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Old April 21st, 2011, 12:16 AM
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And If my poor feeble mind is correct, I helped with a few fund raisers to help STOP the pit bull ban in Ontario. We only raised about 25 K over the years for lawyers. I donated time and money to stop this injustice. I know lots of pitties, trust them with my small ones...no because I understand prey drive. There are no bad dogs just dumb owners.
The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog...

There ain't no cure for stupid ...... but we should make sure we laugh and point it out to everyone else
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Old April 21st, 2011, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Rgeurts View Post
Shay, what you have done, and continue to do, is amazing! You're a wonderful person

I concur. And further, being as deeply committed to rescue as Shay (and many others on Pets are), it underscores the point that the lives of ALL dogs are precious and attempts at "gallows humour" ~ whether it's "kill the pitbull" or "ban the shihtzu" , is almost always insensitive and cruel.
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Old April 21st, 2011, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Melinda View Post

The owner of the Shih Tzu that attacked and disfigured a Home Depot employee’s face says she’s contesting the fine handed down by the city because she can’t afford to pay it.

“The little bit I do have, I’ll be needing forever,” said Odette Fournier, 65, who’s retired and living on a fixed income.

On Monday she was slapped with a $610 fine and ordered to keep her 12-year-old dog, Spot, muzzled at all times in public after bylaw officers investigated last Friday’s incident.

Anne Riel’s nose was bitten by Spot while she was working as a greeter inside an east-end Home Depot store.

Fournier said Spot has never hurt anyone before.

“I don’t think it’s a vicious dog. It’s just a pure, bad incident.”

The women aren’t strangers — for at least two years, they’ve seen each other around town.

“Her daughter, Gabrielle, has petted Spot before,” said Fournier.

Fournier said she’s not the one liable.

“I’m very sorry for her, but since it did happen in Home Depot, I think the Worker’s Compensation should cover it,” said Fournier.

Home Depot has a no-pets policy posted.

Despite the signage, pets are currently allowed in-store “as long as they’re under the control of their owners,” said manager of public relations, Tiziana Baccega.

“It has become socially acceptable to have dogs in stores. We’re looking at going back to a no-pets policy.”

They’re hoping to make a decision by Friday.

As for Riel, a single mother of two, she’ll need at least three more surgeries.

She has returned to work because she can’t afford to stay home.

For now, Riel isn’t being compensated for her workplace injury.

“There’s been no discussions around that,” said Baccega.

“She’s happily returned to work. There was no medical reason why she couldn’t so she chose to come back to the store.”

Riel told the Sun she was upset by the dog’s owner nonchalance after the attack.

“She never stopped to see if I was OK,” Riel said Sunday.

But Fournier said that just isn’t true.

“I felt sorry for her. I’m a human being,” she said.

“I asked the manager, ‘how is she doing?’”

Fournier said she’s appealing the muzzle order because she can’t find one small enough for a Shih Tzu.

Riel wants Spot put down.

And the city could decide to have the dog destroyed.

“It would be hard but if that’s the decision, that’s the decision,” said Fournier.

I'm going to pipe in with my

First dog shouldn'thave been in store. Greeter should of told lady to take the dog outside. Store should of enforced the no dog policy.

And the thing that really ticks me off? The fact that the owner of the dog,,,will fight for not having to pay the fine, but when talking about if the decision is made that she has to had the dog pts, which I think would be WRONG...

“It would be hard but if that’s the decision, that’s the decision,” said Fournier.

she says NOTHING about fighting that decision! That really pisses me off! I don't think the dog should be put to sleep...I think it should be muzzled when out in public!

And yes, u can buy muzzles for shih tzus as I had one for my pek/pug as he was an attack dog. It was hard to find but I found one. I had enough sense to get him one and he wore it whenever we had company or went for a walk. And it didn't cost a lot of money and I'm on a fixed income too.

Originally Posted by marko View Post
This is slightly off topic and a difficult point - but i hope no store ever refuses a service animal based on the potential allergies of other customers.

For me, i think the ability of a disabled person to participate and integrate into society should supersede potential allergy issues. Allergy sufferers have meds if need be...but disabled people need their service animals to 'live'. If ONLY service animals are allowed in stores than this surely reduces airborne allergens (versus allowing all pets or "pets under control").
Marko, no one can refuse a service dog unless they want to get a 1,000.00 fine. That's not to say it doesn't happen as it has happened to both hubs and myself, but then the police are called. The only place that guide dogs do not go is into a zoo. The agreement was made when the law was passed in 1970 something, that the blind would not take their guide dogs into a zoo, because of the danger of passing diseases to the zoo animals.

Originally Posted by Brandon W View Post
Thank you I will not explain about how we(pitbull owners) feel about this situation. Shay I bet you would want the dog put down no matter what if it was a pitbull. I do not agree with your statement. WE are not saying kill all shih tzus we are trying to bring light on the situation of the bsl.

Sad part is this shih tzsu tht you are defending, will probably still be able to live after this incident.

A pitbull wouldnt no questions asked....so please please dont think for a second we are trying to degrade a specific breed.
I can't believe u said that it will be SAD that the shih tzu won't be put down! I hope I'm just misunderstanding that.

And the lady that got bit in the article said she "happily returned to work"
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Old April 21st, 2011, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Shaykeija View Post
Thank you, as most of the newest members don't know me, IF that dog were to be slated for death, I would move heaven and earth to get it here to Shayker's Haven. And if not here to another rescue. I have helped move endangered dogs out of this f&*^ province, spent thousands of dollars on vet bills and never had to burden you all with my sad stories. You only get to hear the happy stories, I will not burden you with the story of a male shih tzu that was used repeatedly as a sex toy. I will not tell you how much money we spent to have his rectum rebuilt. I will not burden you with when this poor soul sees a man he freaks. Literally poops and pukes at the same time. He now lives with 2 women and has a women vet. If I sound cranky I frigging am. All life is precious, I would never put a dog down if I could help it.
You are truly an , I so understand how some posts can make a person get so upset
Cat maid to:

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Old April 21st, 2011, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Shaykeija View Post
And If my poor feeble mind is correct, I helped with a few fund raisers to help STOP the pit bull ban in Ontario. We only raised about 25 K over the years for lawyers. I donated time and money to stop this injustice. I know lots of pitties, trust them with my small ones...no because I understand prey drive. There are no bad dogs just dumb owners.
Shay ... you of all people don't need to justify yourself or your beliefs here. Some others however...well, we can only hope have seen the so-called "light" and understand the pain they have caused.
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Old April 21st, 2011, 08:26 AM
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Originally Posted by marko View Post
Lots of ways to interpret this. Personally, I place zero blame on the victim and feel she should of course be compensated. Petting a strange dog is not the best idea but it does not make you responsible for the outcome imo.....especially when the dog is in a store.

The primary blame imo is the dog's owner. Her dog. her responsibility. Period.
Don't bring it unleashed in public and there will be no issue. If the dog really had zero history of aggression, still too bad. Her dog. Her responsibility, period. The best child in the world that breaks a neighbor's window only once, or punches someone in the face only once. Parent's kid. Parent's responsibility, parent should pay damages, period.

The secondary blame is on the store because of their ridiculous and ambiguous policy. Without a doubt that will change really fast and imo it should. Animals have no place in stores unless they are service animals. People have allergies, biting potential - etc. Of course this is all just opinion but i feel pretty strongly about it.
Oh, I get to play devil's advocate again!!
Zero blame on the victim? Really? Is she not an adult who should know what may happen by petting a dog she really does not know? Yes, she had "seen it around" before. Does not mean she spent time with it petting it and getting to know it. Petting a dog you really don't know is something you are entirely responsible for. JMO though. Also - if indeed this dog is 12 years old and has never bitten before why would the owner expect it to bite this time?
And allergies? Yes, I know you are speaking about service animals being allowed in stores in the future but IMO there is no correlation. How about we ban people who have colds, fevers, communicable diseases from stores? Again . I work in a store where people come in all the time, sneeze all over everything, don't cover their mouth with their arm, sneeze or cough into their hand and then give me money with that same hand. I'd much rather see them being kept out of a store than a service dog who is doing it's job.

Originally Posted by Brandon W View Post
Thank you I will not explain about how we(pitbull owners) feel about this situation. I do not agree with your statement. WE are not saying kill all shih tzus we are trying to bring light on the situation of the bsl. Sad part is this shih tzsu tht you are defending, will probably still be able to live after this incident. A pitbull wouldnt no questions asked....so please please dont think for a second we are trying to degrade a specific breed.
We all know how strongly PB advocates' feel about this ban. As has been said before - you are fairly new here. Please get to know who you are addressing before taking on a woman who has been on the front line for a long time. JMO of course.

Originally Posted by Shaykeija View Post
And If my poor feeble mind is correct, I helped with a few fund raisers to help STOP the pit bull ban in Ontario. We only raised about 25 K over the years for lawyers. I donated time and money to stop this injustice. I know lots of pitties, trust them with my small ones...no because I understand prey drive. There are no bad dogs just dumb owners.
No need to ever explain yourself Shay. We know what you do every single day of your life. You know that saying "Walk the walk" folks? She does.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old April 21st, 2011, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
Oh, I get to play devil's advocate again!!
Zero blame on the victim? Really? Is she not an adult who should know what may happen by petting a dog she really does not know? Yes, she had "seen it around" before. Does not mean she spent time with it petting it and getting to know it. Petting a dog you really don't know is something you are entirely responsible for. JMO though. Also - if indeed this dog is 12 years old and has never bitten before why would the owner expect it to bite this time?
And allergies? Yes, I know you are speaking about service animals being allowed in stores in the future but IMO there is no correlation. How about we ban people who have colds, fevers, communicable diseases from stores? Again . I work in a store where people come in all the time, sneeze all over everything, don't cover their mouth with their arm, sneeze or cough into their hand and then give me money with that same hand. I'd much rather see them being kept out of a store than a service dog who is doing it's job.

We all know how strongly PB advocates' feel about this ban. As has been said before - you are fairly new here. Please get to know who you are addressing before taking on a woman who has been on the front line for a long time. JMO of course.

No need to ever explain yourself Shay. We know what you do every single day of your life. You know that saying "Walk the walk" folks? She does.

Bravo, my friend, so so well said.
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

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Old April 21st, 2011, 11:22 AM
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Is she not an adult who should know what may happen by petting a dog she really does not know?
How many adults do we know nowadays who are the problem and the cause of issues in the dog/cat world? Unfortunately a LOT of people have not been taught the proper way to approach a persons dog, or even to just ask if they can pet it before they do. IMO this would be a great opportunity for Home Depot to change their policy about letting animals in their store - and if not that, then at least educating their staff.

With that said; when I take my dogs out in public, I do not wait for anyone else to make a mistake around my boys.

If my dog injures anyone - it's not the dogs fault, it's not the victims fault, it's my fault - period. I don't care if anyone sticks their face too close to my dog. If I am standing there and don't have the ability to prevent a dangerous situation, then I am taking the blame 100% for any accident that follows.
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."

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Old April 21st, 2011, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Bailey_ View Post
How many adults do we know nowadays who are the problem and the cause of issues in the dog/cat world? Unfortunately a LOT of people have not been taught the proper way to approach a persons dog, or even to just ask if they can pet it before they do. IMO this would be a great opportunity for Home Depot to change their policy about letting animals in their store - and if not that, then at least educating their staff.

With that said; when I take my dogs out in public, I do not wait for anyone else to make a mistake around my boys.

If my dog injures anyone - it's not the dogs fault, it's not the victims fault, it's my fault - period. I don't care if anyone sticks their face too close to my dog. If I am standing there and don't have the ability to prevent a dangerous situation, then I am taking the blame 100% for any accident that follows.
And I suppose that is what makes us all uniquely human, right? We all have differing opinions. Now I would imagine the only ones who will be able to make the determining factor as to who is "right' or "wrong" are the lawyers who will be making a killing on the ensuing law suit and the judge who decides.
I should take a picture of MY nose right now. Talk about being stupid. I know very well that dogs are capable of biting and cats are capable of scratching and biting. Talk about a lapse in judgement. At this moment I have a very large scratch on my honker that goes all the way from top to bottom almost right down the middle. Why? Because I was stupid enough to pick up a cat that was very close beside my dog. I would think she thought the dog was attacking and so attacked back. Unfortunately my nose got the worse of it. My fault entirely. Wonder who I can sue?
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old April 21st, 2011, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
And I suppose that is what makes us all uniquely human, right? We all have differing opinions. Now I would imagine the only ones who will be able to make the determining factor as to who is "right' or "wrong" are the lawyers who will be making a killing on the ensuing law suit and the judge who decides.
I should take a picture of MY nose right now. Talk about being stupid. I know very well that dogs are capable of biting and cats are capable of scratching and biting. Talk about a lapse in judgement. At this moment I have a very large scratch on my honker that goes all the way from top to bottom almost right down the middle. Why? Because I was stupid enough to pick up a cat that was very close beside my dog. I would think she thought the dog was attacking and so attacked back. Unfortunately my nose got the worse of it. My fault entirely. Wonder who I can sue?
Yikes 14... Great point though, thank you for putting it in that light. People nowadays are too quick to jump on the money train, using any incident like this to their benefit and the dog is the one that loses out.
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."

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Old April 21st, 2011, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
And I suppose that is what makes us all uniquely human, right? We all have differing opinions. Now I would imagine the only ones who will be able to make the determining factor as to who is "right' or "wrong" are the lawyers who will be making a killing on the ensuing law suit and the judge who decides.
I should take a picture of MY nose right now. Talk about being stupid. I know very well that dogs are capable of biting and cats are capable of scratching and biting. Talk about a lapse in judgement. At this moment I have a very large scratch on my honker that goes all the way from top to bottom almost right down the middle. Why? Because I was stupid enough to pick up a cat that was very close beside my dog. I would think she thought the dog was attacking and so attacked back. Unfortunately my nose got the worse of it. My fault entirely. Wonder who I can sue?
I would have to agree, and I'll tell you why:

Several yrs ago I went to the shelter looking for a puppy friend. There was a 1 yr old DobieX. She was the sweetest little girl I had ever met. Loving, timid and so very submissive. She stole my heart and any thoughts of "puppy" were gone. She was in line to be euthanised that evening. The reason she was there? It was through no fault of her own. I lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone, so getting the "real" story was easy. There was a dobie byb in town. He had taken his male and female in to town with him. he left the windows part way open in the vehicle. Some idiot stuck his hand in to pet them and one of them bit him. He goes to the police with the license plate number of the vehicle, they go out to the byb and tell him he needs to surrender the dog. Instead of giving up his purebred that actually did the biting, he told them my sweet Dixie was the one that bit the guy. So they haul her off to jail. The animal control officer, who was a friend of mine, fell in love with her too. He kept her for a month before putting her down. They normally only kept them for a week. It's a high kill shelter. She was badly abused and very timid, and one of the best dogs I have ever had. She was the sweetest girl and passed of old age at 12 yrs, and almost lost her life because of an irresponsible victim. When people do things like that, it's their own fault if they get bit. Educated or not, imo it's common sense. You don't approach an animal you don't know and you certainly don't stick your hand in a car with a strange dog, or put your face in the face of one (if that's in fact what she did). In this case, the owner is mainly at fault, but I do believe the employee is partially to blame as well as the store for allowing the dog to be there with a no dogs policy.
"Obey my dog!" - Mugatu

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"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole" - Ok... whoever said this has never had a sick or special needs baby. They ARE our whole life!

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Old April 21st, 2011, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Bailey_ View Post
How many adults do we know nowadays who are the problem and the cause of issues in the dog/cat world? Unfortunately a LOT of people have not been taught the proper way to approach a persons dog, or even to just ask if they can pet it before they do.
I agree, people have NOT been taught and so many people think dogs are little humans with problem solving capabilities, that see things through their eyes the same as humans.

So who is responsible for that education? MY mother taught me to go up to strange dogs (along with looking both ways before crossing a street, not to walk along railway tracks, don't play on thin ice, etc., etc.) To me ignorance of common sense is not an excuse to excuse people from their "not so smart" decisions. We are of a society that we are always looking to blame our stupidity on others. This is no exception, in my opinion anyways. The woman who got her nose bit has to take responsibility for her actions and the woman who owns the dog should be responsible for the actions of her dog.
Cat maid to:

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Old April 21st, 2011, 01:03 PM
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So who is responsible for that education? MY mother taught me to go up to strange dogs (along with looking both ways before crossing a street, not to walk along railway tracks, don't play on thin ice, etc., etc.) To me ignorance of common sense is not an excuse to excuse people from their "not so smart" decisions. We are of a society that we are always looking to blame our stupidity on others.
I agree that common sense is a huge factor here. Sadly, not everyone displays it, even I have been at fault for that. (I have huge ugly scars on my right hand due to riding an inner tube made for water down a gravel hill. Yeah. I know.)

Who is responsible? IMO it's *us* as the dog owner. If someone does not know how to approach a dog properly, I always tell the parent or the adult what to do with my dogs and how to do it, especially as an owner of two rather large protective male breeds. I cannot count how many times people have attempted to pet Vali (half deaf) without asking me first. Sure, he looks cute and friendly with his floppy ears; but if startled? Watch out.

Basically we can't expect that someone is going to understand the rules of approaching our dogs. And if they don't, we have the responsibility to educate them, right there on the spot - to avoid any incidents like this.
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."

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Old April 21st, 2011, 01:34 PM
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IMO, well said Bailey
it only takes a few seconds to explain to someone not to pet our pet, or "how to"
whereas someone could end up with a lifetime of scars if they didn't know not to...
I am for sure, from now on, even tho my Lucy is calm, still suggest to possible petters that she could jump at them etc. - after I warn the person, then it's up to them..... ??
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Old April 21st, 2011, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Bailey_ View Post
I cannot count how many times people have attempted to pet Vali (half deaf) without asking me first. Sure, he looks cute and friendly with his floppy ears; but if startled? Watch out.
I think that is part of the problem, people base their opinions of how a dog will react by their physical appearance, ie looks cute and cuddly, therefore must be a lovebug.

And, yes, every owner should be warning people not to pet their dog. NO owner can be 100% sure of how their dog is going to react.
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

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In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.-English Proverb

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Old April 21st, 2011, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Bailey_ View Post
I agree that common sense is a huge factor here. Sadly, not everyone displays it, even I have been at fault for that.
(I have huge ugly scars on my right hand due to riding an inner tube made for water down a gravel hill. Yeah. I know.)

Lord knows I have done my fair share of "not so smart" things. We all lack common sense on occassion. But... if you do have one of those moments, then I think you need to take responsibility for your own actions.[/B]

Who is responsible? IMO it's *us* as the dog owner. If someone does not know how to approach a dog properly, I always tell the parent or the adult what to do with my dogs and how to do it, especially as an owner of two rather large protective male breeds. I cannot count how many times people have attempted to pet Vali (half deaf) without asking me first. Sure, he looks cute and friendly with his floppy ears; but if startled? Watch out.

I agree completely that owners are responsible, for the most part. But I still fully and 100% believe that the "victim" needs to take some responsibility as well, for his/her own actions. Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to the law, and it shouldn't be when it comes to our pets either. If he/she was just walking down a street, minding their own business and were attacked, I would say the vicitm has no blame whatsoever. But in the case of walking up to a strange animal to pet it, that's completely different. Even if an animal has never shown aggression, it doesn't mean it won't. It's an animal
I, like you, struggle when walking Thorin. He's a beautiful boy, and everyone wants to "love" him. But he's timid and over-protective of me. I have to stop kids all the time, even with the parents standing right there saying nothing to them. It irritates me to no end. If I do something stupid, and get hurt, I'm sure not going to blame anyone but myself.

Basically we can't expect that someone is going to understand the rules of approaching our dogs. And if they don't, we have the responsibility to educate them, right there on the spot - to avoid any incidents like this.
No, we can't expect them to know. So what it comes down to is they need to educate themselves before approaching. Again, it's common sense. An animal is an animal is an animal... and therefore, unpredictable. Again, JMO
"Obey my dog!" - Mugatu

"Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!" ~ Theophile Gautier

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole" - Ok... whoever said this has never had a sick or special needs baby. They ARE our whole life!

R.I.P. my sweet, handsome Thorin. You are missed dearly Dec. 25, 1999 - Mar. 4, 2012
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Old April 21st, 2011, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Inthedoghouse View Post
IMO, well said Bailey
it only takes a few seconds to explain to someone not to pet our pet, or "how to"
And it only takes a few seconds for someone to get their face bitten. It can happen before you have a chance to "educate" them, so they need to take responsibility for thier own actions and educate themselves as well.

I'm in no way saying it's always the victims fault 100%. But what I am saying is partial blame does lie with them in most cases. Ignorance is no excuse in anything we do where the law is concerned (and most other areas of life), so why should it be ok here? People need to take some of the responsibility.
"Obey my dog!" - Mugatu

"Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!" ~ Theophile Gautier

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole" - Ok... whoever said this has never had a sick or special needs baby. They ARE our whole life!

R.I.P. my sweet, handsome Thorin. You are missed dearly Dec. 25, 1999 - Mar. 4, 2012
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Old April 21st, 2011, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Inthedoghouse View Post
IMO, well said Bailey
it only takes a few seconds to explain to someone not to pet our pet, or "how to"
whereas someone could end up with a lifetime of scars if they didn't know not to...
I am for sure, from now on, even tho my Lucy is calm, still suggest to possible petters that she could jump at them etc. - after I warn the person, then it's up to them..... ??
Then what happens if Lucy bites the person? Do you say "I warned you?" Not trying to start an argument. Just saying. Where do you draw the line? You can say to the animal enforcement officer who shows up at your door to pick up Lucy "I warned them". Is that going to make a difference on whether or not Lucy goes with the officer? It's your word against the person who Lucy bit. The person is the victim so therefore their word will most likely be taken as law, right? I would imagine you would fight for your Lucy. Doesn't sound like this woman will if the decision is made to put her dog down.
I'm still on the fence with all of this. I don't believe a 12 year old dog should be put down. There had to have been a reason behind the bite. There always is. Maybe he felt the greeter was going to harm his owner. Maybe the greeter touched him in a spot that hurt. No one knows nor will they likely take the time to find out. I also agree the dog should not be in the store. IMO stores are not a place for dogs - unless they are service dogs. People simply can not do their shopping and still pay full attention to their dog. That is a recipe for disaster.
On the flip side - I feel a bit for the person who was bitten. She was irresponsible in petting a dog she really didn't know but she paid the price. Should she insist the dog be put down? I don't think so. She has to bear some responsibility. I am quite sure she will get her medical paid for somehow. That's what her lawyer will be for.
As for the owner of the Tzu - she's the real winner in all of this. It's too bad her dog will likely pay the price for her not wanting to take responsibility for its' actions.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 04:28 AM
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as of May 16th all dogs are banned from Home depots across the country, Brina will miss the girls.
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Melinda View Post
as of May 16th all dogs are banned from Home depots across the country, Brina will miss the girls.
...except service dogs of course.
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 08:07 PM
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You are all forgetting what Choochi posted.
[Quote] I just listened to a radio interview with the woman and here are a few more details to the story.

A few other employees attempted to pat the dog and he growled at them. The lady was asked that if the dog was not friendly and continued to growl at people she would need to take it out of the store. When asked why she brought the dog with her, she said it was because he likes to look at things. [End quote]

So, shame on that owner for keeping her old dog out when obviously it was having a bad day, and shame on her for not saying clearly, even loudly, "Leave the dog alone".It had been primed to attack by other staff probably showing fear when it growled too. For such carelessness on her part, especially when someone gets hurt, the dog should be taken off her. If she'd been waving a gun around and it accidentally went off, wouldn't you want the gun taken off her?

By the way, what exactly is Home depot,(duh! ) what do they sell? No such thing here, and dogs are not allowed in stores at all, or maybe only in Petstock - not sure that's even the case as I only see the owner's GSD there. And definitely not allowed in Hotel or Motel rooms because of people with allergies. And you know, much as I love dogs, I don't want to go shopping with them, not have to try and get past people trying to pat the cute little fluffy someone had bought along.
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 08:13 PM
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Home Depot is an all in one Hardware store. They sell everything from construction material to plants to lawn mowers to paint to sinks to ceiling fans.
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 09:59 PM
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Her nose looks like it healed really well. I'm sure with the other surgeries she said she would need it will look as good as new. Maybe even better.
It will now be left up to a judge and jury to decide in all probability. We weren't there to know exactly what happened.
I hope all parties in this will continue to heal and move forward. Good luck to them.

Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by erykah1310 View Post
Home Depot is an all in one Hardware store. They sell everything from construction material to plants to lawn mowers to paint to sinks to ceiling fans.
Thanks for that, Erykah. My favorite sort of shop. Our biggest here in this State(just called hardware stores here btw) is one called Bunnings and I do wish they'd start one up locally, though the biggest we do have still does have a great garden centre in it and that's the main thing for me. Can't leave town without I check out the garden centre.

pm on the way.
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Old April 23rd, 2011, 09:25 AM
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....regardless, IMO only, if my dog bites someone who is trying to be nice to her, hopefully I will have more sympathy for the person bitten than has been shown here.
Nose good as new or even better.... what kind of comment is that? If the greeter had bitten the dog's nose, would be a different story!!
Have a nice Easter, to those who celebrate.... and a nice restful long weekend with your pets :-)
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Old April 23rd, 2011, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Inthedoghouse View Post
....regardless, IMO only, if my dog bites someone who is trying to be nice to her, hopefully I will have more sympathy for the person bitten than has been shown here.
Nose good as new or even better.... what kind of comment is that? If the greeter had bitten the dog's nose, would be a different story!!
Have a nice Easter, to those who celebrate.... and a nice restful long weekend with your pets :-)
I'm sorry if I came across as not having sympathy for the woman. I do. Thing is I feel that she should have to bear a certain amount of blame herself. Most of us have been taught at one time or another that you do not approach an animal you do not know (or know well). Her "having seen the dog around town" does not constitute "knowing the animal well". This person is 39 years old. Hardly a small child who may not know better. Just my humble opinion of course.
As for what kind of a statement is that? An honest one. I know a ton of people who have said if they sustained an injury to their nose that required surgery would say to their doc - take a bit off the tip while you're at it will you? Human nature. Please don't make more of it than was intended. I'm not here to argue with you.
And as for the statement " If the greeter had bitten the dog's nose, would be a different story!! " you are absolutely right!! It would never have made the news in the first place.
As I also stated earlier - I should post a pic of my nose right now as it has sustained an injury from a cat. Should I go to the paper too? I'm going to bear a darned good scar from it. It will be one that I will have the rest of my life. Oh well, I'll deal.

I'd like to leave this thread with a small story and then I am done trying to defend myself here..............
If you care to take the time to visit the St Catharines Costco there is a gentleman who works there who was severely, and I mean severely, burned in a fire. His face was pretty much melted. From what I have seen a great deal of his body was. Guess what? He shows up for work every day happy to be alive. He has gone through many surgeries. Will go through many more. And that is just to have a semblance of a "normal" face. Every time I see him I wonder how I can even think of complaining about my little aches and pains. I can't remember ever having seen a story of him in the paper. Nope. He comes to work. He does his job and does it well. He is happy doing it. He is alive. I think we could all learn a huge lesson from him. JMO of course.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Last edited by 14+kitties; April 23rd, 2011 at 09:54 AM. Reason: I stated the wrong store. Sorry
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Old April 23rd, 2011, 11:24 AM
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Brandon, I don't think you making a "personal" attack against Shay here, and as a fellow PB guardian I fully understand the point you were trying to make.
If it had been one of our dogs, there would be an outcry to destroy the dog, it wouldn't matter the circumstances, our dogs would be apprehended and killed, and yes there is a double standard when it comes to little breeds.
Personally, I hope the little dog isn't put down, but I do hope the fine and muzzle order sticks, only because its the law and all dog handlers should be held to the same standards. As I have said I hope the dog ISN'T put down.
I understand the tongue and cheek comment, it's been made on here several times before, and taken in context usually.
I just feel what you were saying was misconstrewed into something it wasn't meant to be.
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Last edited by Luvmypitgirls; April 23rd, 2011 at 09:27 PM. Reason: to clarify...
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Old April 23rd, 2011, 05:02 PM
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hmmm though slightly off topic..but then again alittle on...
A little tiny story:
I volunteer at a shelter, being a smart arse I 'assume' I can walk into a cage and take one out for a walk, and end up getting bit in the face. So - who is to blame? Me? Darn right. Who am I to 'assume' that the dog is not going to react? It's not the dog's fault, it's not the shelter's fault...it's mine and I own it. So - would I consider suing? Absolutely not. You do something stupid, then you pay the piper..no compensation, no apologies, NEVER would 'recommend' the dog be destroyed and certainly would not sue. As a good friend Frenchy says: Suck it up Buttercup!
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Old April 23rd, 2011, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
As for what kind of a statement is that? An honest one. ... Please don't make more of it than was intended. I'm not here to argue with you.
... and then I am done trying to defend myself here..............
You m'dear have the patience of a saint. And you most certainly do not have to defend your self.
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Old April 23rd, 2011, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
As I also stated earlier - I should post a pic of my nose right now as it has sustained an injury from a cat. Should I go to the paper too? I'm going to bear a darned good scar from it. It will be one that I will have the rest of my life. Oh well, I'll deal.

Off topic I know but sorry to hear that the cat did that sort of damage, 14+. I realise we could all be worse off but I know what it's like to wear a big scratch down my cheek, from a dog that used to leap up and was careless what she did with her nails. It feels like it will take forever to heal and I found it a bit embarrassing going out in public. I hope the scar fades or is better than you thought it'd be eventually. That gentleman you mentioned is like a woman here whose estranged boyfriend shot her in the face with a shotgun, it was a miracle they both survived so it's easy to see why they appreciate life so much afterwards. Does us all good to see the courage with which they go on with their lives, doesn't it?
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