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Golden Girls July 7th, 2009 01:24 PM

Ya very happy with the ultrasound results *phew* more like it

I'm still adding the Vet's FortiFlora (probiotics) which does the same job as enzymes - helps to digest right?

breeze July 7th, 2009 01:28 PM

[QUOTE=Golden Girls;797995]Ya very happy with the ultrasound results *phew* more like it

I'm still adding the Vet's FortiFlora (probiotics) which does the same job as enzymes - helps to digest right?[/QUOTE]

yes the enzymes help to digest.
I have never tried the FortiFlora.. I've heard of probiotics, but not FortiFlora

breeze July 7th, 2009 01:33 PM

[B]GG[/B] this is just a thought, is it possible that the probiotics aren't working any more??
that her body is use to them so they don't do what they are suppose to do??

Is Brandi still on the meds that the vet gave her before??

Golden Girls July 7th, 2009 01:40 PM

I'm not sure Breeze the vet suggests she stay on the probiotics :shrug:

She finished the 14 days of meds yesterday morning. I'm still giving her mini meals X4 daily Crunching the kibbles seem to help then I thought maybe the excitement being so close to all Cpietra cats made her explode :laughing: truly Mist went nuts whenever a cat was within view (even swallowed one once, but we saved it literally by the tail :D) and Brandi always followed her. It doesn't appear though she hates them at all, quite the opposite.

My vet will get the report and another vet visit :rolleyes: is scheduled for Thursday but that's it no more tests. I'm thinking of bringing a stool sample to test again for Gardia but besides that, I'm just empty on what else it could be other her being really super sad :shrug:

How is Bree doing these days :fingerscr

kandy July 7th, 2009 01:47 PM

The fortiflora supposedly contains a special strain of bacteria specifically to restore intestinal health called enterococcus faecium where probiotics usually have mostly acidophollus (sp??) or something similar depending on the brand. Digestive enzymes and probiotics are different, although they both have a part in the digestive system. If the body is lacking in enzymes, then it slows the digestion which can lead to bad bacteria growth in the intestines. The enzymes break down the food by causing a chemical reaction with the food whereas the probiotics keep the balance of good & bad bacteria in the intestines. Both are needed for proper digestion and absorption of food.

I'm sorry that Brandi is still having problems. :(

breeze July 7th, 2009 02:01 PM

[QUOTE=Golden Girls;798007]I'm not sure Breeze the vet suggests she stay on the probiotics :shrug:

She finished the 14 days of meds yesterday morning. I'm still giving her mini meals X4 daily Crunching the kibbles seem to help then I thought maybe the excitement being so close to all Cpietra cats made her explode :laughing: truly Mist went nuts whenever a cat was within view (even swallowed one once, but we saved it literally by the tail :D) and Brandi always followed her. It doesn't appear though she hates them at all, quite the opposite.

My vet will get the report and another vet visit :rolleyes: is scheduled for Thursday but that's it no more tests. I'm thinking of bringing a stool sample to test again for Gardia but besides that, I'm just empty on what else it could be other her being really super sad :shrug:

How is Bree doing these days :fingerscr[/QUOTE]

thank goodness for a tail :thumbs up:thumbs up :D

I know when Bree was on the meds "Metro" something or other( can never remember how to spell it ot say it for that matter, it just made Bree worst so we had to stop.

maybe now that she is off the meds maybe it will take a couple of days to clear up :fingerscr:fingerscr similar to when we are anti biotics and it doesn't agree with our system..

[QUOTE=kandy;798013]The fortiflora supposedly contains a special strain of bacteria specifically to restore intestinal health called enterococcus faecium where probiotics usually have mostly acidophollus (sp??) or something similar depending on the brand. Digestive enzymes and probiotics are different, although they both have a part in the digestive system. If the body is lacking in enzymes, then it slows the digestion which can lead to bad bacteria growth in the intestines. The enzymes break down the food by causing a chemical reaction with the food whereas the probiotics keep the balance of good & bad bacteria in the intestines. Both are needed for proper digestion and absorption of food.

when Bree was on just regular probotics she had the runs A LOT!! so I stopped giving it to her :shrug:

kandy July 7th, 2009 02:01 PM

Actually Breeze may have something there. If Brandi isn't actually lacking in the type of bacteria in the fortiflora, then it would make sense that it isn't working - and even if she does need that particular bacteria, the antibiotics kill of ALL the bacteria, so she'd still be lacking in the others too.

You might just broach the subject with your vet - tell him that you don't think the fortiflora is working and asking if a lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus) based probiotic wouldn't be okay to try? If it doesn't show some improvement soon, you might think about looking for a holistic vet to see if they can help.

I have read that older dogs have a harder time producing the digestive enzymes, and since processed kibble is lacking in the enzymes (due to the cooking process) it can lead to intestinal problems, including diarrhea. Of course stress definitely plays a part in intestinal health, so it's possible that her problem is stress related.

kandy July 7th, 2009 02:07 PM

[QUOTE=breeze;798027]when Bree was on just regular probotics she had the runs A LOT!! so I stopped giving it to her :shrug:[/QUOTE]

There is supposed to be a balance of good to bad bacteria - if something upsets the balance, either way, it will cause problems.

Melinda July 7th, 2009 02:09 PM

I'm glad it all checked out well, but there has to be something, can stress keep causing this??

breeze July 7th, 2009 02:10 PM

[QUOTE=Melinda;798041]I'm glad it all checked out well, but there has to be something, can stress keep causing this??[/QUOTE]

I know in Bree's case it can, among other things..

breeze July 7th, 2009 02:11 PM

[QUOTE=kandy;798039]There is supposed to be a balance of good to bad bacteria - if something upsets the balance, either way, it will cause problems.[/QUOTE]

the thing is finding the right balance :o sometimes thats hard to find

Golden Girls July 7th, 2009 02:17 PM

ok thank you both I will tell this to my vet and see what he says, mind you I'll have to re-read it several times :laughing:

Melinda I'm beginning to think it might just be a "quiet" stress, sadness. She really perked up and even did the bow thing to the cats all excited wanting to play and I haven't seen her do that since Mist.

I'm waiting of course but over the next few days I may just consider fostering a lil kitten in need as I totally fell for a certain black little tough cookie as well.

Hopefully that would kill two birds with one stone k did I just say that :laughing:

kandy July 7th, 2009 02:18 PM

[QUOTE=breeze;798043]the thing is finding the right balance :o sometimes thats hard to find[/QUOTE]

Yup. And so many things can throw that balance out of whack!! :shrug:

Melinda July 7th, 2009 02:20 PM

[B]YES!!!!![/B] you said it and I'm going to copy and paste it *L*

kandy July 7th, 2009 02:20 PM

[QUOTE=Golden Girls;798046]ok thank you both I will tell this to my vet and see what he says, mind you I'll have to re-read it several times :laughing:

Melinda I'm beginning to think it might just be a "quiet" stress, sadness. She really perked up and even did the bow thing to the cats all excited wanting to play and I haven't seen her do that since Mist.

I'm waiting of course but over the next few days I may just consider fostering a lil kitten in need as I totally fell for a certain black little tough cookie as well.

Hopefully that would kill two birds with one stone k did I just say that :laughing:[/QUOTE]

Fostering a kitten may not be a bad idea. If Brandi is just stressed and depressed, a kitten would surely bring her out of that.

breeze July 7th, 2009 02:22 PM

[B]GG[/B] I forgot to answer your question on Bree.

She is doing better, I still have to give hercooked mince meat with the grinded kibble with the digestive enyzimes and gloutimne cause she will not eat otherwise.
she also gets a treat of some other suff that is good for her


take out the mince = no go

take out the grinded kibble and just add kibble= no go

put in NON grinded kibble with the mince meat =no go

so it looks like she will get this until the next eposode

breeze July 7th, 2009 02:23 PM

[QUOTE=kandy;798047]Yup. And so many things can throw that balance out of whack!! :shrug:[/QUOTE]

like eating helicopter in the spring :frustrated::frustrated:

Golden Girls July 8th, 2009 08:12 AM

[QUOTE=breeze;798052][B]GG[/B] I forgot to answer your question on Bree.

She is doing better, I still have to give hercooked mince meat with the grinded kibble with the digestive enyzimes and gloutimne cause she will not eat otherwise.
she also gets a treat of some other suff that is good for her


take out the mince = no go

take out the grinded kibble and just add kibble= no go

put in NON grinded kibble with the mince meat =no go

so it looks like she will get this until the next eposode[/QUOTE]Glad she's doing better but sigh I'm not UTD when this began with Bree but what tests or test is your vet suggesting next if not better soon?

The specialist suggested if it doesn't improve to consider (don't know proper name) scope with camera

breeze July 8th, 2009 09:13 AM

[QUOTE=Golden Girls;798411]Glad she's doing better but sigh I'm not UTD when this began with Bree but what tests or test is your vet suggesting next if not better soon?

The specialist suggested if it doesn't improve to consider (don't know proper name) scope with camera[/QUOTE]

We have discussed the scope but with Bree's intolerant to some meds we really don't want to go that route.

I oped to go the food and supplement route. it will probably take longer ( and I might lose patients sometimes, but I feel this is the right choice for Bree.

She [B]is [/B]eating, [B]no[/B] more blood, and 90-95% solid poop ( yesterday and today), and has lots of energy :thumbs up the only thing is she is only going (poop) once a day ( not sure if this is a good thing or bad)
just her taste in food is weird..we all have different taste in food, why would hers be any different :laughing::laughing:

How is Brandi doing this morning??


breeze July 9th, 2009 07:23 AM

updates ????

any improvement ??


Golden Girls July 9th, 2009 07:36 AM

I'm also opting trial and error with food. Smaller portions more often. Nothing extra! I've never had to supplement b4 and as Kandy said her intestines must be a mess and need healing

She now has a yeast infection but we woman know that antibiotics will do that thank DAWG for Monistat, poor baby

I'll update if she ever has a solid one :yell:

Glad to hear Bree is doing well, has energy and no blood. Some pup's are just fusier then others :shrug:

breeze July 9th, 2009 07:43 AM

Hang in there GG

hang in there Brandi..

the first time Bree had this it took 4 months to find a food, it was

"simple solutions" and another month before her system finally calmed down and having solid poops

this time 2 months for both. Hopefuly there won't be a next time..


Golden Girls July 9th, 2009 08:32 AM

[QUOTE=breeze;798948]Hang in there GG[/QUOTE]You too Bree and Breeze :highfive:

[QUOTE]the first time Bree had this it took 4 months to find a food[/QUOTE]:eek: blocking my ears :eek: I feel pretty good with the decision to switch her to Senior Orijen :fingerscr wait and see kinda thing.

Rottielover July 9th, 2009 10:47 AM

Harley was diagnosed with IBD, it is not an easy thing to deal with. I did trial and error with the food, and he is on metroznidole quite a bit, especially spring summer and fall.
Harley is on one type of food now, and only allowed certain treat.
Probiotics and plain yogurt.
If anything else is fed, we are back to beginning.
I hope you find something that will work for both dogs, GG and Breeze, not easy, been fighting this for 3 1/2 years :(

Animal-Princess July 9th, 2009 11:48 AM

I would also try putting Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in her food. This stuff is AMAZING. You can buy it at any Health Food Store, it's not really cheap, but as I said, it's AMAZING. You can put 1 tsp per 5kg, just melt some in the microwave and then measure it out. You can then drizzle it into her food. You will also notice other changes, such as her coat will get shinier, her breath will smell better and other things like that. It should also help with the poop thing. Please give this a try and then let me know. I do this already for my pets and it works great.

kandy July 9th, 2009 03:44 PM

For dogs, salmon oil (or other large, cold water fish) is a much better choice for omega 3 supplementation than a plant based oil. Dogs have a harder time converting the omega 3's derived from plant sources.

chico2 July 9th, 2009 04:19 PM

GG,I don't know anything about all this,just hope you can make Brandi all better:pray:
After the heartbreak of losing Misti,we don't want anything to be wrong with beautiful Brandi:fingerscr

Golden Girls July 10th, 2009 09:00 AM

RL For sure it hasn't been easy but thanks. :goodvibes: Harley

AP I've heard great things about Virgin Coconut Oil perhaps when everything's stabilized I'll opt to try it. Thank you for your input :)

Kandy: I give sardines :yuck:

Chico you and me both no clue :shrug: Very heartbroken still as I'm sure she is. I'm trying to change our routine a little, walk different paths, streets I also relocated Misti's ashes. I'm spiritual maybe her presence isn't helping neither of us. Hope Mist understands it's just for awhile :sad: but thanks Chico for your kind words.

On a pawsitive note I've decided to foster that lil spunky kitten of Cpietra's in the hopes of it being a failure. I'm a bit nervous because I have no clue what to do with a kitten but I think this one will have no problem showing both me and Bran the rules :pray:

chico2 July 10th, 2009 03:38 PM

GG,that's great,but I think you should foster the two kittens,double the fun:thumbs up
Maybe that's what Brandi needs,some little companions after losing Misti:confused:
You know if you come here,we'll answer all your questions about kitties.

Golden Girls July 11th, 2009 04:36 PM

I don't have any questions yet but this kitten is too adorable for words :cloud9:

He kept hissing at Brandi in the car ride home but hasn't since. If he doesn't see me he meows and very loud for such a small thing guess he's just missing him mom and littermates. But I just need to pet him and he purrs, just awesome.

Brandi isn't sure yet. They haven't quite walked by each other yet, both very aware of each others presence. It's alot of fun though

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