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tiggy2 May 26th, 2013 08:50 AM


Haven't been back since my Tusalena died Dec/2010, it was a hard one as she was my first cat. I also want to thank everyone for all the advice and help you gave me during that time.

I have 8 cats now, 3 are seniors, 3 are adults and 2 kittens. 3 are overweight, 3 are holding their own and the 2 kittens are eating up a storm:) they are eating free dry with supplemented wet. I would First like to get them off the dry and into meal feeding with wet. Then I would like to go with raw feeding, but one step at a time:).

So what I need to know is;

what is a good canned food available in Canada that's not too expensive?, How much to feed them, since I have some overweight and some growing? Can I use cheap (Walmart type) food with expensive brands? Diet food or regular with less amount?

I've read soooo many articles on cat food that I find I'm lost in the information. I would like to go with making my own, as I would hope that not only is it better for them but cheaper than commercial.

Is there anyone out there that has many cats that can give me some advice and food costs? Is making your own less expensive?

Anyway I'll leave all my questions for now as I need to make the leap into some direction.

Thanks again

pattymac May 26th, 2013 10:40 AM

Welcome back! I am having food issues too right now. I only have 4 cats but in kind of the same boat as you. 2 are seniors, one is middle aged and 1 is 2. Feeding is a challenge for sure!! We've had issues with crystals in the males. The youngest is the only female.

I have discovered that the cheap foods, ie grocery store brands and Walmarts actrium cause tummy upsets following by much throwing up especially by one, who is going to t he vets this week. I think his thyroid is likely out of whack.

All are very, very fussy eaters! Right now I have them eating Orijen for kibble, they all like it. Right now for canned, we're trying Nature's Variety Instinct Rabbit, they have several different formulas and this is one I can get here. I used to have them on Natural Balance, tried some the other day and got overnight throw-ups. Wellness agrees pretty well and Merrick, although I find there's alot of stuff in Merrick that they don't need. So I'm trying to limit the ingredients I'm giving them.

Haven't tried making my own food. I don't really want to have them not eating and they won't touch raw. I don't know about making home cooked, for dog's it's pretty easy but cats seem to have more demanding dietary needs.

Good luck. If you do want to try making your own, Global over on Sir John A, if they're still there, I moved out west about 4 years ago, carried Urban Wolf and they also carry a formula for cats, called I think Urban King. I used the Urban Wolf for my dog and it contains all the good stuff for adding to your own meat. It can be cooked or raw. The place out in the township...oh on the road Walmart's on with the vet's office, also carried it. I think Bird's and Paws on Brock St does too. I'd try them for other stuff too, they sometime got stuff in that no one else did..

tiggy2 May 26th, 2013 11:42 AM

Thanks for the info. Global Pets is a place I've gone to B4, so I can go back again. I originally had everyone on Wellness Turkey/Salmon formula but I did not find it did them well, unfortunately the best I've seen them is when they were on a Vet Kibble Diet..I know..bad stuff, I can't get it here anyway hence the change in diet.

I would like to make my own as I expect it to be less expensive. I live in farm country, so I'm looking around for meat sources. Never ending challenges.

oh, you have a couple of seniors..any arthritis? if so what to you give them I have Sasha's Blend, but I don't find a very big difference.

pattymac May 26th, 2013 12:09 PM

I think my Coco has a bit, he walks a bit stiffly. I have no idea how old he is. I haven't really put t hem on anything. I do buy seniors food the odd time. There's a butcher shop out on Sydenham right out of town. I bought stuff for the dog from them a few times. Pretty good prices if you tell them it's for your animals. Try Greenlees too, if you go out to their place on 15, you can get scraps that you can grind yourself. I used to go to the butcher's on Montreal st in the plaza across from the Mac's/Esso station. I can't remember if it's the same guy, I think he retired a few years ago but he was good for getting ground chicken carcasses from and there was still quite a bit of meat on the bones. I could get like a 5 pound bag for less than 5.00!!

tiggy2 May 26th, 2013 12:52 PM

Again Thanks:thumbs up

I will have a look at those places. I live in Camden East area, so Sydenham Road is close to me. It's just a matter of "doing it" and getting everyone on a schedule..of course I will be on their schedule:))

pattymac May 26th, 2013 01:06 PM

I used to spend alot of time in Camden East!! Good luck with your kitties!! You certainly have a housefull!

Jull May 27th, 2013 09:54 AM

There is some videos from Dr. Becker about how to transition your cat from dry to wet and then to raw... maybe these will help a bit :cat:

Part 1


Par 2


tiggy2 May 29th, 2013 10:38 AM

Thanks for the info., I'll have a look. Just need some direction.

Right now trying to find a decent canned cat food that doesn't cost a fortune, then on to finding out how much to feed them so I can get a handle on the weight gain.

I'll let you know how I do...maybe another blog on the trials of feeding multiple :laughing:cats

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