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Old July 16th, 2008, 01:00 PM
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I currently have 2 Pits (both rescue) and a Rotti, in the past I have had Am Staffs as well as other breeds.
In all my years of having "bully breeds" I have never had one attack another human being. I did have a male Am Staff, that fought with a Malmute once but the Malmute started it.Thankfully I had a breakstick and was able to end it relatively quickly.

My Apbt's have never shown signs of DA, I have fostered lots of dogs and my Pits were more than willing to share their home and their "mom and dad".

Like someone posted earlier, many attacks claimed to be by Pitbulls, were not Pitbulls at all. Unfortunately, there aren't enough resources to do DNA testing on all dogs otherwise maybe the "stats" would be different.

I don't agree with breed bans, and as far as legislating that all Pits should be muzzled and such, why should my dogs be punished for the actions of a few?
I take great pride in knowing my Apbt's are good ambassadors for the breed.
Like that motto goes: "Punish the Deed not the Breed".
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Old July 17th, 2008, 03:32 PM
katherine93 katherine93 is offline
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Originally Posted by Luvmypitgirls View Post
I currently have 2 Pits (both rescue) and a Rotti, in the past I have had Am Staffs as well as other breeds.
In all my years of having "bully breeds" I have never had one attack another human being. I did have a male Am Staff, that fought with a Malmute once but the Malmute started it.Thankfully I had a breakstick and was able to end it relatively quickly.

My Apbt's have never shown signs of DA, I have fostered lots of dogs and my Pits were more than willing to share their home and their "mom and dad".

Like someone posted earlier, many attacks claimed to be by Pitbulls, were not Pitbulls at all. Unfortunately, there aren't enough resources to do DNA testing on all dogs otherwise maybe the "stats" would be different.

I don't agree with breed bans, and as far as legislating that all Pits should be muzzled and such, why should my dogs be punished for the actions of a few?
I take great pride in knowing my Apbt's are good ambassadors for the breed.
Like that motto goes: "Punish the Deed not the Breed".

Very well said. I could not agree with you more. BTW- love your motto...take a look at this, maybe it will open some peoples eyes. http://www.atts.org/stats1.html

Last edited by katherine93; July 17th, 2008 at 03:38 PM.
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Old July 22nd, 2008, 09:06 PM
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Pitbull ban didn't work - and neither do the Liberals

Well I haven't been here in a while but a search just led me in here. I hope all are well.

I thought I would post two items while here. One regarding the pit bull ban and another regarding the scum that passed that law.

With a death last week possibly being tied to a dog bite I thought I would bring your attention to a little known fact regarding Bill 132 and the DOLA.

In the two years leading up to the ban in which the Liberals were in power no dog related deaths occurred in Ontario. Since the ban was implemented there have been three - one per year. Leading up to the ban the average number of dog related deaths in Canada per year was one. Now the average of dog related deaths in Ontario alone since the ban is one a year.

This means that statistically Ontario if FAR FAR more dangerous than it was before the ban.

And as for the Liberals they continue to scam the sheeple in other ways with their announcements of improvement. Why the press doesn't tear them apart I don't know.

In the last month the Liberals have ramped up the new Health Care lotteries. Last month they announced the approval of cancer drugs in Ontario. The only problem is they only funded it enough that maybe 1 in 7 will get treatment. Today they announced that insulin pumps will be made available to 1300 type 1 diabetics. The only problem is that approx 900,000 people in Ontario have diabetes and the Canadian Diabetes association suggests that 10% of those have type 1. That means that over 88,000 type 1 diabetics WON'T get the pumps. The new minister of health used to run the Ontario lotteries but I would suggest that he still is running them.
Don't blame me I voted NDP.

Last edited by twodogsandacat; July 22nd, 2008 at 09:29 PM.
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Old July 23rd, 2008, 06:17 PM
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and you expected more this is the liberal party
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Lettin the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin it back in.

Most of the stuff people worry about ain't gonna happen anyway.
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Old December 29th, 2008, 09:38 PM
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hello im a bully owner and located in San Antonio TX if anyone else is located here there is a group called Alamo city bully breeds united we have weight pulling classes bully outings in the park and pit bull awareness days very positive organization if you want more info please message me
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Old December 29th, 2008, 10:02 PM
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Welcome bellatx!

Have you posted pix of your pupper here? I don't have one but, pitties are well-loved here. at pets.ca
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Old August 7th, 2009, 08:27 PM
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Let's not forget defensive handling by the owner (the belief that if the dog, as a pup, refuses to go for a walk by plopping down on its butt (for whatever reason), the dog is considered to be displaying 'alpha' or dominant behaviours, and must be shown who's boss immediately... as if a child who takes a cookie without asking will invariably become a thief as an adult) and defensive interactions/approaches (the energy of the person approaching with huge mistrust and fear - what does that tell the 'vicious' breed??)

I'm quite sure that defensive handling and approaching are a bigger part of the stats than people training their dogs to fight. A dog who is raised defensively and with mistrust will be a defensive and mistrustful dog.

Keep up the good work for making this horrible bill history.
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Prin View Post
Any breed of dog can turn, yeah, but I also don't want people thinking that all dogs turn. There has to be something seriously wrong with a dog for it to attack like that. 99.9% of dogs don't TURN ever. Some become aggressive because of lack of training and all that, sure, but they don't "turn" all of a sudden. Dogs are not unpredictable most of the time, unless there is something neurologically wrong.

And in Dinky's case, the dog never turned, so IMO it was just lack of training.
I agree with this 100%. Just like people don't "turn." Seriel killers are not just well adjusted people who "snap." Neither are dogs. Alot of it is environment, handling, nutrition and treatment (unless it is neurological or rabies or something like that).
I have 1 beautiful DSH tabby. 15 years old.
(and one sweet piti. 1.5 years old)
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Old January 3rd, 2011, 10:37 PM
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Traveling with a Piti

I live in an area that has NO BSL, thank God! However, what if I own a piti and I want to travel elsewhere (another state)? How do I find out if piti there are banned? If they are does that mean I can't go there with my piti to visit?

HUMANS (bad ones) have caused the bad press on piti's. They used to be nursey dogs! They would watch over the babies in the nursies! Then they became farm dogs but were so highly regarded they lived inside the farm homes. Now thanks to Michael Vick and others like him they are viewed by the deeds of the HUMANS and what HUMANS have done to them!

I hate Michael Vick, BTW
I have 1 beautiful DSH tabby. 15 years old.
(and one sweet piti. 1.5 years old)
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Old January 4th, 2011, 05:31 PM
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Meow,nice to"see"you again,AG told us you have your very own Pittie now,you know we'd love to see some pics
I think all of us think the same about M.Vick,but of course he is a FOOT-BALL star,much more important than all the dogs tortured and killed.
It seems foot-ball is more important than the moral of the players.
How is Simba feeling about the new doggie??
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old April 3rd, 2011, 09:22 PM
Brandon W Brandon W is offline
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Im finding that with all this attention brought to pitbulls being bad and aggressive dogs(bsl ban in ontario,and the medias bias picture it painted of "pitbulls") that it is teaching society that pitbulls(or dogs alike) ARE a dangerous dog,and that they WILL attack. So right away people are sending/getting triggers in their body that they feel uncomfortable,nervous and scared around these certain dogs. Dogs have a tons more receptors to pick up warning signs of a bad/dangerous person/animal.Now put an unstable human/animal around a dog and your chances of a problem are a lot higher. It is not helping to decrease attacks. Any dog can attack,or be trained/raised to attack. If they want to prevent or lower these attacks it starts with knowledge about dogs. Half of dog owners dont have a clue how to train or handle the breed they have chosen. This results in poor behavior,and lack of obeying orders,and a higher chance it will turn or misbehave. There should be laws made to obtain a dog no matter what breed. Example,any person wanting to own a dog must first pass this written test on caring and training a dog. People should not just be able to buy a dog and walk away. Manditory requirements might also include inspections of home prior to owning,as well as training started and completed within a certain time frame of aquiring the dog. I used to live in a more "younger/open minded/middle class" area of town(students/kids/lower class familys),and got Lola. Everyone loved her,people would always say hi to her,and stop to pet her. I moved back home which is a more laid back middle aged,somewhat upper class(familys/elderly/young couples/kids) sorta setting. OMG. I can not believe the difference in attitude toward pitbulls/look-a-likes. Im talking like crazyyyy. I will be a football field away. And these dog owners/people walking start to bolt like there is a stampede,or like the earth under their feet is falling and try to get away or avoid me and Lola. This is causing a lot confusion in her and mis-trust. She feels and senses the way people are scared and terrified in her. Now Im stuck trying to make her understand why people are feeling this way. It makes her uncomfortable,cause it is an actual all out panic that people are getting in. She feels those people are unstable,and i can tell is not sure around them,and im left to somehow reasure her.Ive found the ban has just made things worse. For attacks and for owners of pitbulls and dogs that resemble them,because now they have to suffer in the long run. Due to the way the media as well as the lack of knowledge has made people view only certain dogs as prone to attack. This makes it far worse,any dog will have more of a chance to attack if it feels threatened/uncomfortable,specially if the person attacked is feeling the same way.I wish those who view pitbulls as aggressive would not be so one sided and more informed with the right facts. Any and all pitbulls ive raised or trained have all turned out to be the most affectionate dog I have yet to raise or train. This type of breed is a posterboy for the saying "a dog is mans best friend" These dogs want nothing more then to impress and make their owner proud. One of the smartest dogs too,very easy to train,super quick learners. Two of the dogs most likely to bite a human are actually two of the most overlooked breeds for aggression and attacks. Anyone know which two ? Both are in the working class of dogs,and are one of the most popular breeds...
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Old April 3rd, 2011, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Brandon W View Post
There should be laws made to obtain a dog no matter what breed. Example,any person wanting to own a dog must first pass this written test on caring and training a dog. People should not just be able to buy a dog and walk away. Manditory requirements might also include inspections of home prior to owning,as well as training started and completed within a certain time frame of aquiring the dog.
Aside from infringing on free people's rights even more than a breed ban (due to directly affecting all people and all dogs), your suggestion would require (1) a neutral and accepted authority who also knows each breed and cross and individual dog and applicant well enough to make appropriate matches and (2) a great deal of money and manpower. And then the problem of why target dogs? What about cats? Horses? Cattle? Hamsters? ... all of which can suffer from neglect, and all of which can cause injury...
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:31 AM
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True, it was just a thought. I didnt mean for every breed. Just those that are in question. But yes i know that it is not practical. Just wish people wouldnt believe everything they hear or see on tv,or the net. :P

I do not agree with the infingement. I had to have a "evaluation" done with myself and the two dogs we had in the apt. This ment s.p.c.a officer had to come into my apartment,examine it. Then examine the two dogs. As well as asking me a million questions. All this due to some inconsiderate/bias person who lied to the s.p.c.a to try to get me fined or have my dog removed.All because she thought it was a bad dog and afraid of it. This is infringement,there was no solid proof that I was doing any of the things the lady told them. But yet just cause someone called im forced to open my home and answer this officers questions....long story short the woman was charged with harassment and making a false statement.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 08:44 AM
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Brandon,Ontario needs more people like you and a politician to listen.
Unfortunately,the thought of Pitties being vicious has been imprinted on peoples brains,by the media and Michael Bryants rants...

If I even mention Pit-Bulls to people they get a look of disdain in their faces,prejudging a dog they might not ever have met..it's a shame and a disgrace
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old April 4th, 2011, 09:36 AM
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Brandon, are you hooked up with the BSL and Pittie Co-op folks in Toronto/ Onscario ?
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Old April 4th, 2011, 11:55 AM
Chris21711 Chris21711 is offline
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Originally Posted by Brandon W View Post

There should be laws made to obtain a dog no matter what breed. Example,any person wanting to own a dog must first pass this written test on caring and training a dog. People should not just be able to buy a dog and walk away. Manditory requirements might also include inspections of home prior to owning,as well as training started and completed within a certain time frame of aquiring the dog.
If this kind of law were applied......the number of dogs euthanized would be frightening.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris21711 View Post
If this kind of law were applied......the number of dogs euthanized would be frightening.

How so ? Id think it would decrease if anything. No im not part of those groups,just started having these problems with people in my area. HOw would i join those groups ? Im very interested in them. This breed has such a bad rep. People here are the same,if you mention pittys or have one your the devil.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:31 PM
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Perfect Example

I had this happen to me the other day. I had this grown man maybe in his 30's to 40's just panic and bolt away from Lola. Then down the street,a little girl asked to pet her. She was maybe 3 or 4. Not a fear in the world of the dog. So i let her,got Lola to sit,and then told her it was ok. Pitts love kids. I found it ironic that here is someone who is educated on the subject so afraid,then someone who has no knowledge not even think twice about the dog. It is frustraiting.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Brandon W View Post

How so ? Id think it would decrease if anything.
The majority of the people would not get a dog if they had to go to those lengths....
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Brandon W View Post
How so ? Id think it would decrease if anything. No im not part of those groups,just started having these problems with people in my area. HOw would i join those groups ? Im very interested in them. This breed has such a bad rep. People here are the same,if you mention pittys or have one your the devil.
Everyone who is illiterate, dyslexic, thinks a dog should be "fat and happy" not trained, has a messy house or one something that is potentially dangerous, has poisonous plants, has onions/raisins/chocolate not in a locked cupboard, or is unable to attend class due to financial/social/other reasons would not be allowed to have a dog. Where are their dogs all going to go?
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:43 PM
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Exactly,so because they will not do this they do not want to own a dog(or animal) that bad. It would decrease because it would be less animals brought into a home that is not able to take care of them properly. Which would make the pet population stop growing,as well as prevent owners from giving up their animal to the humane society. It would decrease if anything,there would also be less reproduction of the animals. Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by Chris21711 View Post
The majority of the people would not get a dog if they had to go to those lengths....
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:44 PM
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Sorry Brandon, I disagree with you.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by SamIam View Post
Everyone who is illiterate, dyslexic, thinks a dog should be "fat and happy" not trained, has a messy house or one something that is potentially dangerous, has poisonous plants, has onions/raisins/chocolate not in a locked cupboard, or is unable to attend class due to financial/social/other reasons would not be allowed to have a dog. Where are their dogs all going to go?

True but then again should they be allowed to have an animal if they cant take care of it. I dunno im not saying this has to be done it was just a comment made when venting lol. Im tired of people looking at me like im a criminal for having a dog thats all lol. I know this idea would have to be debugged quite a bit in order for it to become a rule.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:50 PM
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Where is mummummum when you need a politician's perspective?
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Old April 4th, 2011, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Chris21711 View Post
Sorry Brandon, I disagree with you.
No problems,no need to be sorry. It was just an idea that I had in my head and was said in the heat of the moment without any real thought about how it would effect people. Im just frustraited about the way this ban has effected pittys and their owners.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 01:21 PM
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Brandon, you may not be aware that steps are being taken to try to have the Bill banning pitbull breeds in Ontario repealed. You can find more information on this and what you might be able to do to help at the following website:


There was a rally, the "Million Mutt March" held just a couple of weeks ago. The passing of Bill 60 would go a long way to end BSL in Ontario (changing some peoples attitudes toward the breed could take longer).

You can find out a little more about Bill 60 at the following website:


The Bill passed the first reading in May of last year and nothing further has happened to-date.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 02:26 PM
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Thanks for the sites,I did know there was people trying to get it changed. Did not know about the sites or the actual facts of what what happening. Im going to do anything possible to show my opinion so I will be signing the petition and informing others about it as well. I know changing peoples opinion now is going to be hard but worth a try. The laws have to be changed on the act. Some of the act prevents good dog owners and specific owners that LOVE the breed from having them. All because of some irresponsible people and their actions with/on pitbulls. So im excited to see what more I can do. Im tired of being harassed by those around me with a clouded view on pitbulls and pitbull look-a-likes.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 03:01 PM
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Brandon, lots of efforts in that area. The most difficult part will be to offer an alternate way of dealing with the people who are involved with pit bulls in illegal and unethical activities. As for public opinion, it existed long before breed bans were proposed and will exist long after they are removed. Your best bet is to educate those who are willing to listen. Take that 3-4 year old girl down the street from you, for example. You can teach her the proper way to treat a dog, to always ask the owner before petting, and also help explain how to tell whether a dog is friendly or not by reading the dog's body language.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by SamIam View Post
Brandon, lots of efforts in that area. The most difficult part will be to offer an alternate way of dealing with the people who are involved with pit bulls in illegal and unethical activities. As for public opinion, it existed long before breed bans were proposed and will exist long after they are removed. Your best bet is to educate those who are willing to listen. Take that 3-4 year old girl down the street from you, for example. You can teach her the proper way to treat a dog, to always ask the owner before petting, and also help explain how to tell whether a dog is friendly or not by reading the dog's body language.

Believe it or not i actually did this with the little girl. I explained that any dog can be mean,and that you should always ask the person with the dog first. then i got her to sit(lola) and then even made the girl ask her to sit as well. then she was able to pet her. The girl enjoyed it,she found it amusing that Lola listened to her command. But yes it will always be there and the ban didnt start it. Thats a perfect solution,and its what i try to do,is educate that they can be just as good as any other breed. Lola is a great example of it,and she loves the attention when people want to find out about them. I have had people stop and ask too,i think more are realizing that any dog can become unstable.Its all one big learning circle lol
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Old April 4th, 2011, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by SamIam View Post
Everyone who is illiterate, dyslexic, thinks a dog should be "fat and happy" not trained, has a messy house or one something that is potentially dangerous, has poisonous plants, has onions/raisins/chocolate not in a locked cupboard, or is unable to attend class due to financial/social/other reasons would not be allowed to have a dog. Where are their dogs all going to go?
I'm not sure if I am reading this wrong or not, but are you saying that someone who has trouble reading/writing ect should not own a dog?
If so, that is extemely horrible to say. I have an ex who was illiterate but the KINDEST person to animals I have ever seen. He may not have been able to read or write (well) but he knew how to take care of a dog regardless.
Just sayin...
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