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Old June 18th, 2005, 09:29 PM
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VENT about my ANIMALS (*Long and whiney*)

Well this is about Shyla... well its about ALL MY animals.

I guess this is gonna sound a bit negative but oh well...
I don't know if I should even have pets... they
seem bored, Shyla is always on her chain when shes outside
(I watch her and all that I ALREADY explained so please DONT talk
about the chain... if you feel the need to PLEASE PLEASE PM me.)
And she hates to play in the grass, when Pepper is around Shyla fights
with other dogs, when hes not around shes scared of them and just
tries to hide from them :sad: so whats the point of even taking her to
the stupid dog park ANYWAYS?? She hates it. She doesn't like toys anymore,
I mean she'll take a few toys but for the most part she doesnt like them...
She sits around on the deck if she's on her chain, she doesn't WANT to go in the grass, she doesn't WANT to play with Pepper, she wants to play with SOMETHING (like a human but of course that doesn't work out...) and shes so f****** scared of other dogs WHAT CAN I DO? She's so playful, but I can't play with her, Im not a DOG and she can't bite me or win a game from me or else she's gonna think shes the boss according to all the vets and books. SHE WANTS TO HAVE FUN. Pepper is older, he doesn't play the same as her. I want to extend her chain but she'll end up hanging herself on the stupid fence trying to leave (DONT EVEN GO THERE PLEASE) IM SO FRUSTERATED and SAD! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO...

Pepper, he doesn't use the yard. I see all these awesome posts about making this cool yard for your dog, or putting a 'dirt box' in your yard with toys in it for your dog to play in. Frankly I can't do it and I don't think Shyla or Pepper would give a ***** anyways, they wouldn't dig in it, they'd just crap in it. Then whats the use of that. Pepper doesn't care, I don't know what the heck they do all day, lie around when they're inside lie around when they're out... He barks at the other dogs. He hates other dogs, he bit someone (PLEASE DONT LECTURE ME ON WHAT TO DO ABOUT THAT, I ALREADY HAVE help with that... so again IF you want to talk to me about it PM ME...)
HES A GRUMPY dog sometimes. He's afraid of men... he barks... what do I do?

I don't know, the yard sucks... its a grassy yard it has tree's. WE have a deck and a *****ty fence and two dogs who are socially screwed...
I have a hedgehog, he sleeps all day like any frigen hedgehog would and whats the point if he sleeps all day?? My degu has problems with his teeth because he refused to chew on the wood we gave him (I DONT WANT ANY SUGGESTIONS DONT EVEN PM ME OK!!) NOw we'll have to pay a vet bill... and I doubt theres anything the vet can do... (k I need 2 ask- his teeth are curved into his mouth, can the vet fix it?? Im so scared to even ASK)
And if theres nothing then we have to put my baby down...
IM MAD, IM SAD, IM SCARED and Im downright out of ideas...

sorry, not trying to be rude... just venting. if you take it personally don't post back, PM me if you feel the need to complain about my feelings...
Proud mommy of
:love: Shyla- my american Husky (girl)-3yrs
Pepsi- My tabby kitten (girl)- 1yr
My cockatiel Jayson- 3months
Hailey- My cockatiel-2 years :love:
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Old June 18th, 2005, 09:42 PM
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please DONT talk about the chain
Um, what DID you want us to respond to?
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Old June 18th, 2005, 09:45 PM
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nothing... i just needed to vent... im really sorry i shouldnt even have but I just dont know what to do. I did ask a question... in there somewhere about my degu...
ITs just that Im sick of getting jumped on when I talk about having my dog outside or having to chain her up b/c she will run away if I dont and she needs time outside...
Im so sorry... I just really wanted to get it out...
nobody even had to reply. I just dont know what to do...
I mean.... well- do I do something wrong??
I feel like I am......
Proud mommy of
:love: Shyla- my american Husky (girl)-3yrs
Pepsi- My tabby kitten (girl)- 1yr
My cockatiel Jayson- 3months
Hailey- My cockatiel-2 years :love:
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Old June 18th, 2005, 09:48 PM
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First of all, I'm an NOT going to climb all over you for your post. I think ALL pet owners have days like that! I know I do.

Don't feel so guilty that your dogs are more then happy to lay around being lazy.... most of them spend the majority of their time doing just that...even in the wild. It's conserving energy for when they really need it. Dogs didn't evolve to be running around all the time....just quick, fast burst of speed to catch dinner was all that was required, and then a nice looooong nap to digest it.
The only thing I can think to change what you're already doing is maybe a full kennel in the yard?? They can be costly, but, it eliminates the chain and if you cover it, your dog can't climb out and escape You could also maybe take the younger dog out biking or roller blading (if she's well leash trained) to burn off her excess "play with me" energy?
The degu, well, I believe they are like most rodent type animals and the teeth must be worn down as they continually grow..... so, if he's not chewing on the wood you gave him, your vet should be able to grind them down on a regular basis to keep him in tip top form. Don't worry too much about it..... i'm sure you won't have to put him down
I had 2 hedgehogs a few years ago. They were cute, but that's about it. They sleep all day, and stay up all night making noise and being hedgehogs. That's a part of the territory for nocturnal animals.... You could maybe try to change their days and nights using solar lamps at night and keeping them in a dark room during the daytime??? If it worked, you could spend time with them in there during the day.... who knows??
Anyway, I hope tomorrow is a better day for you and your pets..... remember "chin up love" They love you no matter what!
Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles You!
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Old June 18th, 2005, 09:58 PM
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Thanks for that! It made me feel better.

The thing about my degu's teeth, though, is that they are like an ingrown toe nail sort of (we didn't catch it.... I mean who could?? He was eating fine, I just realized today... I don't check his teeth every day... he might bite me... and why stress him out?)
Anyways... so they are curled up right into his mouth- I don't think a vet will want to waste his time with that... will they? :sad:
Proud mommy of
:love: Shyla- my american Husky (girl)-3yrs
Pepsi- My tabby kitten (girl)- 1yr
My cockatiel Jayson- 3months
Hailey- My cockatiel-2 years :love:
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Old June 18th, 2005, 10:02 PM
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I'd say you're paying for the vets time, and if it's something he can fix with alittle sedative and a dremel tool..... he'd want to waste the time.
Degu's need love too! If that vet isn't interested, then find another one who will do it.
Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles You!
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Old June 18th, 2005, 10:10 PM
Prin Prin is offline
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When it comes to an animal in pain, it's never a waste of time for a vet. I'd try to go to an exotic vet though.

As for your pets, it's hard sometimes when your pets and you just don't "click". When you don't have that bond between you and your doggies, it's hard to see the point and to see how either of you can have a good life when something is missing. I had a lab that I didn't click with. We both only loved each other when there was no one else around (and had no other choice). She knew she wasn't my doggy, and so did I. I took care of her, paid for her and everything else, but I never fully understood her or knew if she was happy or not...

All I can say is these doggies probably have a much better life than most doggies around. They laze around, while other dogs are being beaten or dragged behind cars. If a dog is bored, you'll know (go see the thread about the Mal who keeps escaping).

I hope I got out of your post the right stuff to comment on... Maybe you have a wicked bond with your doggies, but I just got the sense that it wasn't the case.
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Old June 19th, 2005, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Prin
I hope I got out of your post the right stuff to comment on... Maybe you have a wicked bond with your doggies, but I just got the sense that it wasn't the case.
Yea, you were a little off on the bond. We have a incredible bond...
for example-
One day my dad and I were kidding around and he pushed me a bit, just to the side, Shyla jumped up on his stomach and when he backed up she got off, then until I left, she didn't let him come near me... so shes protective-
Proud mommy of
:love: Shyla- my american Husky (girl)-3yrs
Pepsi- My tabby kitten (girl)- 1yr
My cockatiel Jayson- 3months
Hailey- My cockatiel-2 years :love:
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Old June 18th, 2005, 10:14 PM
Safyre Safyre is offline
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For the Degu, yes, I believe the vet will care! They take care of rabbits who have over growing teeth, I;d expect them to take care of any animal.
I' sorry if I made your day owrse in the other thread with the diseases of hedgehogs, didn't know you were having ab ad day.

But everyone has days like this, you're a great mommy to the furbabies.
I like the suggestion by wjranch to get a large kennel area for the yard that you can cover so that Shyla can still run (I Just saw a 10' by 12' by 6' at TSC)

There are afew things you said not to tal kabout in our replies, this question i *think* is safe one, if not, let me know, I'll remove it; Has Shyla always been afraid of the grass?
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Old June 19th, 2005, 08:29 AM
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I had a dwarf hamster that had the same problem with teeth, The vet did file her teeth. Cost me about $20.

You have 6 plus animals in your house at any one time, and you work two jobs - one job being very stressful (Cop). Without sounding rude, do you have the time to devote to each and every one of them?
Perhaps Shyla is just jealous - she has to stay outside, and your other pets get to be inside with you.
Marty, Minou and Manny - the Moggie Crew - gallery: paulgraham.ca/gallery/Joey
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Old June 19th, 2005, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Safyre
There are afew things you said not to tal kabout in our replies, this question i *think* is safe one, if not, let me know, I'll remove it; Has Shyla always been afraid of the grass?
Its not really that she's scared of the grass, its more that she doesn't want to go on it. It could be because of the water on it because she hates getting her feet wet...
Proud mommy of
:love: Shyla- my american Husky (girl)-3yrs
Pepsi- My tabby kitten (girl)- 1yr
My cockatiel Jayson- 3months
Hailey- My cockatiel-2 years :love:
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Old June 19th, 2005, 06:04 PM
pags pags is offline
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Originally Posted by JessXx
WHAT CAN I DO? She's so playful, but I can't play with her, Im not a DOG and she can't bite me or win a game from me or else she's gonna think shes the boss according to all the vets and books. SHE WANTS TO HAVE FUN.
Jess -- we had a high energy dog who was prone to bouts of boredom. If left unattended she would eat the house.. the car... the fence... Well okay she didn't eat the fence out of boredom - she ate the fence to escape. Yes, she literally ate through the wooden fence.. several times. We bought her a 12 x 10 chain link kennel.. and it took her about 24 hours to break the chain link and get out. This was a major cry for attention and we knew it. She never went far.. as a matter of fact she would chew through and we would find her lounging just outside the fence in the neighbor's yard.

Now -- our dog was very young at this point (about 6 months) and I'm not sure how old your Shyla is ... (but really you can teach an old dog new tricks...) What we did was channel that energy. We had to teach her how she could play with us. We trained her to chase a ball (try a frisbee.. a floppy disc... a dog toy.. something.. but stick to ONE special toy especially in the beginning). Yes - it helps if retrieving comes naturally to your dog -- but it doesn't have to... There are plenty of places on line, etc. that have step-by-step instructions for training 'ball work' etc. Our dog learned to love the ball game (and her ball) and waited patiently every day for it... She loved it so much it became her reward for anything else we wanted to teach her (she loved it more than doggy treats).

It's just a suggestion that worked with our dog. We were able to go out and throw that ball and make her really really happy... and never again had any trouble with her chewing or trying to escape. If she was inside and getting antsy... we could take her out and throw her ball about 10 times and she'd be content.

Good luck!
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Old June 26th, 2005, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by JessXx
Well this is about Shyla... well its about ALL MY animals.

I guess this is gonna sound a bit negative but oh well...
I don't know if I should even have pets... they
seem bored, Shyla is always on her chain when shes outside
(I watch her and all that I ALREADY explained so please DONT talk
about the chain... if you feel the need to PLEASE PLEASE PM me.)
And she hates to play in the grass, when Pepper is around Shyla fights
with other dogs, when hes not around shes scared of them and just
tries to hide from them :sad: so whats the point of even taking her to
the stupid dog park ANYWAYS?? She hates it. She doesn't like toys anymore,
I mean she'll take a few toys but for the most part she doesnt like them...
She sits around on the deck if she's on her chain, she doesn't WANT to go in the grass, she doesn't WANT to play with Pepper, she wants to play with SOMETHING (like a human but of course that doesn't work out...) and shes so f****** scared of other dogs WHAT CAN I DO? She's so playful, but I can't play with her, Im not a DOG and she can't bite me or win a game from me or else she's gonna think shes the boss according to all the vets and books. SHE WANTS TO HAVE FUN. Pepper is older, he doesn't play the same as her. I want to extend her chain but she'll end up hanging herself on the stupid fence trying to leave (DONT EVEN GO THERE PLEASE) IM SO FRUSTERATED and SAD! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO...

Pepper, he doesn't use the yard. I see all these awesome posts about making this cool yard for your dog, or putting a 'dirt box' in your yard with toys in it for your dog to play in. Frankly I can't do it and I don't think Shyla or Pepper would give a ***** anyways, they wouldn't dig in it, they'd just crap in it. Then whats the use of that. Pepper doesn't care, I don't know what the heck they do all day, lie around when they're inside lie around when they're out... He barks at the other dogs. He hates other dogs, he bit someone (PLEASE DONT LECTURE ME ON WHAT TO DO ABOUT THAT, I ALREADY HAVE help with that... so again IF you want to talk to me about it PM ME...)
HES A GRUMPY dog sometimes. He's afraid of men... he barks... what do I do?

I don't know, the yard sucks... its a grassy yard it has tree's. WE have a deck and a *****ty fence and two dogs who are socially screwed...
I have a hedgehog, he sleeps all day like any frigen hedgehog would and whats the point if he sleeps all day?? My degu has problems with his teeth because he refused to chew on the wood we gave him (I DONT WANT ANY SUGGESTIONS DONT EVEN PM ME OK!!) NOw we'll have to pay a vet bill... and I doubt theres anything the vet can do... (k I need 2 ask- his teeth are curved into his mouth, can the vet fix it?? Im so scared to even ASK)
And if theres nothing then we have to put my baby down...
IM MAD, IM SAD, IM SCARED and Im downright out of ideas...

sorry, not trying to be rude... just venting. if you take it personally don't post back, PM me if you feel the need to complain about my feelings...
OMG - That is exactly how I feel about my teenage daughters on a regular basis!!!!!!
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Old June 27th, 2005, 11:03 AM
pags pags is offline
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Originally Posted by LavenderRott
OMG - That is exactly how I feel about my teenage daughters on a regular basis!!!!!!
ROFL!!!! Yes yes!! I think I have this conversation about my kids at least twice a week with someone!!

Oh -- and as for tooth filing.. I had a bunny rabbit who had to have his teeth filed regularly. They would get so long they would curl back up on the sides and he'd look like some strange tusked rabbit... But it was no problem for the vet to clip and file them for him. We also were told to add extra roughage to his diet so that his own chewing could slow down the growing process. Don't know enough about your rodent critters to suggest what sort of roughage (our rabbit was given different types of hay in varying quantities.. pellet feed alone does nothing for their teeth...) -- but I'm sure your vet would have plenty of suggestions!
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