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Old April 16th, 2009, 11:22 AM
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Vomiting at night

I need some suggestions. I have a problem with TT. For the last couple of weeks and only at night he has been throwing up once. At all other times he is the same cat. He eats, sleeps, plays, wrestles, and farts. Smelly farts. One day I did see him swallow hard a few times like he was nauseous but nothing else. He drinks water probably 4 or 5 times a day. He has a cup in the sink he likes to drink out of that is changed every time I am near the sink.
I made an appt and took him to the vet yesterday. Besides saying that he could test for pancreatitis which in a cat as young as TT is would be highly unusual he wasn't sure. He gave me Tonic-Lax in case it's a hairball that TT is trying to bring up. I am not using it because of the mineral oil in it. But I really don't think it is a hairball. I need to find a new vet who will delve a little deeper into issues but that is an all together other subject.
My indoor kitties stopped eating Wellness a few months ago. I can not get them interested in it again. At the moment they are eating Performatrin Ultra Chicken Stew and Turkey Stew and Merricks occasionally. They really don't seem to like Merricks much. I know the Performatrin is not the greatest but can't find anything better in the store. I would love to get them on other kinds but not much available in Pet Valu. The closest Global is about 12 k away. They have Taste of the Wild dry down but the five of them only eat about half a cup between them a day. I have also been giving him about 1/2 a teaspoon of yogurt a day. He has no interest in the Temptations treats the others go crazy for.
The only other difference there has been in the last few weeks is that I have changed to Swheat Scoop for litter. TT always gets his nose right down into it searching for the right spot to relieve himself. I am wondering if he may have ingested some of it and it is causing problems.
Sorry this is so long. I am trying to get all the information in.
Is it possible TT is having allergy issues? If so, I will cut out chicken/poultry foods. Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 01:34 PM
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Well, ummmm, I don't us Swheat kitty litter so if you want to find out if he is allergic you could send him my way for a bit. I'll return him, I promise .

Seriously, I really don't have any suggestions for you. I find my cats also have been off Wellness so I stopped buying it for them. Even Rose seems to be put off lately by it. I did find that Instinct mixed with raw really did a great job on Jasper (who has a sensitive digestive system) and Sweet Pea (who had a stinky digestive system). Puddles who is my vomitter also has done terrific on the Instinct/Raw combo.

Hopefully somebody else will have some better ideas so he gets better
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

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Old April 16th, 2009, 03:01 PM
Chris21711 Chris21711 is offline
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Not My Timmy

Originally Posted by Love4himies View Post
Well, ummmm, I don't us Swheat kitty litter so if you want to find out if he is allergic you could send him my way for a bit. I'll return him, I promise .

Don't believe L4H Gerri

Hopefully somebody else will have some better ideas so he gets better
Me too, although that sounds a possible solution.

Sorry no advice from me 14k, hopefully it is nothing seriouse with MY boy Timmy
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Old April 16th, 2009, 04:34 PM
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14+,my cats vomit occasionally,for different reasons,I had bought some Go Natural dry food,Rocky threw up so I quit it.
It could be the litter,they all react differently to things,they are all little individuals,what one tolerates,another might not.
I really have no answer for you,but if you have not changed anything,other than the litter,I would suspect the litter.
Maybe when I visit,I'll just have to take him with me back home,he'd love my big boys
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Old April 16th, 2009, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
I need some suggestions. I have a problem with TT. For the last couple of weeks and only at night he has been throwing up once.
Does he barf up food or just liquid? If liquid, is it foamy? How long after he's eaten does it happen, and is it always around the same time?

Some cats get a little nauseous if their stomach is empty, in which case frequent small meals usually help.

Could be his intestinal bacteria need some balancing (stinky farts are a symptom). The yogurt may not be enough, which is why I prefer probiotic capsules from the health food store. They have a much higher potency and you only need to mix a small pinch with wet food a couple times a day. Natural Factors makes a good one with 12 different organisms in it: http://www.nutrawayscanada.com/Ultim..._p_17-218.html You could try giving TT about 1/6th of a capsule twice a day and see if that helps.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 06:29 PM
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14+, I'm sorry the little guy is having tummy issues. When my gang were having their tummy issues, the vet gave me Cimetidine for the nausea and tummy and Flagyl for diarrhea. Maybe you can request some Cimetedine to ease his tummy.

I use Swheat Scoop, but mine have never reacted in a bad way. I've also been giving them some probiotics in their food once a day and so far no issues.

I stopped giving mine Wellness as well, quite a while ago. I think the formula changed. I give them Innova, but now and then they turn their noses, so what I've been doing is, I grind a bag of treats, Temptations, in a coffee grinder. And I add some sprinkles of it on their food. They LOVE their treats so they dig in to their food when it has the sprinkles.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 09:39 PM
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Mmmm, not sure sending my baby away would solve his problem. Sure woudn't help me! Thanks for the suggestions ladies!

SCM - Thanks for the name of the probiotics. I wondered if maybe that would help him. It sure can't hurt.
YOu asked about the vomit. Mostly waterish with small amounts of food and possibly a little amount of fur mixed in. Not foamy. I leave out the canned food they don't eat for a few hours after. None of them eat a great amount when it is first opened. I am hoping to go to Global and find some different foods they may want to try. So far anything I try their turn they noses up at.
I seriously hope I can find something to help him soon. I feel so sorry for the little bugger.
Thanks for the help!

Last edited by 14+kitties; April 17th, 2009 at 10:40 PM. Reason: my spelling is horrible!
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Old April 16th, 2009, 10:02 PM
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Have you considered homecooking for the indoor kitties 14+ ? Probably a lot cheaper than the higher quality canned food...and perhaps something TT can better digest?

We use the Natural Factors probiotics when needed as well and are really satisfied with it.

A big smooch for TT from me .
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Old April 17th, 2009, 07:22 AM
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You are right, LP, home made raw is much cheaper than most cheap foods. I estimate it costs me about 45-50 cents for 5.5 oz of raw. The downside is that it is time consuming.

As for the kitties turning up their noses, open the can when they are very, very hungry. They are more apt to try something different.

There is another great treat that cats I know love and that is Almo, it is for supplemental feeding only, but doesn't have all the junk fillers that other cat food has. Putting that on top of new canned food may help entice your kitties. It is canned and should available at Global.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
YOu asked about the vomit. Mostly waterish with small amounts of food and possibly a little amount of fur mixed in. Not foamy.

Fagan does this quite often, but he's a regurgitator, he eats, or drinks too much as the case was yesturday and then barfs it back up a few minutes later. Yesturdays was mostly water that he had been drinking from the tap, the vomit was projectile (about 3 feet long!) and at least a cup of water or so (with some treats, etc mixed in). Maybe TT's got a small tummy and he tries to put too much in all at once?

Hope TT is feeling better soon!
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Old April 17th, 2009, 05:50 PM
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Thanks for the well wishes ladies. Today I went to a pharmacy and got DDS Acidophilus with FOS in powder form. It is stored in the fridge. The bottle, if it's the right stuff, will last a long, long time. That's good because it is very expensive!
Then I got a variety of cat food to see if Mr Picky and his minions will deign to eat at least one of them. I got a few cans of BG chicken, turkey and beef for supplemental feeding hoping that if TT wouldn't touch the new cat food he would at least eat a small amount of it. Also am giving Eagle Pack a try again and Merrick's Turdukten (the only one they would eat out of a variety pack).
So I tried Your Highness with a little of the BG turkey that had a pinch of the acidophilus in it. I have never seen a cat turn down turkey before. What a boy! I finally did manage to convince him to eat a small amount of it. Let's hope he got enough of the probiotics to at least help him a little.
I am thinking it would be much easier to give him his meds in a small amount of yogurt. At least then I know he will eat it! Good thing I love him!!!!

Oh, and I am still looking at home cooking/raw options!
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