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Old September 29th, 2006, 02:00 AM
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Smile Fairly Feral!

I coulda used a traffic cop in the house today, considering the Musical Cats-not to be confused with the musical, 'Cats'- sort of situation that went on . To back up a bit first, Wee Wilhelmina came home from the vet Thurs. aft all spayed, vacc'd et al. I had an idea of the logistical challenges housing her would entail, but I put off any actual kitten-shifting until I picked WW up, and could see exactly what type/size of cage or crate she was in.

It turned out Madame Feral had been moved post-surgery to a med. dog crate, sooooo-the TWO PUMAS migrate from the back porch to Club Quadruped upstairs (alias the spare room...if this was a B&B, let's just say the only visitors who would not be bitterly disappointed might be those looking for a rural Ontario version of 'Survivor' ). This entailed the shifting of Sparks to the one bathroom (not the first of our cats to be resident Bathroom Kitty); he's spending more and more time in the main part of the house, but only under supervision, as we do not want to find ourselves on pay TV listed as 'Catfight Central!!'

All this room-juggling freed up the back porch for WW; she is resting in her crate for now, preparatory to a hopefully successful shift into a larger cage tomorrow. The cage is all set up with a privacy cave (i.e. cardboard box with towel and small entrance) and small litter box, and should do as a mini convalescent hospital. I can feed and scoop litter from the outside of the cage, and we will drape a sheet over it if more privacy seems desirable (it should be quiet in the porch, as the past month has trained us to use our side entrance...the electric fence at the kitchen door to the porch is a handy reminder if we get a tad stunned, and as an added bonus it really jump-starts the old heart ).

After a few short, fun-filled hours featuring moi cavorting about the house avec broom/rags and non-toxic 'disinfecting' stuff et al. not to mention carting around various cat beds/toys/litter boxes/feed dishes from room to room, I was able to wind down by putting the horses to bed! Does the excitement ever stop?!

All is pretty quiet now (minus me zipping around on my custom-built 'hamster' wheel): Sparky has finally tired of playing in the bathtub, the Two Pumas appear to have wound down their larger! room-warming party, and WW is sleeping (albeit with one eye open?). Imagine that, just about the whole family under our roof; just a month ago I despaired of ever luring ANY members of Willi, Inc. into the house. I asked el hubby if he wouldn't mind tracking down Darrell the Feral alias Mr. Dad, but for some reason he wasn't awfully keen on the idea ; so much for the complete family reunion...
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.

Last edited by kashtin's kin; September 29th, 2006 at 02:03 AM.
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Old September 29th, 2006, 10:46 AM
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I love your posts and the updates!

Keep it up

I'm glad everyone is ok and just remember to breathe!

My cute little demons:
Leo - male, kitten, April 15th 2006
Pawz - male, kitten, April 5nd 2006
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Old September 30th, 2006, 11:54 PM
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Smile /8jb...Fab Ferals Can Type!!

The opening ?? of the title for this post is courtesy of The Sparkman; now that he has the run of the house (when one of us critter butlers is around, which is most of the time), he's EVERYWHERE! I'm still administering smelling salts to mah swooning self after the manic episode of musical cats on Thursday evening, but the kitties have all adjusted. Judging by the thuds etc. coming from the Two Puma's quarters upstairs, they are taking their upcoming audition for Kitty Cirque du Soleil very seriously...

WW continues to recover from her Wed. op etc. in the back porch; today my Dr. Doolittle hubby was able to get her to move from the medium dog crate to the large dog cage without trauma, so now Willi has a proper litter box/cave et al. She is eating and moving around a bit more, but glowers at me as I tend to her; the confined, indoor life may not be her cup of catnip??

I was somewhat surprised to spot Darrell the Feral today...the last we saw of him was the angry flick of a tail when we released him after his trip to the vet; kinda figured he'd be in South America by now (possibly plotting his revenge ). I'll continue to put out his usual buffet, and perhaps he'll wait around for WW.

My big goal this coming week is to get going on figuring out how to get some pics of the feral family up here; even with a digital camera, I'm an amazingly bad photographer, but I do have snaps of everyone-even one of Darrell (in the livetrap!).
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 3rd, 2006, 01:49 AM
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Smile ...Ferally well, thank you!

Yesterday I spent a moment or two on a bolting horse (not one of mine!); as they say, it's amazing how such an experience can 'concentrate the mind'! It's not exactly something to brag about, but I've been bolted on before...if you ride enough, almost everything happens to you eventually. The worst bolt was on a racehorse, and that didn't end so well i.e. "who/what/where am I?" + PAIN etc. However, even though my most recent experience wasn't pleasant, I only FEARED as opposed to KNEW that I would emerge from the ride very, um, compromised.
But here I am, relatively normal for another day-YAY! As a bonus, working with feral cats seems a little more tame !? by comparison! Consequently, when le Sparkster hopped into the tub with me today, I almost yawned. ...Yes, I do know it is preferable to bathe behind a closed door, but we have a very old house with no bathroom fan, and it gets soooo humid in there; if one is ever yearning after the 'thick mists of the moor', well, one has come to the right place!
And in my defense, I had also shown Sparks the full tub, and given him a flick of H20; he seemed to have gotten the message, until...SPLASHMEOW!! Sparks was good enough to leave me unscathed (I'm already pretty 'scathed', truth be told), so basically I only really missed out on the relaxation component of my soak .
WW is now doing really well post-spay . She was a bit off-no surprise-for a couple of days, and I was a little concerned; I knew just being confined let alone all that other stuff (complicated spay and so on) would stress WW a lot, but it was frustrating not to be able to get a closer look at her at the time. Thankfully, for the past couple of days she has been eating voraciously...I hope to bulk her up a bit this week.
I had thought of trying to gentle WW, and adopt her out to my s.i.l., but on further reflection, it would seem that this ex-momcat is pretty hardcore feral. She remains very much in her boxcave inside the large dog cage whenever I enter the back porch (generally to feed her, or clean the litter). It is certainly possible that she would come around over time, but given the critters we already have-including her offspring-and the fact that WW is clearly most comfortable outside, I think we will end up releasing her.
She has pretty good 'wildsmarts', the weather is still decent...and I will continue to put food out (there is a selection of deserted sheds close by). It was not too difficult to say See ya! to Darrell the Feral after his vetting; he really was one BIGSCARYBOY! With WW, it will be much harder, but the most feasible thing for all, I think. I even get sentimental about insects (well, not mosquitoes and flies), so just one more thing to come to terms with...
On the brighter side , Darrell is still munching down at the 'feeding station' (although I am careful to look both ways when filling it, and keep my cattle prod in one hand!?), so I'm hopeful he and WW will be reunited in a platonic context. Perhaps they will join a book club, and enjoy strolling and chatting???
The Kamikaze Kitties are still practising their gymastic routines upstairs; they're scheduled for their first shots this week, while Sparky will have his second set. When I phoned the clinic today to book the app't, I checked again on neuter protocol (age, vacc. requirement), but it suddenly occured to me tonight that I could be wrong re: gender, especially in [long-haired] Cash's case. I would imagine things will be made clear on Thursday!
Alas, I prattle...time to check on everyone before I attempt to reclaim part of the bed for myself .
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.

Last edited by kashtin's kin; October 3rd, 2006 at 01:53 AM.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 12:28 AM
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Smile farcical ferals????

It's a tad hard to concentrate right now, as le sparkster is in the bathroom for the night, and it takes him a while to accept the fact that he isn't going to escape in his usual fashion (i.e. launches himself at doorknob/hangs on with paws and jiggles knob/open sesame...this is an OLD house, with loose/jiggley old doors etc.). It's a bit of a noisy routine, so I've got to try to think between the intrepid kitty's frequent launch times!

(On a reassuring note, Sparky is cool, calculating, and determined as he goes about his 'doorknob jiggling'-as opposed to a cat that might be upset and/or panicked. I don't think it's ever occured to Mr. Cool to panic!)

WW alias momcat is still bulking up in the back porch (got some really nutricious 'hi-test' cat food for her a few days ago, although I drew the line at Kitty Steroids); it's been a week since her somewhat complicated spay, so I'm hoping that the weather will be decent in the next couple of days. I know that I must repatriate WW with the outdoors without undue delay as long as she has recuperated, but I don't want to turf her out on a lousy day.

The kitty gymnasts upstairs may in fact be losing their focus a bit, and practicing bar fights instead, judging by the chairs tipped over in their lair; I've tried to tell them that the life of a stunt kitten may seem glamorous, but it's tough work, and an olympic gold medal never hurt anyone.

Just found out earlier today that s.i.l. WILL in fact take a male kitten; perhaps she has been reading all this!? This is great news , as s.i.l. is an experienced catbutler, who goes to great lengths to ensure their happiness and health; one of the Two Pumas will be spoiled rotten. Now I just have to work on MY separation :sad: anxiety...will s.i..l. mind if I bunk with her for a week or 2 while I help the kitten with the transition??

It's vaccination day tomorrow for all 3 kittens; should find out exactly what gender Hairy Cash is...hopefully all 4 of us will handle the expedition with our customary aplomb (as long as I get my act together; last year at this time I drove my sister and one of her cats to the same vet for annual shots etc., and I locked my keys in the truck when we arrived at the clinic...pretty minor stuff, but I surpassed myself when we finally got home, and I found I'd locked us out of the house as well-weird old locks-thus necessitating the breaking of a window to gain entrance ...AND I was starving by this time!!!!).
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 07:16 AM
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Thank's for the update and the comic relief
IMO your SIL will love a little boy-kitty..
Although I never really picked a cat,they kind'a picked me and happened to be boys,I find boys are most of the time more mellow and cuddlier.
I have only ever had one girl-cat,so my opinion is based on her,I loved her as much as any cat I ever had,but she was not as big of a suck as my boys.
Good luck getting them all to the vet
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 5th, 2006, 09:17 AM
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Love your updates. When you have a second can you please add a few pictures. I love reading picture books
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Old October 6th, 2006, 12:41 AM
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Smile Merrily ferally...

Well, I never did claim to be an expert 'kitten gender determiner'; good thing, 'cuz if I had I'd have to resign as of Thursday! Yup...my crazy little gymnasts Cash and Pepper are in fact gals! Briefly considered altering their names to Olga and Nadia, but I don't like to name-change unless absolutely necessary (i.e. horse I bought with the moniker 'Wildfire' ).Even though s.i.l. had already agreed to make an exception to her all-chick household, I'm sure she will be that much happier to be adopting 'Pepita'.

With regard to le Sparkster, he is certainly a boy, although one of his bits hasn't descended yet; hopefully it will before he's neutered, although I guess if it doesn't the op is just a bit less of a doddle. At least he's not a horse! I have a friend whose first apparent gelding was a 'crypt...'; it's not that obvious, and if no one picks up on it, one can end up riding a virtual stallion when that is the last thing the average horseperson wants to do! YEEHAW !

My visit to the vet with the trio of terrors was a bit exhausting for us all; Cash and Pepper are still a bit wary, so the weighing/worming/vitals etc. were a real adventure. Sparky was his usual confident self, but kittens x 3 does take a while! Interestingly enough, when we all arrived home with a collective sigh of relief, the PumaGirls settled right down to a snack followed by a light trapeze workout upstairs ...while Sparkguy cuddled up on his blankie in the bathroom, and did absolutely nothing for almost 6 hours (he looked bright and content enough when we checked on him-the vet had said the rabies shot can slow them down, which I hadn't really heard before).

I had planned to release WW today, but things were a tad busy, and I didn't want to rush her-plus the next few days are supposed to be warmer . A day or so ago WW was still very sedate, and I wondered if she'd get her 'outside game face' back; I believe the answer to that question is a big yes, just from the way that she glares at me (it's amazing how psyhic one gets as a critterslave).

I'm hopeless at telling even the simplest joke, and perhaps everyone has heard this BUT, my vet got a knowing snicker out of me with the one that describes the reaction of a dog to all the feeding/walking/cuddling it's person does ("S/he must be God!"), and the reaction of a cat to all the pampering it gets ("I must be God!"). Teehee.
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 12:34 AM
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Smile Fanciful Ferals

Much to her relief, WW was released/returned to the outside world yesterday around noon. After a quiet week or so of recuperating from her op, she began to get more active (and as noted above, WW's glare was getting positively scary ). I had planned to maneuver her cage from the back porch to a spot beside the horse trailer-right by the feeding station, and a hop skip and jump from on of her 'sheltersheds'-open the door, and let WW take her time emerging...

However, as soon as I got the front of the cage facing the open door to FREEDOM, WW sprang from the bowels of her boxcave and reared up to claw at the cage door. So, a quick switch to Plan B , as I fumbled to get the catches open; the second the cage door began to swing back, WW was gonewiththewind! She did pause for a moment under the trailer (to give me the finger,er, claw!), then lit out for the shed. I didn't get much of a look at her, but she did appear to have fleshed out a bit; judging by her bounds across the grass, she had fully recovered from her surgery.

It was hard to see WW go, but at least she's healthier, and won't have the burden of having more kittens. And I really got the strong impression that she is pretty firmly feral; her last day inside she even refused to eat, and I don't think it was just because she got sick of my 'cooking'! What with WW's swiftly bitter?? departure, I wondered if I would see her again; I was relieved and pleased to spot her Saturday in the early evening and once more during the late evening barn check...munching out under the trailer. She gave me a good look both times, but didn't let my presence interrupt her meals .

I'm hopeful that with food and shelter available, WW will stick around over the winter...meantime, after a busy Friday afternoon of disinfecting the cage and cleaning out the back porch (YAY! we got the use of our porch and door back after 33 days of feral occupation!!), it was once more into the Kitten Routine. Sparky continues to adapt well to household life, although he's still in the bathroom for a few hours at night (the 'mature' cats need to have some time to let down their fur and know they can relax totally). Upstairs, the GALS continue to develop their own version of the 'Flying Wallenda's' act...

It's great that my s.i.l. will be providing such a good home for Cash, but I'm already missing her (it's a curse being hypersentimental!). Ah well, the Weird Sisters will be together for a while yet, as they are in post [first] vacc. quarantine. We may just have time to put together a professional-calibre Cirque des Chats...with me in the role of prop-person!
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 06:44 AM
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Great read as usual
If WW knew what a great thing you've done for her and any potential kittens,she'd be forever greatful.
No more kittens freezing and starving to death in the winter and WW has a much better chance of survival not having kittens.
You did a wonderful thing and I am sure she'll stick around where she has food and shelter.
As for the little ones,I am certain they'll adjust to the good life and become perfectly normal cuddly,purring cats.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 11th, 2006, 12:50 AM
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Smile Feral Festivities...

Our first feral thanksgiving, and aside from a few complaints about the gravy , all went well. After all the drama of the past month or so (livetrapping/vet visits/kitty gentling), things are relatively quiet...and I'm not complaining!!!!

WW continues to sample the outside buffet, while her offspring are determined to have rural passersby mistake our ol' farmhouse for the Party Palace (ex-feral style). It's amazing just how much noise 5ish lb. kittens can make!

I've taken tons of pics of les kitties, and I am definitely going to get them up here SOON-just have to pick up some stuff at a computer place!! It will really help all you super-kind BB people put a feline face (or 5!) to this whole saga.

In the meantime, I'm psyching myself up for worming day next week (frankly, I would far rather worm a 1000 lb. horse than pill a 5 lb. kitten!), and checking out my s.i.l.'s credit/personal/vet etc. references for her kitty adoption application...I dunno, I think she may have to take a few courses etc. to meet my stringent requirements , or maybe just make a sizeable donation to the WW Feral Family Trust??). Good luck with that, huh?!

It doesn't look like Canada marks this (?), but October 16th is National Feral Cat Day in the U.S.
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 15th, 2006, 01:50 AM
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Smile Feralful...

Just a quick progress report...I have made some inroads on the picture posting i.e. clue #1: look in box that camera came in ( instructions! cable! etc.!!). I thought I'd have to buy some stuff (with my non-existent Swiss bank account); now it just turns out I have to fire up the brain cells .

Sparks is doing great in the house proper; the 'mature trio' are getting resigned to his somewhat insolent (according to them...more high-spirited, really) presence, and the Flying Felines in the upper gymnasium keep this old house's support beams working hard.

All three kittens are growing so fast-they are about 5 months old now. It seems just yesterday that I was looking through the binoculars at three tiny kittens gamboling (not gambling !) in the grass a couple of hundred feet away, for the first time. That was as close as I got to them for a while...

Wily Willi/momcat is still out and about, and resolutely feral (although she does concede that my 'food service skills' are passable), but I guess you could say that her offspring are fairly domesticated at this point...and not complaining about it, at least not to my face??!!

Yesterday el hubbo and I were discussing the logistics of Pepper's eventual move to s.i.l.'s cat-friendly abode; he brought up the subject of Cash's future, and actually suggested that we keep her , as well as the already installed Sparks. Wow...I didn't even have to start to plan any sort of "oh puh-leeeze" campaign!!

I'm really thrilled that our feral family are indeed all staying 'in the family'. However, I also realize that this scenario cannot be played out year after year; as it is, the night owls in the house have to settle for a mere sliver of bed (gotta start some sort of 'reservation' system?).

Well, I'd better give the tiny gerbils who power my paltry brain cells a rest, so I can power 'em up tomorrow on the 'photo posting' issue; I'm glad that although I've been ultra-stunned re: posting, I have been taking pics all along to document this feral experience.

The kitty crew have been complaining-AGAIN-that I'm not using flattering enough lighting for them etc., but I am NOT going to keep pestering Tyra Banks; if those wanna-be divas/divo are really determined, they can use Photoshop and all that graphic tool stuff and airbrush their hearts out (yoo-hoooooo...over here, while you're at it!!).
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 01:18 AM
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Smile Feral Photos...In Progress!!

I've been sooooo sloooow on this photo thing; I am very much looking forward to photographically illustrating my 'Feral 101' saga. All the pics are downloaded (or uploaded?? ), and I spent quite a while yesterday editing and so forth...next stop-"see this space!!"

Meanwhile, back at the [micro]ranch-that is, apart from the computer corner-I'm psyching myself up for Wormorama (tomorrow), keeping WW satisfied at the feeding station (what, no caviar?), mediating minor disputes between Sparky and 'the senior felines' ("Hey, let's all just go grab a catnip and mellow out, everyone!"), and making sure my little 'Olga and Nadia' have all the gym equipment necessary to further their kamikaze kitty training.

Back to the photos, for me !! Better be worth the wait, huh!!??
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 20th, 2006, 01:32 AM
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You have a really great writing style. I hope you have a blog somewhere out there in cyberspace...
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Old October 21st, 2006, 09:56 PM
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Smile Feral photos for real!!??

I've finally gotten to the actual testing stage re: posting pics!! We'll see what happens ! Once I know what's going on (that'll be the day?), I'll title/organize the pic I [hopefull] post!!!
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 10:55 PM
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What a doll! I've just gotten acquainted with your very entertaining saga--read the whole thing through from the beginning for the first time (I just joined this month so pay no attention to the number of posts... ) Which of the kitties is this one?
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Old October 22nd, 2006, 12:40 AM
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Talking Feral Foto Feature...

Well, three cheers for 'Xtra Stay-dry' anti-perspirant; without it I'd have sweated-er, glowed-so much during the course of finally wrestling a pic onto this thread that the poor computer would have shorted out . Before I go any further, I must confess that behind my every success with technology, there stands...le HUB, a/k/a my saner, calmer self.

MANY women are just as, or more competent than men in terms of tinkering with 'stuff' (my mother-in-law, with her fully equipped power tool et al. workshop...and her engineer husband who was unable to change a lightbulb without blood pressure issues, comes to mind). Alas, I am not one of the gifted fixit types; my long-suffering spouse has diagnosed me with the "kick it to fix it'" syndrome. Just about everything around our micro-ranch has a dent in it somewhere i.e. garage door, filing cabinet, car (only inanimate objects, needless to say).

I assure you that I WAS standing ready to assist while le garcon worked away, but he's soooo disorganized-kept remembering tasks he had forgotten to complete ("Lamb loin, I think I forgot to pick up something in, um, the high arctic...yeah, that's right, the arctic."). It's really rather sad that he can't keep better track of things .

Whatever the case, the upshot of our combined efforts is the above pic of Senor SPARKY , the first kitten I managed to entrap. He's such a charming little tiger... I'm thrilled to have finally begun the process of 'illustrating' the ferals I've written so much about. (At the rate I chat, a picture is worth a gazillion words!) Over the next week, I hope to post pics of all 5 members of Les Ferals-and I'll make sure I mention which one is in each pic.

I was so busy shrieking "eureka/ai caramba (sp?)/yippee/open sesame!!!!!" when it looked like Spark's picture was actually going to be posted , that I omitted the wee detail of his name... Incidentally, the above shot is a bit of a fluke, in that it is not a truly bad picture; just don't want to misrepresent my photographic standards, and disappoint folks with my subsequent posts.

Saturday was a banner day around here, as I also wormed all 3 kittens successfully; I was confident enough to just 'pill' Sparky (the vet always makes it look so easy-HA!), but in the case of the slightly less trusting Puma Gals I resorted to crushing their pills with a mortor/pestle and mixing the powder into wet food. I watched them like a hawk-well, like a hawk with pretty bad eyesight-to ensure that Pepper and Cash each finished their very own portion.

And that's about it for the day (oh yeah, I rode my pony too!). Now that 'the Eagle has landed', picture-wise, I should sleep like a kitten; my earlier blithe assurances that I'd have pics up SOON were beginning to haunt me!

p.s. hazeletc. above: WOW, you read the whole saga? You deserve a medal, or something...but "THX!" is all I can do on short notice!
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 25th, 2006, 08:03 PM
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Smile Feral Photos, Part 2

Soooo, Sparky had his BB debut above ; now, there should be a pic of Pepper (face portrait?!), and one of Cash (full body shot) attached to this post. I've got a few cute photos of Pepper-not as many of Cash, as she was busy being a hermit the first couple of weeks she was inside.

I find it more difficult to take pics of the all-black Kamikaze Kittens, partly because they are so active and partly because their dark colour seems to get sort of 'lost' (as opposed to tabby etc.). Also, as previously noted, I am not exactly ze Karsh/Avedon/Arbus of the critter world!!
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 25th, 2006, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by kashtin's kin View Post
I find it more difficult to take pics of the all-black Kamikaze Kittens, partly because they are so active and partly because their dark colour seems to get sort of 'lost' (as opposed to tabby etc.). Also, as previously noted, I am not exactly ze Karsh/Avedon/Arbus of the critter world!!
Yeah, black is a difficult color to capture on film. I think you did a good job, though--they sure are cute!! They're lucky to have you to keep their minds active...I'm sure they're thinking up ways to keep you on your toes. I'll bet they all have a fine streak of mischief behind those innocent eyes!

Last edited by hazelrunpack; October 25th, 2006 at 08:18 PM.
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Old October 25th, 2006, 08:48 PM
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Cute as buttons! Just like my black boys, I still call them occasionally by the other's name, if their backs are turned. The neighbour also has a black cat who spends a lot of time on my porch (I confess I have been known to throw a bit of kibble his way); one time I locked him in the bathroom without realising he wasn't one of mine. Couldn't figure out why he was so indignant until the real culprit turned up and the light bulb went on. He got an extra treat as damages!
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Old October 25th, 2006, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by badger View Post
Cute as buttons! Just like my black boys, I still call them occasionally by the other's name, if their backs are turned. The neighbour also has a black cat who spends a lot of time on my porch (I confess I have been known to throw a bit of kibble his way); one time I locked him in the bathroom without realising he wasn't one of mine. Couldn't figure out why he was so indignant until the real culprit turned up and the light bulb went on. He got an extra treat as damages!
LOL badger! too funny!
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Old October 26th, 2006, 07:01 AM
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Oh they are so cute and adorable!

My cute little demons:
Leo - male, kitten, April 15th 2006
Pawz - male, kitten, April 5nd 2006
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Old October 27th, 2006, 12:03 AM
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Smile Feral 'film'...lights, camera, catnip!

Thanks for the kind words above-I've conveyed them to my little poseurs, and they thank you also (or they would if they weren't cats, and thus take it for granted that they are the centre of the universe !).

I'm really starting to get the hang of this photo-post concept , and so will continue to put a few more shots up. I'm planning to put up another one of Pepper "#1" with this post, as well as one of Le Sparkler. As I mentioned, unfortunately pics of Cash a/k/a Pepper "#2" are a bit scarce, as she was so camera-shy for the first while.

The snaps below , are from about a month ago; the subjects are still in more of a kittenish stage. At the rate they are emptying bowls of cat food, I guess I should not be surprised at their rate of growth! In the past, all our cats were 'mature' when adopted, so I'm just not accustomed to the kitten-cat morph, as it were.

I do have one photo each of Darrell the Feral, and Wee Wilhelmina, but they are even below my usual standard, so I am saving them up until I can get a few more cute kitten shots up. (I just realized I feel guilty saying that, as it sounds like I've bought into the whole "youth is more photogenic and sought after" mantra that seems prevalent in our society ...time to slap on some more 'Regenerist'...or maybe just give myself a wee smack on the head instead?!)

Sorry, DF and WW, I will try to do you justice; the pics are just worse because both VERY Wary Ferals were caged at photo op time, otherwise the only photographic record would have been a fuzzy streak going at Formula One speed...

I wish I'd been up to speed on the pic posts before now, so all the aforegoing Feral Features could have been illustrated in a simultaneous fashion, but I'll try to make up for it .
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Old October 27th, 2006, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by kashtin's kin View Post
I wish I'd been up to speed on the pic posts before now, so all the aforegoing Feral Features could have been illustrated in a simultaneous fashion, but I'll try to make up for it .
No time like the present! It's never too late to post pics. Keep up the good work

The tiger stripes are very chic!
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Old October 27th, 2006, 07:23 AM
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They are so adorable...and they look absolutely comfy, happy and like life is just too good...they hit the jack pot
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Old October 28th, 2006, 12:11 AM
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Smile Furrther Feral Film...at 11??!!

It's been such a relief this past week to be able to get pics of [most of] la famille Feral up here, to go along with the many words that preceded them! I may actually have to go out and find something to feel guilty about, now...no, wait a minute-I just found my Guilt Pending list !

Should have enough stuff on that to keep me busy for just a leeetle while; how come there's always a backlog of the 'angsty' stuff?? I guess the trick is to find a way to store up the warm&fuzzy moments...wait a minute, that's why we share our lives (or vice versa?) with critters/furbabies!!

I think it's time now to take a short break from the Sparks and Sisters Road er HOME Show, and introduce Ma & Pa (well, maybe Pa?), alias Wee Wilhelmina and Darrell the Feral. As I've mentioned, please forgive the not-so-cutesy nature of these two snaps; I sort of feel like I should have mug shot numbers i.d.-ing the Caged Cats.

Darrell was a close acquaintance of roughly 36 hours?...live-trapped one night, neutered the next morning, and returned/released the morning after that. (I have spotted him at least once since he turned on the turbo paws once the live trap was opened.)

WW has of course been more of an ongoing theme; she's still dining chez nous most days, and has been around since Juneish. After their brief but extensive (and $$) vet attention, I fret about the future of WW and D the F, but I have to remind myself that there are at least two less cats breeding 'out there'. "Take care, feral friends..."
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 07:21 PM
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Oh, my...they look like very unhappy campers! But you did good there, whether they appreciate it or not!

You should try my method of 'storing' the Guilt Pending list. I bury it under the layers of dust in my house (dusting is numbers 9 and 11 on the list). The chances of my finding it and being bothered by it are from zilch to slim

Thanks for what you did with these kitties. And for posting pics!
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Old October 29th, 2006, 12:35 AM
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Smile 'feralphotology'?! con't...

Gee, if I'd known all this computer pic stuff was this much fun, I would have tried to figure it out a bit sooner (although for a while there my existence seemed to be a blur of cat-trapping/feeding/taming/vet visits etc. ). So, in the spirit of further illustrating my Feral Family, I'm going to post a few more 'cutepics'; I'm now kicking myself-well, actually, I just let my pony take care of that -for not taking snaps of the ferals when they were still outside.

On the other hand, I was so busy and stressed at the time that arranging artistic or otherwise 'photographic shoots!' was the last thing on my tiny mind. Also, I didn't know if any of the taming/trapping would work out; it would have been a bit depressing to end up with just the pictures to look at.

(When we had a quite rare protected badger mom and 2 kids in a sett just off our miniscule farm in the early summer, we were lucky enough to get some decent photos. Unfortunately, soon after, one of the youngsters was found dead by the MNR observing biologist, and the other 2 disappeared....still makes me sad to see the pics :sad: .)

Thanks for the kind comments above-I like that idea of sticking el guilto way down on the List, after dusting and all that other stuff that just sort of keeps you treading water, with no visable progress. Guilt Procrastination...that's for me!
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Old October 29th, 2006, 05:36 AM
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Talking capturing feral cats

One of my cats was feral, and she was very young (6 weeks?) . I caught her in a humane trap - one of those where you put the food in one end and the cat walks in the other. Cat trips a lever plate & door closes. You're right about keeping them in the trap or a kennel for a few days, just to get used to seeing you around. What I did was let the kitten loose in my spare room, where she took up residence under the bed. My (ex-)husband and I went into the room several times a day, laid on the floor on each side of the bed, and talked softly to her while pushing treats under the bed. Good thing for us she was a pig, as she ate the treats every time. After a while we started touching her and eventually would pick her up and hold her while feeding her treats like tuna & turkey. This went on for a full month. Now she is very loving & cuddly, but only with me. She disappears when anyone else comes into my house.
You can buy a trap at a fairly reasonable price at www.tomahawklivetrap.com. If you use a trap, you may only get one cat at a time, which is okay. They "tame" down better when you work with them individually, and at the earliest age possible. I learned all this because I work at the local animal shelter in my city.
Good Luck!
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Old October 30th, 2006, 01:48 AM
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Smile Familiar ferals!

My creative brainbits? have been getting a good workout keeping the Busy Kittens amused...many 'typical' cat toys, in addition to cardboard boxes (didn't realize kittens were so keen on biting off bits of box, and wonder if this is related to teething?)/large paper bags/old watch with plastic strap/small step stool etc.!). The Gym Chick's room in particular looks like a toy factory exploded in there...

Next outings will be another set of shots for Peppers x 2, and the big neuterama for the Sparkster; this week I have some dog/horse vet stuff happening. So what, exactly, does money look like ??? Silly question, huh...does cold hard cash keep you warm at night? I think not, although some in the bank might keep the blood pressure down...wait, patting a critter does that too!!

Et voila, a coupla more pics of those fab former ferals .
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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