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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:24 AM
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I have had my 10 year old dog for 7 years. She was an angel with my son 6 years ago. I never left my son in a room with her unattended though. And I wouldn't leave a toddler alone with her today. Too many things can happen.

"Oh, if your dog wanders into my yard and my dog kills it, guess what YOU get to go to jail for criminal animal cruelty." what if the dog ran away ?!
If my rottie ran away and killed your dog, you would expect something to happen to me or my dog, wouldn't you? When the pit bulls last month killed the little dog in the yard, there wasn't a whisper about the irresponsiblity of the little dogs owner, just the usual media frenzy over a pit bull attack on the little dog. For all we know, they let the little dog run loose all the time. But hey, that's ok. It is a little dog after all and they don't do much damage.
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:29 AM
rexdoggieowner rexdoggieowner is offline
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why does the media hate pit bulls so much ?!

does the government look at the owner as well ?! i thought they already do that
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:35 AM
sammiec sammiec is offline
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Originally Posted by rexdoggieowner
why does the media hate pit bulls so much ?!
Rexxie, I don't thin it's that the media hates pit bulls, they thrive on them simply because society is fixated on violence and crime. Usually the media follows the simple rule of "If there's blood, it leads". Pit bull attacks generate ALOT of money for these media outlets, many of the attacks are reported to be very violent and grusome, that's why people pay attention.
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:38 AM
Babs Babs is offline
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The media cares about one thing over anything else... money.

The news they print is selected over thousands of different stories that take place each day. What they print has to have high impact in order to sell newspapers.

It isn't so much that they hate Pit Bulls, there is more money to be made in projecting a terrifying image of them for the sake of the current controversy.

If we can provide the media with a different controversy that will sell more papers, they will report that angle instead.

I'm currently investigating actual dog bite statistics in Kitchener. I haven't yet started with Winnepeg. What I'm learning is disgusting. Kitchener has absolutely no complete data regarding Dog Bites between the years of 1995 and 2004, the period I am looking at. The only data it does have is collected for the purpose of identifying the spread of Rabies. They only ask if it was a dog that was responsible for the bite... they never ask about the breed.

What this means, is that they are only hearing about a small percentage of dog bites. Of those, they are not collecting breed-specific data.

Yet, officials in Kitchener are raving about the success of BSL. They claim specifically, "the number of Pit Bull attacks has decreased dramatically". Well, no wonder. When there are no Tigers in a city, there will be no Tiger bites either!
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:44 AM
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"Petey in "The Little Rascals" was a Pit "-- wasn't that film made after WW2 ?!"

The film was made in recent years, but the original TV show aired in the 30's. Some channels still show it. It was also known as "Our Gang".
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 11:50 AM
sammiec sammiec is offline
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Babs, there are so many threads here about pits and the BSL - I can't remember where you asked for pics of pits with kids....here is a link to a site that has tons of them!!

Cutie pies
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 12:40 PM
Babs Babs is offline
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Thanks Sam!! Looking to where I can get owner permission, unfortunately the site says don't copy without permission
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 02:47 PM
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A vast majority of dogs that have bitten are unneutered males, unregistered, unvaccinated, unsocialized and untrained! Well, the dog can't neuter himself, take himself to the police department for his take, get himself to the vet for his shots, socialize himself at the park or take himself to classes for training!
EXACTLY! You just made a point that is so true.
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 03:36 PM
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hey babs sorry I haven't had alot of time on my hands to sit and read/reply to as many threads as i would like...........I just got to this thread today and got as far as your request for pics of small children with pits.

I hope I'm not to late when do you need them by?

I have a girlfriend who may have just what you need, I'm not sure but I bet she does. She had a Pitbull named Stoney and a Bull mastiff named Baby. Both dogs were owned from pups till death (sadly they think they were both poisened) She also has a daughter that grew up around these dogs from infancy which leads me to believe she just must have a few pics. The only problem is she just moved this last weekend and locating them might be a task but I will do my best

After thought:....oh yes and I'll need her permission
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 07:20 AM
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Well,now Chief Julien Fantino has joined the yay sayers.
He in his regular monotone voice(he has about as much charm as a turnip )told about the danger of large aggressive dogs to his men in blue and he is all for a pittie ban.
So maybe in the near future we'll see Poodle Police-Dogs(no offence Den-Den!!).
The whole idea of banning any living thing,stinks of Genocide....not a word in the paper this morning,but that usually means a by-law is quieltly going to be passed
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 07:32 AM
sammiec sammiec is offline
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Originally Posted by Babs
Thanks Sam!! Looking to where I can get owner permission, unfortunately the site says don't copy without permission
I emailed her for permission - I'll let you know!
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 01:22 PM
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Ohh Iggette if she has any they would be most useful!

Specifically, I was hoping to find a shot where the child was holding his/her pet, and pouting. I'm looking for a picture which almost cries out, "don't take my doggie away!"
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 02:40 PM
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Im so mad right now I went out for lunch with my parents today, and we started talking about the whole pit bull ban thing. It turns out that they are for it!! And as much as i tried to convince them, they wouldnt change their minds, they were convinced (from the media) that all pit bulls are evil and people killers Well, that just ruined my whole day!
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 02:40 PM
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I'll do my best, she hasn't answered my email yet, But I am seeing her tonight in T.O. so I will ask her then

best of luck in your campaign you are doing a great think for all dogs in the future
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Old September 3rd, 2004, 10:58 PM
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Pit Banning

You know, it's funny because just a few days ago, I was having this very conversation with a friend of mine about dog biting. She was saying, although not proudly, that her Jack Russell Terrier has bitten, and drawn blood out of everyone the dog has come in contact with (myself included, thank you very much). To me, that is a problem. And yet, no one would ever ban Jack Russell terriers. The Honourable Mr. McGuinty (I have to call him that, he's kinda my boss ) said something about pitbulls "not letting go".. well, they can't! Some moron way back when thought it would be GREAT for fighting if the dog couldn't physically let go if its teeth weren't touching. Enter lockjaw, the most ANNOYING feature a pit can have, especially to a vet technician who accidentally got bitten during a routine exam, and the dog had to be put under, its jaw dislocated and put back, all the while my friend is sitting there, annoyed, and the dog looked more scared than anything else! He also said something about an angry or aggressive Chihuaua is not a problem. I disagree. ANY dog who is aggressive is a problem, no matter the size. They can still jump at your throat and do a number on your carotid or jugular. Granted, you might be able to slap them away easier than a pit, but it's still as dangerous.
Small dogs bite ALL the time, but who's going to want to read that? Pitbulls are the hot issue right now, because of "male machismo" and "tough guy" images. Big dogs have big jaws, therefore big bites, but there are far fewer large breed bites than small breed, but you'd never know it!
How about irresponsible breeders who sell these dogs to these people in the first place? If a twenty-something punk showed up at my door and demanded one of my puppies, I'd kick him to the curb. My favourite story is my best friend worked in a Pet Valu store, and this stupid idiot came in to get a weight collar (to make the neck stronger) for his 11 month old pitbull. She YELLED At him in the store, swearing and cursing, and kicked him out of the store. AND she didn't get fired, because her boss agreed with her. The dog was still a puppy, and he could cause permanent damage, but he wanted a "tough" dog. These people are being sold dogs by breeders? By stores? THey're allowed to rescue? HELLO????? How about inbreeders who cut corners and end up with unstable dogs with mental disabilities and instabilities? It's not just pits and rots anymore, it's golden retreivers and labs! Whatever's popular! There are growing numbers of goldies snapping at kids, and yet, no one reads about them, no one writes about them. But that pitbull down the street? The one that is so friendly that it's tail will probably break his own legs one day from waggins so hard! The one whose tongue is hanging out in a goofy grin, the one who walks on lead like he was born on it? Yeah, that dog'll kill someone one day. Some dumbass kid who'll come running to the dog and blow in its face because it's "funny". Some kid whose parents are going to leave him alone with the dog to pull on it whiskers, slap it's face or pull it's tail. It's not so much not to trust the dog with the kid, it's the kid with the dog. I don't let kids near my dog anymore. They do the STUPIDEST things when it comes to dogs, and I will not be held responsible for some stupid kid running at my dog while I'm walking her. I mind my business, mind your own. I choose to own a mastiff because I love them and they are gentle dogs. But any animal when provoked will defend itself. God knows humans do. We have enough stabbings in Toronto to prove that.
Mr. Fantino, solve our violence problem between each other, THEN tackle our "dog problems." I have enough to worry about with the thought that my dog will be taken away from me and put to sleep for being what she is. You will have to bring me down before you take my dog.

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Old September 4th, 2004, 01:18 AM
Babs Babs is offline
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I can honestly say that I've never seen a pit bull bite. This "biting and never letting go" thing, I have seen with my parent's Llasa Apso, however. A determined, scared animal is not going to stop until it calms down.

Ever see a cat play with a mouse or a bird? Same thing. It's animalistic behaviour... instinctive.

The best "trick" I ever taught my dog was not to bite. This "trick" I very much do believe has worked, because even with 4 people including 2 strangers holding her down to clip her nails at the Vet's office... something she is TERRIFIED of... she didn't bite.

Place your hand in the dog's mouth (works best with puppies), and loudly cry out "YIPE!". Puppies work best because they habitually bite when they are young, largely due to teething. EVERY time you catch them nipping, repeat the "YIPE!". This is a sound dogs recognize because it is a familiar canine sound... literally you have to yipe like a dog, and loudly.

They immediately stop what they're doing, heads perk up, ears perk up, and they look quizzically at you... every time you do it. Eventually, the dog will turn it's head away when you try to put your hand, or foot, or arm, or any part of your body in the dog's mouth. It instinctively associates this with the "YIPE!", and avoids it.

I learned this from my husband's aunt, who used it on her dogs and swore by it. Now I swear by it too.

Simple, effective little trick that if everyone knew about... would result in less dog bites.
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Old September 4th, 2004, 09:12 AM
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It's been a very sad summer for animals in this province,masskilling of coons and foxes,Cormorants and deer,I can just sit down and cry over the way animals are treated in this province and now pit-bulls..
Having always been a Liberal voter,especially since the Harris goons,I am starting to believe the description of McGuinty as a "kitten-eater"is not that far from the truth.
McGuinty,chief Fantino and mayor Miller are spineless morons,even if they believed the proposed bylaw to be unfair,they would never go against the masses.
I have absolute ZERO experience with pits,but if I had one,or if anyone would even attempt to take my dog/cat away from me,someone would be hurt seriously.
There is a POSITIVE full-page write up about pits in todays Toronto Star,it seems intelligent animal proffesionals are firmly behind halting any ban of any breed.
RuffnTumble....very good post.
As for Jack Russels,my son has one,she's really cute,but my son gets a great kick out of her growling or launching at a bigger dog,maybe he'll learn a lesson if she gets hurt one day
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Old September 4th, 2004, 09:39 AM
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Does anyone know if they wantto ban pit bull mixes too??
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Old September 4th, 2004, 10:47 AM
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Sorry, hun. "Pit Bull" is a pretty generic term usually covering Staffordshire Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers and any mix there of.
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Old September 4th, 2004, 11:26 AM
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Hi everyone

Any news on Pitt Crew?
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Old September 5th, 2004, 01:38 PM
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Thanks Chico2.. I tend to ramble a little when I get on the topic of animal attacks. My husband and I get into yelling matches sometimes. Usually over wild animals though. Pets can be trained.. let me rephrase that, pets HAVE to be trained. I was reading a training book (useful, but mostly for puppies, and my Chewy's a stubborn, defiant adolescent now!!) that said that millions of pets are put down in shelters in the US, and the only thing wrong with them is that they were never trained properly, and became "too much." Think about it, millions of healthy animals put to sleep because their owners thought they looked SO cute in the store (that's another thread.. going on right now, actually!! ) but "didn't have the time" or "The kids said it would be their responsability" or "he/she will grow out of it". (HAHAHAHA, that last one makes me LAUGH.. do they really believe that??)
Dogs shouldn't have to be licensed, owners should. You need a license to drive a car, how about owning a dog? Some can be dangerous, and I don't think they over-exagerrate when they say they can be used as weapons, they certainly can if trained that way. With all these breeders and shelters and organizations saying "dogs adopted to 'qualified' families", what does that mean, exactly? Anyone with enough cash to pay the adoption fee?
How do all these "young men" end up with dogs that, as we all know, cost over a thousand dollars in stores, and just under that in the papers? I have a good job, but part of the reason why I don't adopt from breeders is the high cost. I would rather save my money for insurance, proper food and care and rescue a dog that needs help. Sadly, like all those pitbulls in shelters out there. Or maybe if our twits in charge have it their way, they'll just disappear all together.

But I wonder, will we also ban visiting pitbulls? Will we have special dog customs where visitors from abroad of other provinces or the US will have to prove that their dog is not a pitbull, and if it is, will our tax dollars go to the boarding and care of these dogs while their owners enjoy our fine province? Sure, we can make sure Ontarians don't have them, but what about our neighbours? Anyone mention that? Of course, "we can't control everyone" might be their answer, but their "vicious, aggressive dogs" will act the same whether they're Québécois or American, no? Wonder if they bite with an accent...


Don't ban pitbulls, ban stupid irresponsible people. THAT, my friends, I would put my tax dollars towards in a heart beat!
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Old September 11th, 2004, 09:55 AM
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[QUOTE=chico2]Anyone interested in protesting the proposed Pit-Bull ban and Pit-BullX can write Michael Bryant at michael.bryant@jus.gov.on.ca and include"pit-bull"in the memo field.[QUOTE]

Has anyone else gotten a "form letter" reply from this guy? I did.
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Old September 11th, 2004, 10:35 AM
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I wrote him,but got no reply.
It seems the media is really LOOKING for pits who attack,almost every day lately there is a story about pitties and not positive ones.Today in the Star a girlfriend got attacked by her boyfriends pittie.
All to add fuel to the fire..
If I owned a pit-bull I would be outraged and worried,I certainly feel for all good responsible owners.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old September 11th, 2004, 10:42 AM
sammiec sammiec is offline
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Here's my letter:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding a province-wide ban of pit bulls in

The McGuinty government is concerned about community safety, in particular
the danger pit bulls pose to people and their pets. Letters and media
reports about pit bull attacks have raised questions about whether the
province should consider banning these dogs.

Some legal protections are already in place. Municipalities already can ban
pit bulls under the Municipal Act. For example, the City of Kitchener has a
bylaw prohibiting residents from owning pit bulls.

In addition, a victim of a dog attack can sue the owner, and owners of dogs
that attack individuals may be prosecuted under the Dog Owners' Liability

The McGuinty government wants to know if further steps should be taken to
keep our communities safe. That's why I've asked my Ministry officials to
look into this issue, in particular whether a province-wide ban of pit bulls
should be put in place. As you know, I want to hear the views of Ontarians.
Please be assured that your views will be taken into consideration in our
review of this important matter.

Thank you for your input on this issue.

Michael Bryant
Attorney General of Ontario
Minister Responsible for Native Affairs
Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal
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Old September 11th, 2004, 10:43 AM
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Yup, that's it alright! Wonder if he hired the same letter writers as the folks at Iams?
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Old September 25th, 2004, 05:36 PM
Loki Loki is offline
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Sorry, I know this is an older post.
I seem to remember someone looking for pics of Petey from the Little Rascals....
Attached Images
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Old October 1st, 2004, 08:04 PM
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BANTHEPITBULL, if you want to join a discussion, please READ all of the posts in the thread and respond to what is being written about in the thread. Writing one post about your feelings about pit bulls and then copying and pasting it to every thread at all related to pit bulls is obnoxious, and unhelpful. If you want to get into healthy debate here, go ahead, but no one will listen to you if you don't listen to them, and YOU'RE NOT LISTENING! No one here wants to promote pit bulls, even those who have a pit bull of their own that they love. These people aren't breeding pit bulls or even buying pit bulls from breeders -- they have all rescued pit bulls, and they deserve their opinions to be listened to. So at least READ THEIR POSTS and then respond to what is being written, if you have something to add. I'm not saying you have to agree.
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Old February 4th, 2005, 03:06 PM
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Arrow Pitbull video.. must see

Hello everyone,
I hate the fact that pits have such a bad reputation. I know it's not the dog.. it's the owners. I do not have a pitbull, but my little chihuahua was raised around them, and the pits never even tried to hurt him. I came across this video and thought it was perfect to share with you. It really makes you think..

WARNING: This does have some graphic scenes, but I think it adds to the impact of the message. I know it brought tears to my eyes..

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Old February 4th, 2005, 03:13 PM
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Chewbie,I thought the video would be something good about Pits,but reading at the start,it seems to be about dog-fighting,a little too graphic for me....unfortunately this horror is happening all over the country,but it's nothing I could possibly watch without being sick.
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Old February 4th, 2005, 03:17 PM
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The video starts out showing some pics of fights and what they have to endure, but once you get past the beginning, it shows how gentle they really are and there's a lot of pics showing them with kids and family settings. I agree it is pretty graphic in parts, but that's actually the part that really makes you stop and realize that it's not the dog, but rather how they are treated by people who shouldn't even own a dog. The text in the video clip really explains it well.

PS. I have added a warning about the graphics to the original post.
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