am leaving Thursday for Vacation. I have hid the suitcase and packing in the spare bedroom which the door is always closed. Sometimes they are too smart! Thanks for the post
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Old July 8th, 2012, 09:44 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by MaggieBaby View Post
Barking Dog:

Sadly this has crossed my mind, I wish she could talk, butI have not seen anything unusual in odors or waste so I am choosing to think otherwise. I have not been gone I have been very busy long hours away from the house the last week of June. This past week I have been home full time Wed thru today. If I went somewhere she went with me, with the exception of errands way too hot to wait in the car. So she has had me on overload that is why I am confused. I have been cleaning things out so maybe she senses a change, or maybe she has figured out I am leaving Thursday for Vacation. I have hid the suitcase and packing in the spare bedroom which the door is always closed. Sometimes they are too smart! Thanks for the post
My dogs always know when I am going out , you dog can sense something is going on and if you travel a lot she will know what your suitcase means. I bet she know you are going away. I had a cat that would hide as soon as he saw his cat carrier as he knew it was time to go to the vet! Yeah our pets are too smart , it is hard to get away with anything as they're always watching us so closely.
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behavior, change, follow, stare, unusual

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