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Old January 22nd, 2010, 01:53 AM
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Most Adorable Adventurous Acrobat is just trying to keep everybody sharp & on their toes
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 09:27 AM
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K-K,I cannot spend much time on the PC lately,but your pics and stories I just have to read(see)
There is NO WAY tally would do anything other than please people,he's an angel for sure

You're right though,if kittens and puppies were not so darn cute and often given away for free,there would be much less misery out there
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 11:06 AM
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I would be happy to come haunt your house with my camera in order to get 'proof' of Tally's antics, as long as I'm allowed to play with the others too.
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MooBoots(Mooby) ~ DMH(Mom's cat)~July 21, 2008-
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 06:53 PM
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Exclamation SOME Proof re: the REAL Tally!!

Right after I posted those most recent pics-of 'Tally the Divine'-the lil' rapscallion clawed his way up my leg, as I was putting on my chore pants over my leggings. Owie maui!! I was able to grab one quick picture, before plucking that playful?! kitten off my leg...and dabbing on some Polysporin cream.

Tally is aware that I'm posting this 'expose pic' of his NON-angelic self, and he's squawking LIBEL SUIT; he's already got the Tiny Attorney (a/k/a Sadie, JRT, LLB) working on the case. HA! In for a penny, in for a pound, I say. If I end up doing hard time for this, might as well make it worthwhile.

Perhaps I can even sell the story of Tally's duplicity to the Tabby Tabloid !!

p.s. that shiny-ish black stuff in front of T's nose is my upper leg! And ownedbycats [with camera!]...you're on! Can I leave while you play with all my sweeeet critters haha??
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old January 23rd, 2010, 02:03 AM
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ouchie! ( ) What a determined look on his little face too

My Mischief (very appropriately named btw ) used to climb up legs like that but thankfully she stopped before she was Tally's age/size
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying
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Old January 23rd, 2010, 07:28 AM
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Gotta love the leg climbers!! I have a couple full grown ones who like to do that! Painful!!!!!!!!
Tally is doing wonderfully well. He looks so angelic sitting on the table with his legs crossed. I know that's a fallacy. He seems to be fitting into your little home very nicely.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old February 1st, 2010, 08:47 PM
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Alas , this past week we've had to revisit the 'Sparky Thugman' issue; he HAD been spending nights, and any unsupervised time in the spare room (otherwise known as Sparky's Room, complete with couch/toyz/nice window et al.). When out in the 'general population', DH and/or I would keep an eye/ear out for any Sparky segues into predator mode, and things were stable for a few months.

However, at breakfast time a few days ago (when we bipeds were grabbing a quick bite, an hour or so after critter meals had been served), Sparky was suddenly amidst a violent blur of black cats. We didn't see exactly how things kicked out, but surmise that he got at least moderately aggressive with one of our 'ebony trio' of Pepper/MM/WW.

There was a real feline melee, complete with flying fur, in the middle of the kitchen floor; I grabbed Sparky (who bit me, which he's never done before, in the same sort of situation), and tossed him in his room, then had to put Pepper in the porch for a while. She was very upset, and VERY aggressive ; P. kept pursuing her brother as I locked him up. Pepper KNOWS her brother, and I believe she understands his specialty re: taking advantage of any weakness, and was thus determined to fight back, and back, and back...

Both MM and WW had also been involved in the initial fracas, but did their 'feral disappearing act' when DH and I intervened. So, WHOA. We still have no idea how things began, but that is definitely THAT for Sparky, in terms of any freedom-in the company of any other cats . We've had him tested for test-ha-tosterone and other physical possibilities, the house has been saturated with Feliway for the past 4 mos. or so...and 'Mr. Predator' continures to rear his vicious head.

It's been a couple of years now since this issue emerged--and Sparky morphed from a super sweet kitten/young cat, into a mercenary avec fangs. He first attacked 'Sally', just as she began to show signs of a respiratory condition (if DH hadn't been there to pull Sparky out of that situation, we feel he would most likely have killed Sally). At this point, we began to segregate the big guy; our previous house left us with a lot more options in that regard...and ways to separate him, with say, a French door (leaving visual contact).

He still managed to launch an attack on Goose-which we managed to almost completely thwart-during one of his gen. pop. visits. I must admit I'd let my guard down for a while i.e. not keeping my an eye literally on Sparky, during his 'freedom of the house' segments. Basically, our big thug has now tried to beat up...and more, every single member of our feline tribe (with the exception of Tally, but I'm sure he'd work Tally into his schedule in due time).
Sparky is great with the dogs, and a total sweetie with us; unfortunately, he simply appears to have WAY too big a dose of 'predator' in him.

If we lived further off busy roads, I'd turn him into a barn cat (although that wouldn't be doing the songbird population any favours ). We discussed giving him to s-i-l's ICU vet clinic as a blood donor cat, as these animals generally 'work' for less than a year, and are then adopted out to GOOD homes...however, Sparky's aggression precluded the pursuit of this solution. The donor cats are treated very well, but live in a communal situation at the clinic...NOT good.

Ideally, Sparky would live as an inside/only! cat (dogs okay), but I lack the heart and energy to try to find that perfect home, at least for the time being. I know how hard it is to place 'normal' cats; for a fella on parole for attempted [cat] murder...I can just imagine. Sorry to prattle on, but it's been a challenging time--again!! I feel badly that it's taken me (more than DH) this long to FINALLY realize Sparky simply CANNOT be with other cats, period.

Obviously, it's not at all fair to jeopardize the lives of 6 cats, just so ONE can maintain his freedom-of-the-house. Sparky now spends the bulk of his time in the spare room (which DH and I visit, intermittently); I also shuffle him between Roy's crate in the living room, and Tally's cage, during the evening (when he can't really look out his window, and the 'family' tends to congregate in the l. room). That's life in the feline fast lane, for now. Sigh.

Below, a pic of our 16 lbs. of dangerous cat muscle, in a more pensive moment a few weeks ago...
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old February 1st, 2010, 08:58 PM
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...just detailing the 'reign of terror', above has been a tad um, NOT amusing (sigh), so thought I'd sign off on a bit of a lighter note-i.e. Tally shenanigans...even if the one pic of T. and Sadie has him looking rather demonic (critter's version of red eye, I think!!??). Other 2 pics show T. upon returning from one of his Heavy Metal gigs...and 'almost' 4 black cats on the table (3 1/2, counting Tuxie Tally).
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.

Last edited by kashtin's kin; February 1st, 2010 at 09:04 PM.
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Old February 1st, 2010, 11:00 PM
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Oh, I feel your pain! Having to separate cranky kitties from lovable ones. I have a few that have to have their own little rooms. None of them are suffering. They all seem quite happy to be on their own. They still get to see the others without hurting them. Keep up the good work KK!!
Love the pics. You are turning into a wonderful photog!!
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 12:52 AM
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Thumbs up

14+, you!! having taken some of your very-little-to-spare time, to reassure the "I'm Not Nervous-Just INCREDIBLY Alert!!!!KK, that the Sparky thing is not so incredibly rare (and the separation issue a doable deed)...is veryvery much appreciated. Thank you soooo much .

p.s. Sparky thanks you for your thoughts, also . Happy Groundhog Day! Oh yeah, and thx for the photo words; SOME!? of my n'paper shots are, if I do say so myself, even better...taken with my slightly snazzier pro?? camera (but cannot post, to brag, due to copyright/not cute critters!!/would have to cut out everyone's face...ouch)!
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.

Last edited by kashtin's kin; February 2nd, 2010 at 12:56 AM.
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 10:42 AM
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K-K,My Rocky,who is an older version(14yrs)of Sparky would never accept a new cat in to our household.
He's fine with my other 2,but he knew them since kitten-hood.
Chico and Rocky will sometimes have a spat,quickly broken up by us throwing a pillow at them,or something like it...never ever break up a fight with your hands,but I am sure you know that already.

Little Tally is growing to be a beautiful Tuxedo boy
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old February 2nd, 2010, 05:41 PM
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KK, I'm sorry to hear about Sparky being a poop head! Do u think some kind of medicine would help calm him down? Paxil or something like that? Have u asked your vet about it? It's not nice to have upset in the home. *sigh*

I love your kitty pics and it's great that I can see your black cats. I found out my monitor was messed up and that's why I could hardly see them at all before. LOL Tally is such a sweet kitty and looks like he's fitting in well with the group.
Take care

~Friendship is like a bank account. You can't continue to draw on it without making deposits~

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Old February 3rd, 2010, 01:18 AM
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Ack the little Thug up to his old tricks again huh? tsk tsk Sparky you gotta relax man! Good thing WW & MM wanted no part of the aftermath as occasionally you might see fighting amongst the remainers just due to high emotions/strss levels. Hope your hand is alright

Love the Tally home from the gig shot
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying
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Old February 5th, 2010, 03:22 AM
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Just a quick thanks!! for the reassurances etc. re: our not so little 'Original Thugster.' Having grown up in a rather um, tumultuous household, this [improving ] decrepit farmhouse existence represents a total contrast, as in really quite serene!!

Of course, with our present 2 dogs/7 cats mixture in only about 800 sq. ft., there is bound to be some 'tension,' but all things considered, we're pretty committed to the mellow life. Something as extreme as Sparky's devolution?? into mega predator, throws us into a bit of a tizzy .

So, it really was/is a relief to be reminded that such a situation is not all that unusual, and can be handled...with minimal use of straitjackets, and Valium-yay. We're now over a week into the Sparky separation routine, and everyone's adjusting okay; just requires some military precision, and organization.

Thanks again for the support, on behalf of all critters, large and small (opposing thumb-sters, and others)...and a couple or 3 more Tallypics fer the heck of it (growing like a bad weed, and out of his uber kitty cuteness-sigh).

p.s. I did discuss some sort of 'tranq.' type option with our vet a year or so ago; Clomicom? had no significant effect, and decided not to experiment any more (except with Feliway). I'm thinking we should maybe start a whole household yoga class??
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old February 5th, 2010, 03:45 AM
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growler~GateKeeper growler~GateKeeper is offline
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Wow those pics really show how well Tally's filled out to a handsome young dude
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

The Spirit Lives As Long As Someone Who Lives Remembers You - Navaho Saying
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