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Old January 26th, 2009, 09:55 AM
chantalrenee chantalrenee is offline
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Puppy Napping

Hello there

We just got our 8 week old chocolate brown lab a couple of days ago. We've had two very bad nights with very little sleep. But it seems like he wants to sleep all day. We're not sure how much napping during the day we should allow. Should we just let him sleep all he wants? SHould we wake him up? If he sleeps during the day, won't that make the nights even worse? He's crated at night, by the way....

Thank you,
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Old January 26th, 2009, 10:24 AM
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when we first got our 9 week old labx pup she slept 21 out of 24 hours!!! the 3 hours awake were through the night, after a frantic call to the vet we were told that that is not uncommon, and as for the waking through the night, its because they are still on moms feeding schedule and we were told to just give her a little "chew" toy to satisfy her when she awoke. He was right, it worked....
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Old January 26th, 2009, 11:57 AM
BPISS BPISS is offline
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You're talking about a Baby here. Mostly that's all they do is Sleep, Play a little, Eat and Sleep some more. Think of a Human Baby, don't they Sleep a lot?. Pups are no different in that regard.
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Old January 26th, 2009, 04:00 PM
chantalrenee chantalrenee is offline
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Thanks for your help. It's hard to know....You know? He's a baby, yes...but he's a dog....not a human. So, we weren't sure if the same rules applied. Thank you to the other lab owner for your words of encouragement.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:57 PM
Mgue Mgue is offline
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My lab x puppy also slept a lot! He'd wake up to pee & play a bit, then we'd go back inside and he'd be right back to sleep. It's normal, and they do sleep less as they grow up. Still dogs sleep a lot - it's a dog's life, right?
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 01:05 PM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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Oh my, I'm so relieved that all you are posting about is a sleeping puppy. When I saw the title my mind thought someone stole your puppy. As in kidnapping.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 01:08 PM
Diamondsmum Diamondsmum is offline
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yup I agree with above posters, When we got our puppy @ 9wks she was very very sleepy & as vet said they grow when they sleep. her first vet visit i believe at 10wks she slept right throu the examination & needles.

i know when she did wake up immediately outside for for business. cut down on the accidents in the house.

Good luck with your puppy & do please post pics We love pics
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 02:16 PM
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Just like with any baby.....enjoy the sleepy times, because in a few months you will have a wild teenager on your hands.
I recently lost my choc lab at age 14, you have lots of time ahead of you for playing and training.
Please have pets spayed and neutered,
and wearing a collar with an ID tag.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 04:41 PM
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Is the crate in your room? I had the same problem with my pup and when I mentioned it at his vet appointment the vet suggested putting the crate close to us while we sleep so he could see us. It worked like a charm never had a problem again.
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Old February 11th, 2009, 07:34 AM
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Im glad to read this thread, puppy on my lap resting as I type this. Yeah my god they do sleep a lot, sort of gets boring after a while. Because my PC is in the basement (where the puppy is not yet aquainted) I bring him down with me because I know when he wakes or gets restless he has to go out for potty. When he's done his busines, we get about 15 minutes of eating, playtime/some training (sit, laydown, stay etc...) maybe get some grooming in then its back for another nap. I don't know how long this lasts or when his awake & play times will lengthen? He's only 9 weeks also, so I guess it just takes time; Im looking forward to him being a little more active.
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Old February 11th, 2009, 10:41 AM
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Your honeymoon is about over, Pete. With our pups, they always gave us a week or so to think we had things all under control, then the mischief-maker came out! So brace yourself.
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Old February 12th, 2009, 12:43 PM
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LOL ,I think your right! last 2 nights in a row I've been woken by puppy winning at 3:45 a.m, so out for a pee and back to bed (more winning 5 mins) the sleep till 6:00 a.m, this moring it was raining out and afer his 6 a.m. pee and scrable to the door, the little bugger crapped on the floor. A wilfull Daxie?? not my Mooshie , so now the vigilance starts again. This evening I'm going to try to have a 1 hour play period, if its not raining even a short walk to tier him out , try to get him to sleep at least untill 6 a.m. which he was doing untill the last two nights .
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napping, puppies

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