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Old October 30th, 2006, 10:34 PM
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I am sick about this but I wonder what kind of person does this? I am thinking about the music thread (violent music et al) I just wrote about awhile back. (Ive been multitasking - going over charting by med students, dling books et al and reading web sites so i hope I do not sound too confused.)/

Whoever this person is will NOT be helped or punished by the community at large (ie Canada or others or his village) going after him. We are not a vigil ante country. BUT we do need stronger laws that protect animals. If this kid does have a psychiatric illness, that needs to be addressed. If he is using it - and of that email is from him and he came up with that excuse, he could well be a cold psychopath. What was he saying - this was his way to put his dog out of misery? What kind of influences in his community and his family allowed that to happen? Where are the parents in this? Community services and yes, even his doctor? And if the dog was sill - where was the vet?

There is something horribly wrong with this picture and I would very much like to hear and see the entire story. But it must start with stronger legislation for the murder of an animal. even if it involves the family pet. Sending this kid hate mail just enhances his own ego if he indeed did write that email which needs to be verified to say the least.

What kind of community and family promotes killing a dog so cruelly? Clearly, if it is the offender, he feels safe enuf to write it which says as much about his surroundings and how it is being handled as it does about his psychiatric state. None of it is good, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I am sure he does not represent his community but is there someone there doing anything CONSTRUCTIVE (as in local legislation which is more easily passed than provincial laws which take time and if this was in Alberta will take longer since the party in power is engaged in a ldrship race). Get those laws changed!!!!
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats" Albert Schweitzer
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Old October 31st, 2006, 03:42 PM
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Cyber kitten,

I agree, municipal and provincial legislation is easier than federal. Though I'm not from the town this abuse happened in, I am close (1.5 hrs away). I'm trying, but in general, it seems that most people are looking federally, and don't see the benefit of starting small, locally, and making changes such as the guardianship language I'm trying to get going.

It shouldn't take abuse of this kind to get people up in arms about some situations---and I do agree with people who say "why are we making a big deal about a *dog* when there are kids being abused??" but there are already laws in place to protect children, and animals are still considered property, and I think *that* is why some people (myself included) are so upset about this dog case.

The point is that it shouldn't take a bad case of abuse (or alleged abuse/cruelty) to bring this issue to the attention of the public. For those of us who care, why not start a petition locally to change your local bylaws to protect animals? Don't wait until it's too late for animals like Daisy Duke!
If you care, don't just sit there and wait for people to come to you. Get out and DO something!

I am... I'm going to take a day off work, drive up to Didsbury and hope to see Justice served for those charged with the murder of an innocent animal. I don't expect I'll see it, but as long as I have hope, I'll keep trying.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
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Old October 31st, 2006, 04:55 PM
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Melissa,thank's for caring...although I do not believe these sadists will be punished in any way,maybe at least your voice will be heard.
I do not understand how anyone can treat an animal this way and get away with it:sad:
If this was any of my sons doing this to an innocent dog,he would be my son no more,my sons were taught to love and respect animals,the same way I do and they do.
The pain this poor dog must have suffered,it's just too horrible to even imagine...please keep us updated on any news.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 7th, 2006, 04:43 PM
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I was reading a small caption in the T Star this morning,that 50 people and their dogs,went to this 19yr evil young mans home as a protest.
It did not mention anything about any kind of punishment for his evil deed
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 7th, 2006, 05:52 PM
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WOW, if that "confession" isn't total and complete BS, I don't know what is.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 05:51 PM
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Update: I went to Didsbury with Cube on Monday to protest/get signatures on my petition, and here is the latest articles on the topic.

http://tinyurl.com/yyqt6h (yes, me in colour! In the actual newspaper, there was another picture of the lady with the chihuahua --see below--on the front page, but the photographer who took my picture, before the "riot", had wanted to put me front page.)

http://tinyurl.com/y73vfn (my picture is the third one in the series, and I've asked them to make a correction to what I said, because I *don't* think that animals need the status of persons, just that they need to *not* be considered property!)

I got an additional 51 signatures for the Guardianship petition, handed out a pile of brochures & bracelets and for those of you in Edmonton; watch for Guardianship campaign coming to you soon, as one young couple (he graduated with the accused) who lives there was *very* interested in getting it going there.

For those of us at the Court House, we got bad/conflicting information. First no one knew what time the accused were going to be there, and so when he (only the older one) showed up, no one really knew that it was him. Most people went in, but the media wasn't allowed to. Those who came out after and *didn't* participate in the riot around his vehicle told me (and a few others who hadn't gone in) that they were there to enter their pleas, and that both had pleaded not-guilty. Media reports that only the older boy was there, and that neither had entered pleas, but the lawyer is saying they will both plead not-guilty. The next court date for both boys is listed in the articles, and I'm not sure if I will be going again or not. I know that the current law isn't going to do anything to punish either of them, nor will it get them the help that they so obviously need, and seeing so many people ... I dunno what the word is ... retaliating, I guess, against a person who is accused of doing something horrible, just made me uncomfortable. I guess what it comes down to is that, yes, I think they should be punished, but what I think is more important is that they get some serious help, or at least be under the supervision of a qualified mental-health professional, who can monitor them and recommend treatment, or that they not be allowed probation if they show signs that they might move on to hurting humans.

And to the lady with the Chihuahua... if you're going to show up at a court house to protest against animal cruelty, it's probably best to *not* wave your dog around and offer it as a "victim" to an accused dog killer, nor is it smart to block a vehicle leaving a court house. Especially considering the weather (it was COLD!), your 5 month old, extremely short-haired Chi puppy probably shouldn't have been there at all, certainly not being waved around in the cold air! And please... don't pretend to care about your dog and then 5 seconds later offer her up for sale to anyone who cares to listen. *sigh* I'm sure that poor puppy will now be even more expensive, as she's been on the front page of the newspaper and will be a "celebrity". Poor puppy, I hope you're ok.

I'll keep you all informed as the trial progresses and more articles are published, etc.


(PS: If the links die, or don't work, please let me know right away)
Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
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Old November 9th, 2006, 07:33 AM
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Melissa,you and little Cube look great all bundled up:love:
I am glad this horrifc case is getting much attention,even non animal-lovers have to react to such cruelty.
It says in the article,"there is a different side to this story,every story has two sides"?
There is only one side,no matter how they try to twist it,a living being,a trusting dog,was put through horrific torture before mercifully being put down.
I also strongly feel,this young man should serve time in jail,he can get all the councelling he needs,while incarcerated.
As for the lady with the Chi,when emotions take over,we don't always think,the poor little Chi must have been terrified:sad:
Regarding Bill 50(the number seems to be constantly changing),I've followed any progress or lack thereof every year and often it was the Western Provinces who were adamantly against any improvement against animal-cruelty,mostly because of the changes they would have to make,in the livingconditions of their farmanimals.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:15 PM
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Chico; Thanks!
Yes you are right, Western provinces have been more against the proposed bills than the other provinces, and this is mostly because of the farming community. Bill C50 is the best of the bunch that has come forth, even though it's not the most recent. However, it too has problems, and yes, farmers are concerned, because possible interpretation of the Bill could result in farmers being fined, jailed or having their stock confiscated because they transport them in an open-sided truck, or because the animals in a stock yard don't have shelter from the snow. It's frustrating from both sides; most people don't want to cause harm to the farming industry, but do want protection for animals that are considered "pets", but how does one distinguish for some animals, such as horses? It's not like we can make a law that says you can treat a cow this way, a horse this way, a dog this way, but if you do the things to a horse that you do to a cow, you'll be punished. It's just impossible.
So I dunno... do I support Bill C50? Mostly, yes.

New article related to Didsbury case (this is a subscription article, so I have included the text):
Animal abuse trial tussle leads to charges

Dan Singleton, For The Calgary Herald
Published: Thursday, November 09, 2006

Crime - Police have charged a 34-year-old man with mischief after a near-riot Monday outside the Didsbury provincial courthouse, where about 50 animal rights activists jeered and hurled obscenities at Daniel Charles Haskett.

During the incident, plainclothes police observed the man kicking the van that was carrying Haskett and his mother, said Didsbury RCMP Sgt. Kevin O'Dwyer.

"People are allowed to come to the courthouse to do a peaceful protest, but turning into an angry mob is going to be dealt with," said O'Dwyer.

Haskett, 19, and a 17-year-old youth, both from Didsbury, have been changed with injuring-endangering an animal and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

Daisy Duke, a female collie-Lab cross, was found bound with duct tape and bleeding on a Didsbury street on Oct. 8. The pet's injuries were so severe, it had to be put down.

Denny Stabenow, 34, faces one charge of mischief in connection with Monday's protest. He will be in Didsbury court on Dec. 11 for plea.

On Oct. 16, a 20-year-old Didsbury man pleaded guilty to a charge of uttering a threat to cause serious injury to Haskett.

Evan Austen Sagert admitted leaving a threatening message on Haskett's telephone answering machine. He was sentenced to one day in jail after receiving credit for five days in predisposition custody.
© The Calgary Herald 2006
I am happy to see that though the "uttering threats" charge that Evan Sagert faced, the judge was lenient on him. That could mean that the accused abusers will face the maximum penalty if they are convicted--the judge might be an animal lover as well.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
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Last edited by dogmelissa; November 9th, 2006 at 01:20 PM.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 05:11 PM
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Melissa,I heard that they are trying to amend the proposed Bill 50,to the farmers satifaction,not only farmers but big business like factory-farms etc..
IMO,even farm-animals need consideration,we need to follow the times,cruelty is cruelty be it a pig or a dog.
There are ways to ensure the animals destined for our dinnertables,could live their short lives free of pain and torture. sorry
I am elated when I see cows and calves out grazing in the summer,but shudder when I see the long buildings housing pigs,who never see daylight...oh,oh,here I go again,sorry!
Please keep us updated on the situation,if it is anything like the busy courts in Toronto,it will be a long time before we actually hear an outcome.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 11th, 2006, 03:30 PM
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I'm happy to hear people took a day off and drove to the court house ... I don't support violence but I won't deny that I hope Hasket felt a little fear, shame or remorse when faced with angry protesters that day. he gets a six month jail sentence along with a $2K fine - if for no other reason other then pressure from the public's outcry Daisy Duke

Dogmelissa Cube is beautiful :love: Good luck with the Guardianship campain
In rescuing animals I lost my mind but found my soul
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Last edited by Golden Girls; November 12th, 2006 at 07:16 PM. Reason: corrected pet name
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Old November 12th, 2006, 04:33 PM
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Golden: I don't like violence either, and I didn't want to get arrested (even if they didn't do anything to me) for being involved in something that wasn't peaceful, so when he came out of the court house, I made sure that I wasn't anywhere near the crowd. I'll do the same thing if I go to the next court date, when he's actually expected to make a plea (which will probably be not-guilty, the loser).
One thing that the media is consistently getting wrong is that he faces charges under the Canada Criminal Code, but because the crime was committed in Alberta, he faces charges under the Alberta Animal Protection laws, which has a maximum of $20,000 fine (which would be stupid in this case, as I'm sure his parents would have to pay it--especially for the younger boy), and an open-ended (judge-determined) prohibition on not owning any animals. There is no jail term suggested in the APA (Animal Protection Act) of Alberta. What really miffs me about that is that no one in Alberta (not even the Humane Society!!) has the authority to actually do a background check on people, so they can't tell if a person has ever been convicted of a crime for which they are prohibited from owning an animal. Pet stores that sell animals, breeders who don't recognize the name, newspaper ads, etc.... they can still get animals just about anywhere, if they really want to.
I'm not sure if the judge has the authority to combine the Canada laws with Alberta laws, and give them jail time as well as that $20k fine, but that would be the true ideal. I guess we'll see as the trial progresses.

Duke? Do you mean Cube? My dog? Daisy Duke was the dog killed, and she was beautiful. I wish I'd had the opportunity to know her personality. Cube is my dog, and beautiful is certainly not a word I'd use to describe him. :P Cute, adorable, hilarious.... beautiful just doesn't seem to apply to him. Thanks, though, I know what you mean. I do love him, he's just such a crazy silly scruffy guy that I'll never be able to call him beautiful. Even when he has a fresh haircut, he just looks cute.

Chico; I believe that you're right about that. They've actually introduced a bunch of other alternatives to C-50, and it looks like the latest one, S-213 will actually be accepted; the conservative government has announced it supports this bill and will pass it. The supporters of this bill say that it does the same thing as C-50, but it only toughens penalties for cruelty, and does not take animals out of the "property" class of the Criminal Code. C-50 probably would have passed if S-213 wouldn't have been introduced as a competing bill as it was before the Senate. Now it's just a mess and I honestly don't know what's going on. I know that there's a lot of support for Tamara Chaney's petition from Didsbury which pushes to bring back C-50, but I honestly don't trust the federal government to get it done. I really don't know what is going on, whether S-213 is going to pass, or C-50 is going to come back (new name?) or will be modified to try to make everyone happy, or maybe just have some amendments to make farmers, natives & aboriginals still able to do what they need to do to survive without being punished for it, I dunno.
I guess I'm lucky here that there are very few pig farms in Alberta. Most of the farms that we pass here are big open fields full of fat & happy cows, or horses. I know there are a couple of pork feed lots, but I honestly have never seen the pig farms where the pigs live before they go to the feedlots.

Will keep you all updated.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

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Old November 12th, 2006, 04:50 PM
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Thank's Melissa please do,as I am really interested in the passing of a new law,that will protect our 4-legged friends to some extent.
I've signed numerous petitions over the years,nothing that will open the eyes of our federal government though.
Here in Ontario,nobody gets fined $20.000 for torturing an animal,more likely $2.000 if that
Heck,even murdering a human being,you'll get less than 10yrs jailtime
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 12th, 2006, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by dogmelissa View Post
Duke? Do you mean Cube? My dog? Daisy Duke was the dog killed, and she was beautiful. I wish I'd had the opportunity to know her personality. Cube is my dog, and beautiful is certainly not a word I'd use to describe him. :P Cute, adorable, hilarious.... beautiful just doesn't seem to apply to him. Thanks, though, I know what you mean. I do love him, he's just such a crazy silly scruffy guy that I'll never be able to call him beautiful. Even when he has a fresh haircut, he just looks cute
I sometimes post too fast, I've corrected his name sorry - ok so he's cute, scruffy, crazy, silly and ... beautiful, that's what I see

re C-50 I just give up in it's entirely ... AND - I'm so happy I don't live near a farm
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Old November 20th, 2006, 06:44 PM
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New article:


Local man arrested in dog protest
Jodi Styner and Stephanie Myles

Actions that landed a 34-year-old Didsbury man on the front page of various newspapers across south-central Alberta last week also landed him in jail.

Denny Stabenow, known locally as Drew Marceton, was arrested and charged with mischief following a protest outside the Didsbury provincial court Nov. 6, where 19-year-old Daniel Charles Haskett was attending a hearing to answer charges of animal cruelty in the death of his family dog.

Marceton admits to kicking and hitting the van that transported Haskett away from the courthouse, but says he doesn't think his actions were any worse than those of other protestors.

He said it was never his intention to cause trouble.

"I was going there for a minute, come back, have breakfast, go to work, that was my intention," said Marceton. "I think what made me snap was the pompous arrogance about (Haskett) when he came out, like he was some kind of rock star. I was very close to him at the time and the way he looked at me just set me off."

Didsbury RCMP Corp. Kevin Fischer said a plainclothes officer did arrest Marceton and he was escorted to the Didsbury detachment by a uniformed officer in a marked police vehicle around 10:30 a.m.

Marceton said he sat in a jail cell until 4 p.m. when he was released.

Marceton said he will meet with a lawyer this week to discuss how to proceed with the case but he expects to enter a guilty plea.

"I'm the type who would take responsibility for my actions and I'm prepared to take whatever's coming to me," he said. "I feel it's so unfair but I'd be prepared to take that for sure."

Marceton is scheduled to make a first appearance Dec. 11 at 10 a.m. in Didsbury provincial court.

Haskett is next scheduled to appear in Didsbury provincial court on Nov. 22 to enter a plea.
And another:

Letter to the Editor
In support of a friend

I recently attended court on Nov. 6 to support my friend, who has been accused of torturing a dog. I want to make it clear that I agree animal cruelty is wrong, but you have not heard the whole story. I do support him as a friend, though. I am not writing this letter to defend anyone, but I simply wish to discuss the manner in which the public is choosing to deal with the situation and how pathetic it really is.

In any news articles I have read, they fail to mention that my two friends and I were chased back to our vehicles by angry protestors with threats like, "You're filthy maggots who deserve to go to hell." And being told that we all deserve to be dragged behind vehicles until we die. If they don't believe animals should be treated this way, why would they wish it upon a human?

I was appalled by the actions of the lady who threw herself and a small dog against my friend's van as he and his mother were trying to leave the courthouse. Is that not endangering the life of an animal?

I understand there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the case and that emotions are running high, but that in no way justifies the extreme actions of the protestors toward people who have committed no crime, but these animal activists are taking it to an extreme. I was actually scared by the way they were behaving and had never been more relieved when the RCMP showed up to tell the protestors to back off so that we could go back to school.

I think the protestors need to remember that they are grown adults, who should know better, threatening 16 and 17-year-old kids. How disgraceful is that?

People also need to remember that, in our law system, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. The protestors are jumping to conclusions and are relying on facts coming from the media.

I feel that we, as the accused's friends, are handling ourselves in an appropriate manner and that the activists should control their emotions and act in a civilized manner as well.

A kid wondering when adults will start acting like adults,
And one more:
Letter to the Editor
MP pushes animal bill

Many Albertans were shocked and outraged to learn of the torture of a Labrador-border collie cross named Daisy Duke last month in Didsbury. The poor dog had its legs and mouth bound with duct tape, and she was dragged a kilometre behind a vehicle, leaving a trail of blood. As a result of her injuries, she was euthanized, and her owner and a juvenile have been charged.

Coincidentally, I had been preparing to reintroduce a private member's bill in the House of Commons on animal cruelty. Earlier versions of my bill were put forward by the government in every parliament since 1999, but failed to pass when the House and Senate couldn't agree on amendments.

My bill, C-373, was introduced on Oct. 30, and it is identical to the former Bill C-50. The current Criminal Code provisions on animal cruelty have changed very little since 1892 and are hopelessly outdated.

This is an issue that must cut across party differences, and I hope to work with MPs from all political parties to ensure its passage. The rules for private members' bills make it difficult to pass them, and therefore I am asking Canadians to urge the government to adopt this as a government bill.

In the seven years that this bill has been debated, there has been enormous effort to strike the right balance between the need to protect animals from intentional cruelty, and the need to recognize the legitimate rights of hunters, anglers, farmers and others who use animals responsibly for sport or their livelihoods. This bill achieves that balance.

Those who engage in serious violent crimes such as serial murder often start by abusing animals, which can be an early indicator of crimes against people. Therefore, effective animal cruelty legislation can allow the justice system to intervene early with people who might go on to other serious crimes.

Please encourage your Member of Parliament to work with me on this important initiative.

It's time we stand up for our four-legged friends.

Mark Holland, MP
Ajax-Pickering, ON
Which brings me to my next question....
It's forecasted to be a high of minus six on Wednesday, low of minus eleven (all celcius). I just gave Cube a haircut, but he now has a coat (though no boots). I can take the day off work, or at least a part of it, to go there again, but is there a point to it? Should I go? And if so, should I take Cube?
I'll need opinions/thoughts soon, as it's already Monday afternoon.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

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Old November 21st, 2006, 08:57 AM
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Melissa,thank you for keeping us updated.
Whether you go to court or not is up to you and I am sure we are all greatful that you did.
However,if it's cold I probably would not,also with the danger of potential violence from an angry crowd(I don't blame them!)it probably would be scary for little Duke.
I don't promote violence in any form,but I can understand the feelings of the crowd,especially if this young man has shown no remorse.
I probably would be capable of giving this"kid"some punishment myself
Guilty or not guilty? Of Course he's guilty,this was no prank,this was coldblooded,cruelty to another living beeing.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 21st, 2006, 12:01 PM
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I was happily surprised last time at Cube's behaviour. Despite his previous abuse and his normal fear of people (and other dogs), he was remarkably well behaved, and though I kept a close eye on him, kept him close to me and on-leash, I think he knew that this was important and that he needed to be brave for me. He was fantastic.

They are, however, now predicting it'll be around -14 tomorrow morning, with a high of only -8 in Didsbury. And since I'd actually like to be able to go into the court house to hear the plea, I think I will leave Cube at home.

The "angry mob" from the last court appearance was a little scary, even from where I was (on the other side of the building), but yes, I totally understand people's feelings. I, however, also understand the law, and though I'd really like for these boys to suffer the kind of torture they inflicted on poor Daisy Duke, I can't stomach the idea of either witnessing or being involved in doing it to them. I've believed for a long time that one person can change the world, but going on a rampage and yelling, kicking, or otherwise being beligerent to suspected criminals does nothing but decrease your credibility, and I will have nothing to do with it.

So I guess what I've just said is that I will go, but I will *not* take Cube with me. I will post an update Wednesday afternoon/evening or Thursday morning.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

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Old November 21st, 2006, 05:08 PM
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I say,I would beat the crap out of this sadistic young man,but it's only a gut-reaction after reading such a horror story.
But still,I can understand peoples fury and bad behaviour.
Unlike you,I have absolutely no faith in our justice-system,at least here in Ontario,where a lifesentence often means 10 yrs.
This young man will not get any punishment,but maybe laws are different in Alberta,I hope so.
Still,be careful tomorrow,don't get too close to any ruckus
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 21st, 2006, 08:04 PM
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Is the final verdict this week ? I hope they roth in hell
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Old November 23rd, 2006, 12:53 PM
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Final verdict? They haven't even entered pleas yet. *sigh* According to the media (many of whom have covered similar cases), this could drag on for months or years... to the point where the public forget about it, at which point they're likely to get off on "time served" (btw, both kids were released and are at home under supervision of their parents).

Latest news:

Haskett to enter plea Wednesday
Jodi Styner, Didsbury Review

Daniel Charles Haskett is scheduled to make his second appearance in Didsbury Provincial Court Wednesday to answer charges of animal cruelty in the death of his family dog last month.

Police say they expect fewer protestors this time around.

"We may get some local people and that's fine," said Didsbury RCMP Sgt. Kevin O'Dwyer. "They can come and have their voices heard."

Over 50 protestors attended Haskett's first court appearance Oct. 6, trying to get a glimpse of the man they had despised from afar, but Haskett entered the courthouse through a side door, evading the crowd.

At the time it was believed that a police escort had led the 19-year-old into the building, sparking criticism from protestors that police were providing protection to an accused not in custody.

But Sgt. O'Dwyer said someone inside the courthouse organized his entry and exit point and police were not involved at all.

What had started out as a peaceful gathering Nov. 6 quickly escalated into a near riot when Haskett exited the courthouse and made his way to a nearby van.

Protestors swarmed the van and began pounding their fists on the vehicle's hood. One man, who kicked the van as it left the parking lot was arrested and charged with mischief.

Animal lovers across the nation, and even as far away as Scotland, have expressed outrage at the way the Hasketts' dog was tortured and are frustrated with lax animal abuse laws. Police say they share the public's frustration, but their hands are tied.

"We can only go by what charges are there, available to us," said Sgt. O'Dwyer. "We have to be able to prove the elements of the charge and we have nothing to do with the penalty sections at all, or even what penalty is given out."

He said he hopes Myron Thompson will be able to bring something before the House and look at having the laws changed.

"We would love that," said O'Dwyer.

Meanwhile, a petition started by local dog groomer Tamara Chaney has been expanded until Dec. 31 due to the high volume response she's received.

Thousands of signatures have been collected to date and more and a link to the petition is now online at www.noka.org.

Chaney's Fort McLeod leader Saranna has commissioned a company to design a bracelet to support the cause as well.

It is similar to the rubber Lance Armstrong "LiveStrong" bracelets, but it's black and white in colour, with silver writing that says "Stop Animal Cruelty, In Memory of Daisy Duke".
On the news it said she has 57xx signatures. Not very many considering this has been coast to coast.... there have been that many signatures for Guardianship in Calgary alone.

Also of note, even if the laws change, both boys will be punished based on what the laws were at the time of the crime; ie, they will essentially get zero punishment.

Lawyer calls dog abuse attempt at mercy killing
Teens accidentally ran over animal, he contends

Emma Poole, Calgary Herald
Published: Thursday, November 23, 2006

DIDSBURY - It was panic -- not deliberate cruelty -- that prompted two Didsbury teens to inflict near-fatal injuries on a family dog, a defence lawyer representing one of the accused said Wednesday.

The teens were trying to put the pet out of its misery after one of them accidentally ran over it, Mark Takada said outside court after a brief appearance on the matter.

"A lot of people just thought these are sadistic brutes. That's not what happened at all," he said. "It's not as simple as a lot of people make it out to be.

"They weren't trying to be cruel to the animal. They panicked after they hit the animal and then they took a bunch of inept steps to put the animal down."

Takada's client, Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, and his then 17-year-old friend, are facing a number of animal cruelty charges, including injuring or endangering an animal and causing unnecessary suffering. The younger teen can't be named due to his age at the time of the incident.

Daisy Duke, a border collie-Lab, had to be euthanized on the street after she was found with horrific injuries Oct. 8.

It's believed she had been beaten and possibly dragged behind a vehicle.

The dog's legs were bound with duct tape, and there was a tow rope around its neck. Its head was wrapped in a bag.

Takada declined to reveal why his client didn't call a veterinarian when the dog was first injured.

"That is a really good question about it. I do know the reason, but I don't want to disclose it at this time. It will come out in court, eventually," he said.

Takada said he advised Haskett to stay away from Didsbury's courthouse Wednesday after protesters at an earlier hearing swarmed his family's van and pounded their fists on the windows and hood.

Several animal-abuse protesters, including Calgarian Melissa Coderre, returned to the courthouse Wednesday, but in smaller numbers. Haskett did not show up in person for the hearing.

Coderre, who rescued an abused dog, said she will continue to show up for the hearings. She is fighting to ensure animals are better protected under the law.

"It's important enough to me to be here," she said following the brief hearing.

Takada and Crown prosecutor Gordon Haight are scheduled to return to Didsbury provincial court Dec. 11, when it's expected Haskett will enter a plea to the charges.

The accused youth is due back in court Dec. 7.

© The Calgary Herald 2006
Note that though I asked her to correct what she printed last time--about me saying I wanted animals to be recognized as persons--and though I talked to her and she said she'd fix it, she didn't.
Also to note that Takada will not actually be in court Dec 11, he will be sending his "agent"... and likely the case will be pushed off again because of him not being present.

Another: http://calsun.canoe.ca/News/Alberta/...2/2447188.html
Wed, November 22, 2006
Protesters cause concern in dog abuse case, lawyer says
UPDATED: 2006-11-22 15:47:09 MST

Claims public doesn't know whole story in alleged animal abuse


DIDSBURY — Protesters crossed the line by trying to intimidate an alleged dog torturer, his lawyer said today.

And defence counsel Mark Takada said members of the public who are outraged at the allegations against his client haven’t yet got the whole story.

“There are a lot of facts that aren’t known by the public about this case,” said Takada outside Didsbury provincial court, shortly after appearing on his client’s behalf.

Takada confirmed rumours the dog his client is charged with abusing was initially injured accidentally when struck by a car.

“As far as I understand the start of the case was an accident,”he said.

Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, and a 17-year-old male were charged after Daisy Duke, a Lab-border collie cross, was found barely alive Oct. 8.

The dog had a broken neck, back and pelvis, a bag pulled over her head, a rope around her neck and all four legs bound.

A 100-metre trail of blood showed where the dog had been dragged behind a vehicle.

She was put to sleep at the scene, about 60 km north of Calgary.

Takada, whose client did not appear in court, said because of the protest following his last attendance, he instructed his Haskett to stay home.

“Quite frankly, I was pretty concerned about the security the last time,”said Takada, of his client’s Nov. 6 court date.

“They have a perfect right to be here, it’s a free country,”he said.

“But when they try to intimidate him, and scare him, and rush towards his vehicle they’ve crossed the line.”

Only a handful of animal lovers turned up for the court appearance, but those who did said the punishment for animal abusers has to be toughened.

Pat and Richard Gauvreau drove from Priddis with their two dogs to show their disgust with Daisy Duke’s treatment.

“People that are capable of committing crimes against innocent animals and children, I’d like to see them punished severely,” Pat said.

Haskett’s case was adjourned until Dec. 11, without Takada entering a plea on his behalf.
That's all I've got for today. I've decided that I'm going to follow this case to it's completion, and I will be at every court date, regardless of whether anything actually happens or not. Of course, I won't go if the roads are terrible; it's not worth risking my life for. I will do my best to keep everyone informed and up to date.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

"If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet."

Last edited by dogmelissa; November 23rd, 2006 at 12:56 PM. Reason: To remove media's email address
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Old November 23rd, 2006, 02:17 PM
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Thank's Melissa,although it is outrageous,anyone could even think of this as an accident,the excuse for this horrific torture is sickening.
If Daisy-Duke was accidentally run over,normal people would be distraught and take this poor animal to a vet,or even shoot her:sad:
Anything would have been more mercyful than what they did,there is absolutely no excuse for all the pain they caused this poor animal.:sad:
You are right in that this might become a long drawn out process and in the end,these young men will walk,just like with poor Kensington the cat here in Toronto.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 24th, 2006, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by chico2 View Post
Thank's Melissa,although it is outrageous,anyone could even think of this as an accident,the excuse for this horrific torture is sickening.
If Daisy-Duke was accidentally run over,normal people would be distraught and take this poor animal to a vet,or even shoot her:sad:
Anything would have been more mercyful than what they did,there is absolutely no excuse for all the pain they caused this poor animal.:sad:
You are right in that this might become a long drawn out process and in the end,these young men will walk,just like with poor Kensington the cat here in Toronto.
I've bolded one very important thing you've said....

We're operating under the assumption that these boys are "normal", and everything about their behaviour (including what I've been told from other kids who went to school with them and grew up with them) is that the both of them haven't been "normal" for a very long time.

That's what's the worst part about our current animal laws. Even if you are convicted of doing something bad to an animal, and everyone knows the link between abusing animals and abusing people, no one ever gets sent for counselling or some sort of treatment. They have a DISEASE! It maybe isn't something we can cure, but we should at least be monitoring them to make sure it doesn't get worse--and progress to the point where they *are* hurting people.
What's scary for me right now, is that these 2 kids have not only seen my face in the papers, but they've seen my full name... and once the public has forgotten about this case, they might still be mad at me--especially if they actually get convicted!--and then I'm at huge risk for being tracked down and being the first human victim on their list. It's a risk I'm willing to take, but it does scare me, because I agree with you--a normal person would have called the vet, or at least woken up their parents to help.... or worst case, drove the car back over the dog's *head*. People understand that things are accidents.... she was a black dog, it's not that tough to imagine that she could have ran out in front of a car and got hit by it. But to tape her legs together, put a bag over her head and a rope around her neck...? Did they just happen to have this stuff in the car? There is something seriously wrong with anyone who thinks that "panic" is an excuse to not do the right thing. Most people who panic will just stand there in shock and not do *anything*! That would have been better than what happened to the poor dog.

I hope she's aware of the love and support that's coming from people who never even met her... and I hope she can forgive humans for what we've done to her.

I'll update again next time there's news.
Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

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Old November 24th, 2006, 04:53 PM
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I saw your name and I sincerely hope there will be no repercussions from these kids.
Most people who do the unspeakable to defensless animals,are cowards to the core,the same as men abusing women.
These kids might have a history of torturing animals,neighborhood cats and others,but we'll never know.
In a perfect world,they would get a year in jail,enough time for them to think about what they have done,with councelling,but very often councelling does not help an evil mind,at 19yrs old,his attitude and personality is probably there to stay.
I too hope Daisy-Duke is in a better place and that she can feel the love,a feeling she probably never knew.
OMG,it makes me cry,just thinking of this poor girl:sad:
Please continue the updates,,Thank's!
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 25th, 2006, 05:22 PM
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Angry Poor tortured dog-- sad

My concern is that serial killers start out by torturing animals. These two, I believe, are budding serial killers. We need to keep their names in mind, so that when young females start disappearing, we know who, to point the cops in their direction. Daniel Haskett is known for being a bully. There is another dog in the home, a beautiful Bichon cross, and they have named her "Diesel" which is a name I would never choose for a regal dog
like a Bichon. I have concerns about how the whole family treat their animals.
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Old November 25th, 2006, 05:32 PM
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AnneM,first Welcome to the Forum
IMO,this family should never again have any animals,the mother did not seem too concerned about Daisy-Duke.
Hopefully this will be included in whatever verdict is handed out
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 25th, 2006, 10:01 PM
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With Christmas coming perhaps one of Santa's elves could pick up the package and deliver Diesel to a new out of province home...
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Old November 26th, 2006, 05:30 PM
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Anne, I absolutely agree with you. People like that start out on helpless animals because of that very reason; they are helpless. I just can't imagine that poor dog, wagging her tail, happy to see the very kid that took her life. It makes me sick. And extremely angry.

I hope that the people involved in this case do their homework and realize that they have a pair of dangerous individuals on their hands. And hopefully, when these kids go to jail, they are cellmates with the biggest, meanest murderer in there who has an unusually large soft spot for animals...

Mocha and I are proud of you Melissa, for standing up for your beliefs down at the courthouse. I wouldn't worry about them knowing your name, I think they're going to be preoccupied for quite a while. I wish I could have gone down there too, but I couldn't get the time off of work.

Aren't they heading back to court soon, or was I just dreaming about that?
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Old November 27th, 2006, 07:54 AM
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I don't know if the Justice System is the same as here in Ontario,but I have no great hope these kids are going to spend any time in jail.
The case in Ontario,where 3 young "men"caught a stray cat(Kensington ),did unspeakable horrible things to him,poking out his eyes,skinning him alive etc...and also were found to have other creatures in their freezer.They even video-tape their horrible deed,said it was done as an"art-project".
They walked out of the courtroom free to prey on other animals,with only a short time kept in a holdingcell before their courtdate.
People were protesting but it made no difference.
It hit me so hard,I cried many nights for Kensington:sad: and I'll never forget him.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie

Last edited by chico2; November 27th, 2006 at 07:56 AM.
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Old November 27th, 2006, 02:39 PM
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Chico: according to some of the local residents (and one news story), there are rumors that not long ago, these boys put 2 cats in a gunny sack and beat them to death with hockey sticks. Whether that's true or not, we'll never know. One of the kids at the court house the first day said that his sister had been threatened by the older accused, and that a friend of his had actually been beaten up by both of the accused. Again, true or not, I don't know. But just the rumors are bad enough... and sounds like they've already "moved on" to humans.

Anne: Just because the people picked a "strange" name for a dog, does not mean that they treat it badly. I used to be friends with a guy who had 2 cats, named Jack & Daniels... and that doesn't mean that he fed the cats Jack Daniels, or otherwise mistreated them. I've read lots of things online about how these 2 dogs have been treated, and I have no faith in any of it. I did read (and this seemed to be backed up by some of the people at the court house), that Daisy Duke was actually the older brother's dog, and that he had moved to Calgary, been unable to find a place that would take dogs (it's tough) and so left the dog with his parents. I know not what the parents are like, and I can't imagine how this must be tearing their family apart, whether any of it is true or not. They might be horrible people who taught their son that it's ok to hurt animals, but it still must be horrible to have their son arrested and on trial. I don't know anything about them, or Diesel...
However, according to one online site: "Both the RCMP and the Alberta SPCA have deemed the environment is safe for Diesel so she will not be removed from the Haskett home." (Please note that she is a bichon-cross, not that it means she is less worthy of love, just that she isn't likely to be a 'regal' dog as you expect)

Shaykeija: I'm sure there's lots of homes in-province, if the RCMP & SPCA decide Diesel needs to be re-homed. There's lots of dogs in shelters all across the country, and all of them are just as worthy of a healthy happy home as is Diesel. I'm sure she's being supervised 100% of the time, and being kept away from Daniel at all times, though the chances of him doing something to her (or any other animal) while this trial is on are extremely slim. Can you imagine????

Mocha's Mom: Thanks for the support. The younger boy (who has not had a court appearance yet) is scheduled to be in court Dec 7. Daniel is scheduled to enter his plea December 11. I doubt that there will be any court activity on either of those dates, and I highly doubt that either boy will show up. I'm not sure how it'll work with the younger kid; they can't reveal his name unless his charges are upgraded to "adult" crimes, but I'm not sure if that means that the people who aren't lawyers or court officials will be allowed into the court room at all. I hope so.... I want to see the face of a kid who can "accidentally" drag a dog behind a car... or if you believe any of the supposed email above, let a dog fall out of his car.

Chico: the justice system here isn't much better... I'm hoping because of the public outpouring in this case that something actually happens to these kids, but I suspect that it won't. Sad sad horrible things that "justice" does. It doesn't protect people from criminals.

Found a link from a guy who was taking pictures at the first court date: http://gallery.greatestjournal.com/t...p?album=467406
All the people with the signs and posters were down from Edmonton's branch of "Voice 4 Animals". None of them were there for the second appearance.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
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Old December 7th, 2006, 12:39 PM
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Update: Dec 7

I drove all the way out to Didsbury this morning. Got there and found out that the media either lied or made a mistake; the Didsbury court house is not open on Thursday. It was printed in at least 3 places...
Originally Posted by Calgary Herald Nov 7
...scheduled to next appear in court Dec. 7
Originally Posted by Calgary Herald Nov 23
The accused youth is due back in court Dec. 7.
Originally Posted by Calgary Sun Nov 7
...co-accused has a Dec. 7 court date
Originally Posted by Didsbury Review Nov 28
...is due back in court Dec. 7.
So now I'm a little p!ssed off. I don't have the contact info to get in touch with anyone from Didsbury, not that it would matter, as everything in the media said it was today. And yet I was the only person there. What gives??? There's nothing I hate more than when people do things to mislead the public, so that we forget about crimes like this. Rest assured, I *will* be back on Monday, for the "expected plea entering" of Daniel Haskett. I know he won't be there, nor will a plea be entered, but I still have to go.

Anyhow.... here's more news about the case:

Daisy Duke bracelets selling like hotcakes
Jodi Styner, Didsbury Review, Dec 5

Rubber bracelets created in memory of Daisy Duke will soon be available for purchase in Didsbury.

The black and white wristbands were designed by Saranna Arthur-Erickson, a member of a team handling the Southern Alberta region of the "Stop Cruelty to Animals Petition" started by local dog groomer Tamara Chaney.

"With the volume of emails and phone calls we've all received I wanted to touch the hearts of Canadians becuase this has been very, very hard on them," said Arthur Erickson.

The bands resemble the popular yellow "Livestrong" bracelets and carry two messages: "Stop Animal Cruelty" and "In Memory of Daisy Duke", with paw prints between the two statements.

Arthur-Erickson is donating her next shipment to be split between Chaney and Krebs Vet Clinic, which will serve two purposes.

The 100 bracelets she's giving to Chaney are meant to help offset some of the costs she's incurred in order to keep her petition for stricter animal cruelty laws going.

"We've collected thousands of signatures," said Chaney. "It's just been nuts."

That success has been expensive, so Arthur-Erickson said money left over from the bracelet campaign will go to Alberta animal shelters and to further help Chaney.

Funds raised through the sale of wristbands through Krebs Vet clinic will go back into the community by way of free vet bills.

"The condition was that the money go to someone who maybe doesn't have the means to pay for a vet bill," said Arthur-Erickson.

She's leaving that up to the discretion of Krebs vet clinic staff.

The first shipment of 500 bracelets sold out in Southern Alberta in less than five days.

After Didsbury gets its batch, more will be sent to Quebec, Ontario, B.C. and even Scotland, for distribution.

"A lot of the bigger centres are getting wind of them, it's branching off really fast," said Arthur-Erickson. "The response has been excellent and I am overwhelmed by people's kindness."

If she had the financial means, Arthur-Erickson said she'd give the wristbands away free of charge, to spread the message. But even at $5 a piece, they're going "like hot cakes".

"It's been a little crazier than I thought it would be, but I've been blessed that it's gone this way, honestly," she said. "It's a good thing for Didsbury and a good thing for Canadians because I think it will help them heal."

The bracelets are expected to arrive in Didsbury later this week or early next week.

To order one online, email Arthur-Erickson at <snipped>
(If you want the email address, PM me)

This is an older article, but I just found it:
Calgary Sun Thu, October 26, 2006

Animal protection laws have no teeth


Bill C-17. Bill C-15. Bill C-15B. Bill C-10. Bill C-10B. Bill C-22. Bill C-50. Those are the names of proposed federal laws designed to put some teeth into our animal protection laws in this country just since 1999.

And yet, we're still stuck with a law that defines animals as nothing more than property and that was written back in 1892, about the same time Henry Ford put the finishing touches on his first automobile.

Under that law, the most vicious crimes against animals allows for maximum sentences of only six months in jail or a $2,000 fine.

That means the two monsters who allegedly tortured Daisy Duke, a Lab, border-collie cross on Oct. 8 in Didsbury will likely just pay a minor fine if convicted.

But in a country that just sentenced Calgarian Rudolf Hawker on Tuesday to just 35 months in jail for stabbing his wife, Helga Hawker seven times -- including once in the heart -- perhaps such tickles on the wrist are all citizens should expect.

Well, not Tamara Chaney, a 29-year-old Didsbury dog groomer who has launched a legal petition asking the Conservative government to reintroduce Bill C-50 -- the best of all of the above proposed animal protection laws.

Chaney says when she learned Daisy Duke had all four legs bound, a bag pulled over her head, duct tape across her snout, a rope around her neck and then was dragged behind a vehicle for one kilometre before being left to suffer on a dirt road, she believed something had to be done.

The dog was put to sleep by a local vet called to the grim scene.

It had a broken neck, back and pelvis.

The dog's owner, Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, has been charged with animal cruelty. Another 17-year-old male, who can't be named, was also charged.

"The current law is antiquated and needs changing," says Chaney, who urges those interested in the petition to call her at <snipped> or to e-mail her at <snipped>.

Chaney says she's being inundated with calls for the petitions, which Wild Rose Conservative MP Myron Thompson has agreed to present in the House of Commons when it's ready.

"Right now, animals are just defined as property," Thompson said yesterday from Ottawa. "That has to change. People who can be so cruel to an animal, they don't stop there."

Dr. Randall Lockwood, a Washington, D.C., psychologist, a VP with the Humane Society of the U.S. and one of the world's leading experts in the field of animal cruelty, agrees.

"While not everyone who abuses animals will become a serial killer; virtually every serial killer first abused animals," he says.

Thompson says he has brought the incident to the attention of Justice Minister Vic Toews.

"I've already talked to him about it and it just about made him sick. I plan to keep bringing it up until things change," vows Thompson.

A spokesperson for Toews says the minister is introducing bills that correspond with the party's election promises, so he won't be introducing Bill C-50, though he does plan to support Liberal Senator John Bryden's Bill S-213, which will toughen the penalties for animal cruelty.

Cheryl Wallach, spokeswoman for the Calgary Humane Society, says the Canadian Federation of Human Societies opposes this new bill because it is not nearly as good as Bill C-50, which was passed by all parties in the House during the last government, but was held up in the Senate.

For instance, points out Wallach, when two dogs were tied to a tree in Edmonton and beaten to death with baseball bats, the two accused were not convicted.


Because a vet testified the dogs likely died after the first blow, and under the 1892 law, that's not considered cruel. And in 1892, a Model T Ford was considered fast.
(Again, for the contact info, PM me)

I don't know if it's ok for me to post this, but there are some amateur videos on YouTube... http://youtube.com search for user DevonV.

Guess I will update again on Monday. I wish I had better news today. At least the weather was nice for the drive.

Guardian of Taz (10) & one-eyed wonder Cube (11).
Forever in my heart: Patches Gizmo (1987 - 2008), Sierra (1999 - 2010), Rusty (1999 - 2012), Aubrie (1999-2014)

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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:29 PM
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The guardian campaign is a concept of PETA's,

Animal Guardian -- The animal-rights-correct term for what we used to call an animal's "owner." The slippery slope of animal-rights law now favors the term "guardian" in order to reinforce the myth that animals are entitled to the same rights as small children. Chief among these rights, of course, is the right to not be eaten.
and eventually not to be owned it is simply a steeeping stone to say animals are entitled to the same rights a human and not to enslave them under a collar and chain(leash) microchip and tattoo as you property like would with a slave.

We need to make changes to the laws by signing petitions and write your local MP and urge him to support Bill C-373
Here is a sample letter

And here is how you can simply find the contact info for your Minister of Parliament by simply entering your postal code, it will provide with his name email address, phone number, Constituency Address and Parliamentary Address http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/ab....asp?Source=SM

This is info about the bill and it provides links to animal cruelty laws by province.


The more calls and messages sent to an MP the more serious they will considered it knowing if they do not vote in favor, it is their job on the line. lost votes will not get them re-elected
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." - Unknown
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